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Posts posted by ilovecuttingyews

  1. I think it may be a graphical glitch. I have people ask me about my crown every so often saying it's a different colour. It all started in the bot nuke era when they were experimenting with different item colours to throw off bots, though even long after they seem to have stopped making my coins greenish I still have people saying my crown is different colours.

    Though Chess's image makes me wonder... that vibrant of colour and variability is more than I've seen of the PMod crown glitch.


    BRB asking Jagex for a green crown.


    EDIT: a quick check of the mod forums shows a fair number of people experiencing this. The general consensus is that it's a glitch. No official word from Jagex.

  2. From what I can tell, those courses are about game theory, not video games. Two entirely different things.


    But I do disagree with Ring_World. Real world economic processes do take place in RS. Obviously slightly adjusted because of the small closed system, but the fundamentals are still there.

  3. I do agree that there are a small handful of posters that are overly negative about every single thing Jagex does, and I've learned to tune them out. However, the rest of TIF I would classify as 'reasonably skeptical' in the sense that they are not overtly rude and condescending to Jagex as a whole but still weigh in their differing opinions freely, which is good. I think the grind around BoL was worth such discussion. 10 weeks of "mandatory" 3-4 hours of BoL per day for all rewards was not really sensible. Obviously Jagex hadn't intended for players to switch sides in an effort to gain all possible rewards, but it happened nonetheless and if no one had said anything the next world event would have been similar.

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  4. After the first world event I seem to recall them saying that they didn't want to make the next one such a grind. Whether that means less time to get all rewards, or less times to max daily contribution remains to be seen. And then there's the chance that they didn't take their own advice and are making this one just as much of a grind as the last.

  5. I was told by MMG that relative (go up 10 pixels) movement = okay, absolute (go to pixel-x,y) is not okay. This was a couple years back, but I haven't seen any proof they've changed that stance since then.


    EDIT @ Vork below

    There are 2 main rules for the use of mousekeys

    a) 1 input = 1 output

    b) no absolute movement

    If you fulfil those restrictions, you're good to go. So yeah, you could hotkey everything but it wouldn't really be at all useful.

  6. Wouldn't that create a massive crash in those items? Say there are 1000 'stuck' divine sigils in the GE, and 500 buy offers. Pushing those stuck sigils to 1gp each would fill all the pre-existing offers and then there would be 500 divine sigils just sitting at 1gp each waiting to be picked up for essentially free. This would only happen if stuck items > unfilled buy offers, but I see that happening for sigils.

  7. I watched the BTS an hour ago, and can't watch it atm, but from what I recall (correct me if I'm wrong) he said 'it doesn't degrade to dust. It's essentially an upgraded DG shield.' which I gather to mean that it has the same degrade mechanics as the DG shields.

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