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Saru Inc

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Posts posted by Saru Inc

  1. I cannot stand the fact that hitting backspace on your keyboard sends you back a page, and erases your goddamn post. This happens too damn much typing on my laptop. I had this long, rambly, saru-esque post that's gone. Ugh.


    tl;dr: gl Steve, the Raid is awesome. Sorry about the no Supercell Poppet, gl on that. Also go for Hung Jury, if you're looking for a new VoC, it's from Dead Orbit for 150 marks.



    lastly, Mayhem Rumble is still the weekly activity - gives 10 marks for top 3 placing for first 3 wins. You can get 75 marks per character in IB by completing the weekly IB bounties. Also the Pulse Rifle from IB sounds amazing, absolutely amazing.


    Also, [bleep] this material nerf Bungie, completely unneeded.

  2. The weekend is over, and still no luck on what to do, however one Twitch person, Krystal_Ann, seems to think that the person who activates a specific spike to gain entrance into the room, is then in charge of the designated rune that corresponds, or something. Interesting stuff..




    can anyone recommend any fun, easy-to-learn co-op ps3 games? my brother and I already beat portal 2 and little big planet 2. we don't live near each other so split screen isn't an option. we tried borderlands 2 but it was too complicated.

    Too complicated? Borderlands 2 is the greatest game that was ever made :| It's definitely worth investing any time needed to learn the game. It's so fun.
    Keep in mind my brother grew up playing Atari :P

    It can be confusing at first but with co op the game is so much fun. Take it from a guy who has almost 400 hours on it lol.



    Tbh I never did anything but single player. I didn't know anyone else who had it - I still logged an insane amount of hours on it though.

  4. It's an Xursday miracle. Grasps and Hawkmoon.

    Batman it up with nightstalker


    Interesting post from reddit, posting it here in case it stops someone from making the same mistakes here's to hoping that the format keeps..




    Hindsight after 2 Weeks:

    • I didn't need to buy a bunch of red bull to hit 40


    • I shouldn't have rolled my factions over on day 1 to get 245 light gear


    • I should have decrypted my engrams one at a time


    • I should have tried to infuse my gear with gear from my other classes sooner


    • I should have bought ghosts to detect all elements to make the exotic sword quest not terrible


    • I should have spent the whole weekend farming draksis


    • I shouldn't have decrypted my exotic engrams until I was at least light 300


    • I should have bought more engrams from Xur last week to turn them into 310's


    • I should have killed myself to get three black spindles instead of raiding on Tuesday to infuse more guns before they nerf it and will never drop at 310 again


    • I should have known the suros weapons would be junk greens and not expect free legendaries


    • I should have just levelled one class quickly and then transfer gear instead of grinding on all three


    • I shouldn't have infused a firefly pistol that crashes my game to desktop during heroic strike boss fights (PS4, double down and vanity both do it)


    • I shouldn't have bought any vendor gear with marks because now I have to do dailies like it's a job to get them back and 280 light really isn't that great


    • I shouldn't have tried to do mini crota in the court with randoms that pick up the sword and then fail miserably


    • I should have remembered how useful my Titan bubble is and not pretended like throwing hammers was a better option on that vex boss and his minotaur and hydra buddies, and basically any other hard encounter because hammers don't make that many orbs and a hunter bow super is way better crowd control anyways


    • I should have taken a whole week off work to level up because this expansion is absolutely fantastic and I hate being an adult with responsibilities when I'm really still the 8 year old kid at heart sitting in the basement playing Nintendo until his eyes bleed


    Edit 1: Popular question is about engrams and light. Blue/Purple/Yellow engrams decrypt in alignment with your current light level, so you want to be your maximum possible light level every time you open an engram (cryptrach) or pick up a pre-rolled item (court of oryx, end of a strike, raid drops). Yellows can open to 310 once you exceed light 300 (proven somewhere else and corroborated below.)


    Hammers/Bubbles: I agree hammers are great for clearing a room but generally being able to not be dead for a minute or do bonus damage for a minute, along with your entire team, in any location of your choice, is a better perk for your team/self. WOL + black spindle is bananas DPS specially adding a hunter snare. Hammers are also not 1 hit KO against shielded yellow bars (from my experience). Hammers are way more fun though and are my go to skill ...

  5. My work schedule is finally lighting up again for the time being so I'll be getting some more time with Destiny again. I'm currently at 249 light. I'm hoping I grind out the gear to get 290 before Tuesday's reset.


    I just found out you can infuse gear using other classes gear! (this makes sense, as it's not explicitly barred in the infusion rules, and bungie spent the time combining materials, I just didn't think about that.) so keep that in mind when you're levelling up


    Also, @poppet, hah, yes it is!! I finally got my younger brother (he's 22) hooked on Destiny, so now I bug him instead of spamming this thread lol. He doesn't get how epic it is that hawkmoons are being sold so early into ttk.


