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Everything posted by t3h_l337_wh15p3rn053

  1. i have no idea hope someone finds it and posts it here!
  2. i would go to lumbridge farm where the cows are and jump on one and chase noobs whipping them while i ride past :lol:
  3. what about wait for it! wait for it! double r2h wow! i have got 4 hands lol this is a crazy idea they should do it in some kind of minigame
  4. i had like 3 people bruteknight shaderknight killmaster8 following me round when i was lvl 16 wanting a free phat... well i did have 1 of each colour back then stupid phat drops i sold a few then i quit for 2 or so years then i came back on wtih no cash or phats i mite have been hacked i dunno
  5. yeah i like peaches IRL so yeah but why do they heal so much i mean peaches should heal the same amount as bananas not nearly as much as a full meal of lobster
  6. and do what exactly... we would be impossible to ban, as there would be no one outside of runescape, as it was "real", and would you realy like to try and imprison a lvl 126 with 99 mage? yes i would i would protection from mage right then i would unplug their power cable or kick them in their sack or something
  7. what id do is lagg alot run around trying to move saying "omfg ****ing lagg arggg" or i would take out my ddp and posion random strangers and kill them fun fun fun and id keep making mini me's thatd be fun o and id posion all the bankers and rob the bank MY STUFF NOW N00bl37s!
  8. Falador I dunno just like it and since im on of those F2p people its probably the best city for mining
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