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Posts posted by Biabf

  1. Again, getting bit doesn't mean there's tons of zombies. Zombies are easy to kill, they're slow. But, let's say you're walking through a field, with tall grass. A zombie, who happens to have lost it's legs in past combat (Let's say it walked over a land mine). It's dragging itself through the field, and you happen to walk by it. It bites your ankle. You shoot it in the head. And as for looting a corpse, it's not like you would have to off yourself as soon as you were bitten. You would have 12-16 hours before you were put into a coma by the virus. You could give all your supplies to the rest of your group.
    I get the feeling you've read World War Z? Just pretty much everything you've said is mentioned in the book.


    For anyone that hasn't read the book, reeeeead it, it's by Max Brooks and its very good, it's being released as a film next year.

  2. The amount of ships being taken now is ridiculous, do they have any form of protecting themselves? Firearms, protection of certain countries Navies? Should arm them all with M16's and see how long the pirates will decide to keep hijacking boats. I'm normally a pacifist to these things, but it's getting seriously out of hand and it seems the only incentive for them to stop is to start a death toll of pirates.
    They don't carry any weapons because various ports don't allow them to dock with weapons on board and insurance for the boat & sailors would increase a lot. However, warships are allowed to assist any ship they want but no country has the right to sink any other ship under international law so the warships can't really go crazy blasting them away with massive guns.
  3. Like 1_man_army said, why does this American ship get it's own thread lol?




    Wow, that's a pathetic thing to say. Would you be happier if pirates hijacked a ship from your country?




    Didn't think so.

    They have hijacked ships from the UK...




    Anyway, on topic, another ship captured today:


    Pirates have hijacked a tanker off the coast of Somalia, maritime officials say, days after several pirates were killed by US and French forces.




    In the latest in a string of attacks by pirates seeking ransom payments, a freighter named as the MV Irene was taken in the Gulf of Aden.

  4. Like 1_man_army said, why does this American ship get it's own thread lol? Pirates are constantly seizing ships near Somalia, it's been that way for a while and it probably wont change very soon so I don't see why one American ship gets a thread.








    That's how frequent they are. Wanna make a thread each time one gets captured? Don't forget the other recent attacks...




    It is the sixth seizure in recent days, including a British and Taiwanese ship.
  5. In the video there is a famous Brazillian statue of I think Jesus. So probably half of it is set in some fictional destabilised south american country, with the other half in Asia, assuming they stick to the same format.


    There's a statue like that somewhere in Russia. It's in some movie I just saw.




    There is a picture of a teddy bear in the trailer, and there is the EXACT same teddy bear lying in a bed on Crossfire =O

    Was the movie Behind Enemy Lines? I hope it isn't Brazil tbh, quite liked it in Russia and the Middle East...




    There are quite a few massive statues of Jesus round the world so it could really be anywhere, places with Christ statues:


    Vietnam, Portugal, Mexico, Italy, USA, The Andes, Bolivia, Peru, Mexico and Brazil ofc.

  6. Brought a TV from Dixons, I paid £10 for special delivery so that it would arrive within the next few days. Dixons managed to make the TV arrive a week after the normal delivery slot so effectively I paid £10 for it to be delivered later than normal. Then again, it's Dixons, I'm not sure why I didn't expect them to screw it up.




    Haven't had anything worse than that really...

  7. Tons of snow here - at least a foot and a bit


    All London buses have been stopped and my train service is running so no school for me


    All roads are blocked too because the gritters didn't expect this much


    Possibly no school for me tomoz :D

  8. [hide=gargs reward]It's probably the best skill weapon in the game, The Rammer. IMO better than The Enforcer because it still works at long distance and fires quickly. Does around 117 damage I think? Worth getting, use a guide if you have to.[/hide]




    Got the DLC - well worth it. Finished it already tho and I only have 1 more book to find for 1100gp. A nice extra place and a good quest, pretty cool what you can do. The new armour is reeeeaaaallly nice and there's a ton of new items.

  9. Hey guys I was seriously considering trading my 360 for a ps3 but I was wondering if you guys could point out some of the pro's and con's of the ps3?






    You bumped a thread that died in June just for that?




    OT: expect very bias opinions against the PS3








    Free online




    Resistance 2






    Playstation Home


    Great customer support


    When was the last time you heard of a PS3 breaking down?


    7 players on one machine at a time




    PSP connectivity


    HDMI & HDD on every machine


    Almost any USB device works with it (tablets, external HDDS etc)








    Large chance of attempted bullying by 360 fanboys


    Can't think of any more.




    If you need any more info on any of them, just ask/PM me.

    Lol, Mlbfan13 didn't predict very well...A lot of the stuff this guy listed comes on the 360 (Great customer support, amazing dash, good games, etc.). 360s really don't break down often anymore, I know a lot of people with them and I haven't heard of a problem in at least a year, mine has never had any problems.



    To expand on set-up, if you don't know what you're doing, it can be almost impossible. Which is what happened to me, I tried for three days with no luck.




    I KNEW what I was doing .. It just wouldnt work.

    We didn't know what we were doing and it barely took 30mins...
  11. Yeah you can do that. It's called Windows ICS connection or something like that, check the manual that came with your 360 and it should say how to set it up - worked for me. I never have any problems with this method




    Eww not that horrible method. Had to use that and hated it. Best way by far is router to 360.

    Uhm, whats wrong with this method? I've never had a problem with it...
  12. Not really awesome university prospects...


    Our schools sound like they have the same idea. My school tried to buff up IB to make it sound amazing when really it's no better than A-levels. Although you get more UCAS points with IB, you require more to get in anyway, so really you don't gain from it.




    I think I'll go with A-levels because I know what I what to do (IB helps keep your options open) and I hate some the subjects you have to do, especially languages -.-




    My brother did IB and he told me it's a piece of crap.

  13. I'm fine with violence in video games ;) So are my parents, if I ask for an 18 game and give them the money, they will probably buy it for me :)




    One of my friend's dad doesn't let him have anything with violence between humans, like GTA, but he's allowed have games with violence against aliens. He is allowed to have GoW2 which lets you chainsaw aliens while blood spurts everywhere but he isn't allowed GTA IV which is a lot less graphic. Pretty Stupid IMO.

  14. Yeah there's a ton of small changes that make it way better


    The avatars are a lot better than I expected...


    Party chat is a god send


    Overall looks much better, cleaner if you will. Easier to navigate too and I much prefer the friend and ingame popup menu.




    Downloading cod4 onto my console atm :)

  15. When I went to China I brought a few more pairs of shoes, here's what I have atm:


    Black Converse All Star Hi-tops






    A pair of red & black DC Manteca's.




    Checkered Slip-On Vans




    (mine are a bit different)




    Vans Bucky Lasek 3








    & a pair of sandals, flip-flops, school shoes, and wetsuit shoes which don't really deserve a mention 8-)


    I wear my converse and bucky lasek shoes most.

  16. The governments can't afford to ban smoking (learnt about this on friday lol)


    The UK government brings in around £10b from tax duties on cigarettes, the cost to the NHS from smoking related illnesses is £2b. The tax on cigarettes helps fund other public services so if smoking was banned the government would lose out on that £8b they have to invest on other public services.




    Ideally, smoking should be banned because of the impact of everyone's health but it wont happen (in the UK at least) because the government doesn't want to lost the money it makes off tax.




    (For reference, none of my family smokes. Some friends do tho :? )

  17. Lung cancer isn't the only health problem smoking causes. Of course some people would take up smoking but not as many as expected because of the other health problems, the undesirable physical changes (listed above: yellow teeth & nails, smokers cough and wrinkles) and the cost of smoking.

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