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Posts posted by Tact

  1. Do the requirements seem kind of limiting. It's like "Give us idea, but it needs to include non-combat skills, and provide a reward that is not combat related"...

    I don't think that's too much to ask. At least Jagex realizes how heavily skewed their updates have been toward combat.


    I'm more concerned about how to make the suggestion "small to medium" sized.

  2. I just went to W2 GE and it's completely dead. Almost everyone there is part of some kind of dicing cc. <_<


    Since RSOF is full of price manipulators I'm pretty screwed trying to find accurate prices for anything... Anyone know whether Ely and Divine are still rising, and if possible, let me know recent prices?

  3. I got my first set of boots after 566 wins. The average isn't really that low - you should start looking out for them at 400, but boots often come after 500.

    That's the consensus I've gotten from people with boots. I doubt that it takes as long as a couple hundred more wins to get all 3 though; unlike what the first few posters said I was told they start coming fairly quickly after the first pair.

  4. [hide]


    word on the street is that bilrach is dead, apparently the dungeoneering "strange power" killed him, or his death is heavily implied


    Heavily implied by what?





    Bilrach did not attend to 18th Ritual of Rejuvination. This suggests that he is either dead, or much weaker due to not getting rejuvinated. If you speak to Ali the Wise after the Ritual of the Mahjarrat, he will discuss the strange power that occurred before Dungeoneering was released. He will confirm that the strange power was "A case of the wrong Mahjarrat being in the wrong place at the wrong time.." and that it was "Such a waste of power."


    In the quest Ritual of the Mahjarrat, when two other mahjarrat die, a similiar strange power occurs and lifts all humans present at the ritual. Ali the Wise also confirms this phenomenon, saying "When one of our kind dies, all that they were dissipates from their body."


    -end quote-


    So Bilrach finds what he's looking for in Daemonheim, but it is too powerful and it kills him (or he doesn't find it but something kills him anyway), this caused the strange power event and allowed us players to enter Daemonheim.



    But how powerful would Bilrach have to have been when he died for his death to be felt so far away? Do any of the seers say anything about feeling the ritual like what they did about the opening of daemonheim?


    And wasnt zaros's attempt to return to the world supposed to be kept quiet for now? So why did Azzandara start blasting away with god power and shouting zaros at the top of his lungs? Wouldn't that have tipped off the half dozen most powerful zammy followers and some of the stronger saradomin followers that something was up?



    [hide]Because when rejuvenated he could take on entire armies by himself, Azzanadra is easily the stronegest of them. See zemourgal's notes: they were scared to free him even after he was imprisoned for more than 4-5 rituals. With him at this power level Zaros' rebirth cannot be stopped. Btw since when can a mahjarrat die from a simple wound? I thought they were kinda, immortal? (except for the ritual)[/hide]


    [hide]I think it's safe to assume at this point that the dragonkin are not simply guardians of the Stone of Jas but something more. Their "rage" at its use, ability to sense who has used the stone, and track down its location (see Kethsi) suggests there is a strong, unique connection linking the two. Since we know the Stone is a powerful artifact that can give the user a number of abilities, it's not much of a stretch of the imagination that the dragonkin can call upon a vestige of that power and turn it against Lucien.


    Besides Azzanadra, who was suggested to be immortal when he was sealed up in his pyramid, none of the Majharrat have that ability. After all, one of them has to be sacrificed to die at each ritual.[/hide]

  5. I joined that cc earlier and it had 5 other people. I also hopped to 158 but it was almost deserted as well.


    This is going to be a hassle if I have to play normal FoG, since apparently it's otherwise the easiest piece of armor to get. I wanted to get the top and bottom first... <_<

  6. Short question: I have 90 summoning, 88 mining, and I bank my gold at LRC. Is it more efficient to take a lava titan for the level boost or tortoise for the extra inventory spaces? I'm looking for the highest xp rate. If it matters, I also bring decorated mining urns.


    Thanks in advance.

  7. Typical. Most people rush onto the bandwagon and jump to the worst possible scenario without knowing much of anything. If you read the BTS and used a little reasoning you would have seen that all the Loyalty rewards mentioned are cosmetic. Emotes, chat effects, clothing, and a veteran aura.


    Also, nothing in the BTS says that all auras will come from Loyalty points. You can get some from it, but again, they will likely be mostly cosmetic. The most useful ones will come from ingame.

