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Posts posted by elucin8er

  1. Sounds like the actual whingers are those desperately trying to convince themselves EOCscape will prevail. Many people gave up on Jagex years ago, especially since the MMG takeover, and had little faith in any 'update for the sake of it' they implemented. While it would be nice to roll back to the Gower brother days, 2007scape is sufficient enough for me, and a far better game than what it is now.

    • Like 2
  2. Don't know if anyone remembers me, player since August 2001, still appreciated the transition to RS2 from classic and enjoyed it..... Right up until the events of 2008 onwards to my eventual leaving in 2010. I believe pest control was the first thing that ruined this game, and updates since have expanded upon this.


    I will be very interested and excited to see what these servers have to offer.

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  3. Bro 99 fletch before fletch-x. I feel ripped off.


    Game became a serious easy issue the day pest control was released, and was the first time I quit. The second time was restricted trade, and this time it's recruit a friend. I'd like to say I won't come back, but the loving community keeps me around.

  4. I'm very excited for the release of DotA 2 as I am quite a big original DotA player. Been watching this tournament and catching up on replays where possible. I know it's difficult to watch for people who are unfamiliar with DotA, but here's a highlight video I made of Ehome vs Scythe. I made another one but without commentary as a test, and I didn't like it as much. Atm I can do one a day, so I'm going to work on uploading another one tommorrow. Let me know what you think :)



    Can't wait to pwn some HoN and LoL noobs.

  5. Lilyuffie88 trained in taverly blue dragons for long periods at a time.


    80+ combat back then was pretty massive, it's sad to see how easy it is these days and how many noobs 138s there actually are. I guess that's what happens when you make the game insanely easy compared to back then.

  6. I seem to have to say it everytime, it's getting old.


    As long as they are paying, Jagex doesn't care about botters. They have clearly demonstrated they care more about profits than a clean game. Please stop "coming up with ideas for jagex to stop botters." They could do it if they wanted to, but they don't care anymore.

  7. Suomi will be the most loved #1 position out of anyone when he obtains it, followed by Zezima. He'll need to hit #1 for the general population to catch on, as most people right now don't understand how insane he is <3: Been a supporter since page 5 of this thread when you guys all laughed at me for even suggesting he'll be first to 200m all :lol:


    <3 You Suomi

  8. Please lock this thread. It's just an excuse for kids to go:


    No I r not addicted, I has sex, girlfriend, learning 100 languages, i drink alchomohols, currently learning to become astronaut so dats pretty kewl rs is just game I r too smart to care about it.


    There are some good discussions from people relating to the topic starter and I think that's the kind of feedback he wants. Please keep the ego off the thread, it doesn't contribute in the least, and it makes some of you look like tools who value junior high school way too much.


    As for me, I'm not addicted, but I definetly agree with it filling a void - especially after exams and in winter. It's basically all I do during this time period <3: As long as I'm having fun I think it's ok, but I do get in trouble from wifey about the dishes sometimes haha. <3:

    Sounds like you have a problem with people being successful.


    Having a girlfriend, sex, alcohol, etc is not strange. Languages are needed for travel. Astronaut.. didn't see anybody that said that. But yes, some people do have great careers. Stop hatin'


    Probs should re-read my post lad.

  9. No offense but if I wanted to gamble ill go waste it at irl casinos with the indians...


    Plenty of people already gamble in RS, whether it's illegitimate dicing or boxing.



    Yes and I think its really stupid.


    Lol you care about your rs geepees over your rl money? I think that's really stupid.

  10. Please lock this thread. It's just an excuse for kids to go:


    No I r not addicted, I has sex, girlfriend, learning 100 languages, i drink alchomohols, currently learning to become astronaut so dats pretty kewl rs is just game I r too smart to care about it.


    There are some good discussions from people relating to the topic starter and I think that's the kind of feedback he wants. Please keep the ego off the thread, it doesn't contribute in the least, and it makes some of you look like tools who value junior high school way too much.


