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Posts posted by yomom1919

  1. I gotta hand it to the Tip - It OT on this one; we can manage to turn any topic into one about religion.




    Keep reading folks, the debate over evolution is coming up!

  2. I used to love shrimp, but after I went shrimp fishing on vacation a couple years back, I can't eat the poor critters anymore. They taste disgusting and look gross now.


    And liver, until I found out it was actually, you know, liver.

  3. i has a question paperclips offer me a good deals on hat in me personal mesage box





    I have A HAT




    I will give it to you for 2 dollars american currency only!!!




    If you accept please mail 5000 dollars personal check to me I will subtract 2 dollars and refund the rest to you Please hurry my boat is leaving





    buy or no? only 2 amerikane doler. the 4800 is a down payment i think?


    is this scam?

  4. Dude, you're telling a younger version of yourself to study.




    They already know they're supposed to study. That's why you need a concrete reason for them to study harder, not some equivocal "it'll help you later in life" answer.




    "Spontaneous combustion" is really out there, so I thought you meant some sort of far out reason. In my post I was implying a concrete, plausible reason, I suppose I didn't make that clear enough.




    But assuming your future self is coming back to warn you, wouldn't you think, even if it only said "study more" and then disappeared or walked away, that there would be an underlying reason? People don't usually visit themselves every day.

  5. Guys, unless you tell your past self that they're going to spontaneously combust at the age of 17 if they don't get A's in every class up until then, they're not goint to study harder, period :P .




    I think your forgetting that the sheer experience of being visited by your future self would be sort of... well weird to say the least. If you could somehow be visited by your future self of course your going to listen to what they have to say, it's like being visited by a ghost or spirit of some sort.

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