    However, when they release a BTS like this without any sort of clarification at all for a few hours... conclusions have to be made.


    Also, they have pretty much confirmed that all auras come from loyalty points, and that they are NOT just cosmetic.

    What they needed was clarification on how these Loyalty points were earned. Clarification was not needed on what kind of rewards you can earn, which are almost all purely cosmetic:


    Earn Loyalty Points to unlock a fantastic range of items, from custom titles to unique emotes, exclusive new costumes and amazing auras in a new player worn slot.

    Custom titles - chat effect -> cosmetic

    Unique emotes - cosmetic

    New costumes - not armor -> cosmetic

    Amazing auras - we all know what Jagex defines as "amazing" :rolleyes: , mostly likely a veteran aura similar to the veteran cape -> mostly cosmetic


    Therefore, I stand by my comment that people were (typically) being overly dramatic and rushing to conclusions without taking the time to think it through.


    I edited those posts into the first post.


    Thanks :).


    To everyone talking about these items only being cosmetic, read again. The third sentence of BTW starts off:

    Before the release of these buffing items,


    Maybe the things which give buffs will be more expensive, requiring longer membership? We'll see I guess.

    I said the ones you buy with Loyalty programs will most likely be cosmetic, for reasons stated above.


    You're reading too much into "Earn Loyalty Points to unlock .. amazing auras in a new player worn slot". Just because Jagex releases some auras through the Loyalty Points does necessarily not mean all auras will be released this way. I seriously doubt they will constrain an equipment slot this way without incorporating effort.

  8. Typical. Most people rush onto the bandwagon and jump to the worst possible scenario without knowing much of anything. If you read the BTS and used a little reasoning you would have seen that all the Loyalty rewards mentioned are cosmetic. Emotes, chat effects, clothing, and a veteran aura.


    Also, nothing in the BTS says that all auras will come from Loyalty points. You can get some from it, but again, they will likely be mostly cosmetic. The most useful ones will come from ingame.

  9. I think there is too much premise put on how much a loafer will hurt their team, particularly if you consider cw on themed worlds.


    Firstly, loafers will ONLY hurt the teams if the numbers on each team are significantly unequal. If there is the same number on both teams, they would have absolutely no effect on the game at all.


    Secondly, there are many low level players in the game that can't really make a difference in the game, so looking at the goal of the game, they might aswell be loafing.


    Another problem is that there hardly is any teamwork, and a large part of the players don't actually do anything to help their team win(particularly if they only work on killing random people in neutral zones), thus they too can be considered loafers, too.


    Overall, if you look at the game and its mechanics, it's quite easy to see why people would loaf the minigame and i don't think it significantly affects legit players. As said very early in the topic, everyone loafing and everyone legitimately playing the game produces exactly the same result, so why even bother?

    I'm not impressed by how some posters always rush to the extreme in their arguments (quoting xpx since he's the last poster to do so). In this particular case, you're making the case that there are only two types of players at Castle Wars worth considering: those who contribute and those that do not. Granted, there are players who influence the game's outcome a lot more than others, but lumping everyone who plays into one of these two categories discounts the complexity of the minigame. Everyone has a role they can play; for example smart players know that PKers and low levels tend to congregate at the center part of the map and walls, so they "use" them for area control and find alternative routes when capturing and defending. You can't fit loafers in ANY sort of strategy though, since their name implies that they're doing nothing.

  10. [hide]

    Two crowns that are designed for female heads. Specially the Sunbeam crown. So in this case the developers behind the event chose females in favor of men. So i hope that you ladies like the "crowns" (more like tiara).

    Even if that's true, it's not as if almost all other armor is designed for men. :rolleyes:

    I don't see why you add emote "Rolleyes". Is your eyes weak? Ok, i will help:

    Quoting myself:

    So i hope that you ladies like the "crowns" (more like tiara).


    I just wish they could make both a male and female version, not just one way. It's really waste of items for the gender that gets a weird item. In this case for male players like myself. Why would i wear a tiara lol.


    Maybe it's your turn to experience what female players do?

    Just out of curiosity, experience what kind of things that female players experience?

    Ill-fitting armor and clothing that's just ugly. Just off the top of my head, BCP bares your midriff. Why would you even wear armor if you're going to leave a big hole for weapons to go through.

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