    That said, I got a hawkmoon drop last week, so I bought a legacy engram hoping for hardlight, the last that I need, only to get... Year 1 hawkmoon. Doh!


    Guys, the exotic swords are so OP. They're like abyssal whips combined with multi cannons, combined with overload potions. They decimate everything.

  6. We always did classic rumble, because we figured most people would be in normal rumble.

    Everyone, you can get a guaranteed lvl 310 exotic BLACK HAMMER Sniper rifle from the mission today. It's called the black spindle, and some are saying it took them over 20 tries to get. Yikes! It involves boarding the ketch in the daily story mission, and killing everything on board including a boss named Dreviks in less than 10 minutes.

    For proof, dismantle your normal hammer, and it'll give you a rune that hints at it - funny thing is no one made the connection until after it was discovered.

    God everytime I think I'm done with this game and ready for runescape again, it switches things up



    Edit 10 hours later: Man, that mission is HARD. we beat it on the 2nd try with 20 seconds to spare.

  7. Yay! Monte Carlo is sooo fun.



    Protip: to any and all doing the Chaperone Bounty: Get a friend, go to a corner in a rumble match, take turns getting 5-6 kill streaks on each other. You'll have 100% renown in about 15 minutes. The points build up exponentially. So 1 kill is 1%, 2 kills is 2% for the kill, 3 killstreak is 5%, then like 10%, then 15, then 25 then some craziness. I found two guys on the r/fireteams subreddit to do, and for example, on Widow's Court, I got from 60% to 100% in less than 2 minutes. They both just ran up to me, double kill headshot, respawned and ran right back up to me. 


    Very awesome, seeing as I spent my entire weekend livid at my computer because I couldn't get past 20%. 

  8. Ok so on Saturday I started King's Fall with some randoms.


    4pm-9pm: Stages 1, 2, 3 complete.



    4pm-9pm: Stages 4, 5 complete



    1:30am-3am: Stage 6 complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






    Bye bye, Oryx!!


  9. I had bought two bunches of those coin things, 1 exotic heavy engram because I thought for 31 coins it was going to be a year 2 weapon and after I got a 160 dragons break I bought 2 helmets and got the the new hunter helmet that glows purple flames and an updated nighthawk helmet. Saving the rest of my coins for next week's Xur. Still haven't got a proper day off since Tuesday to grind for more gear so I won't be doing the new raid this weekend. :(



    The new raid is amazing.


    After 4.5 hours I've made it past the first boss. Then my team were in the UK so they had to go. It's so fun. But also... incredibly challenging. Yikes.


    Let me know if you want tips on the bosses. I'm still trying to find people to do the rest of the raid blind with.

  10. I feel like those coin things will be fixed before I really get time to even try it and since I'm not maxed and have like no legendary gear even the easy missions you mission can be rather taxing/time consuming still.


    In good news though my Warlock is now clear off all the Crota and Wolves story missions and is now a Stormcaller

    That's the great thing about it! You only need at the very least, 7 strange coins - which you surely must have by now. The mission itself, Scourge of Winter, is level 14, with a recommended light level of 70. This still works, I just got my 12th exotic engram not but 2 seconds ago. Given that King's Fall was released yesterday, Bungie has enough on their hands, and won't patch this til Monday or Tuesday.


    Edit: For the record, you only have to do the mission once. The key is to use a sniper rifle to get the boss down to almost 0 health, then you run and rocket launcher him. You then respawn 5 feet away and can do it again, and again, and again.



    EDIT: only use one 3 of coin per kill! If you don't get a drop, the buff will be gone, but the next time you use a coin the buff will be greater. It is a waste to ever use more than one coin at a time.

    Also the heavyweapon engram is year1,and costs 31 coins. Yikes.

    deej at bungie confirmed rates will be nerfed, but hinted that they would wait til tomorrow at the earliest to fix.

    I'm also at 289 light with a ton of exotics. You guys, like all the exotic guns are quest based. It is. Awesome. Omg.


    Edit: This was from one kill. One.




    All 4 engram types :)


    In 50 coin of 3 (so 70 strange coins), I received 9 engrams. Including the Needler Fusion rifle (T something), and a Hawkmoon <3

  12. I've been home for like 15 mins and my playstation is still on 'preparing to download update' -.-


    Do a hard reset/regular reset of your system. Of course I have no idea if the PS4 set up is anything like XB1, but I had to do a hard reset when mine froze at 99% for 10 minutes - upon XB1 loading back up, it was complete.

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