    As for me, I'm not addicted, but I definetly agree with it filling a void - especially after exams and in winter. It's basically all I do during this time period <3: As long as I'm having fun I think it's ok, but I do get in trouble from wifey about the dishes sometimes haha. <3:

  11. I study Italian, Japanese, train at my MMA gym several few days a week, try to work out as much as possible and get better at guitar. Since RS doesnt help with any of these goals, I try to play it as little as possible, and as efficiently as possible when I do play. Even if an evening of playing RS is more enjoyable than an evening of memorizing kanji... long-term the latter will bring me more happiness you could say. Kinda like grinding real life.


    Probably the gayest thing I have ever read.

  12. I remember how PISSED I was when I picked up my bunny ears and found out I couldnt trade them lol :P



    The point made about item prices only "decreasing in price unless it is only obtainable for a limited amount of time" is a good one.



    Maybe they should release more limited items?

    Like that detectives outfit you got if you did the stupid event that week (wish i had :()

    I know you cant trade that outfit but something along those lines would be interesting to see.

    I don't think limited items is the answer as this would just be repeating the cycle. One thing to consider would be high level, untradeable items that require lots of time/effort to get. Lets say there's a monster that costs 1m+ in supplies each time you fight it (not counting any items lost on death), and it takes hundreds of trips to get all of the items in the set. This set would be better than all other respective items in the game, and rightly so, but players can't sell it. It'd be a choice for players to get it or not. You'd have an advantage over others, but it would also take lots of time and money. This is one conceivable money sink since 1) players have to come up with the money for supplies to kill it and 2) all the time spent killing it is time they are not making money elsewhere.


    This is just an example of a money sink that could draw money away from the discontinued items market and towards the high-level items that players can get as drops (spirit shields, Nex armors, etc.)


    Buying items from other players as supplys is not a money sink, it is a money transfer. A money sink directly REMOVES money from the game - construction & summoning. Your idea is a good one, but the supply should be unique to the store and purchasing them will remove money from the game. I do believe this is a long term money sink solution that may last longer than 99 con and summ, as those two sinks eventually end.

  13. You're assuming Jagex wants to end the bot problem.

    I'm sure they do, but they haven't yet figured out a way to do it while still collecting membership fees from them.


    This, now /endthread.


    The new money loving Jagex won't remove bots if it means less money, end of story. It's clear they don't give two [cabbage]s about the quality of the game, as long as they are getting paid. Sad really.

  14. I've basically accepted the new [cabbage]ty RS run by MMG will base decisions on gaining more money, regardless of any rule breaking. There is a lack of effort in updates, and basically 0 customer supported as this takes up time, resources and MONEY. Those who still play through this hoard of unfair unbanable bots are either addicted grinders or enjoy the game enough to not be too affected by it. I am the latter, but I admit I am now on a month by month paying as sometimes I am disheartened to compete with bots, especially now they actually have bots to complete dungeoneering and obtain their chaotic weapons. It makes me feel foolish for grinding in some certain areas simply to enjoy other aspects of the game moreso ( Nex requires several levels that must be grinded, Bandos funner with ovys etc etc ) when others simply bot the boring bits and get to play through the enjoyment phases.


    This factor I believe, drives people to either play less, or bot themselves. For those who don't have the money to bot the boring aspects or simply view it as cheating ( my views ) the line becomes thing and the game could eventually be driven to extinction, revamped in Runescape 3, or be highly dominated by bots 90% + I believe in the meantime jagex couldn't care less, as long as they are still making the most amount of money possible.


    1. My proposition then, is not to accept botting, but to have the botters labelled. Beside your name you could have an identification that associates you with botting ( Jagex can detect botting if they tried, they just choose not to ) so people know you have botted. This could exclude people from certain activities initiated by non cheaters, or simply receieve no regognition of their achievements. e.g. 1. "wow a non botted agil cape, nice job man." e.g. 2. "Your botted capes are worthless." However, although Jagex are clearly fine with botters, they will never admit it, bringing me to another idea.


    2. 2nd prop is to make botting much harder for players. Botters could still bot, so no money loss there from Jagex, but unsatisfied players could strike back against botters. This process would have to be able to be carried out by players, with aids from Jagex ( cannon blocking, nature rune dropping player invented, need more solid methods ).


    An example could be isolating suspected botters in a box, unable to continue performing activities. They must match the player inputted text ( similar to sleeping bags ) to get out, and upon solving can not be trapped for another hour ( to save spam trapping lol ). This technique could obviously not be used in combat or in the wilderness ( although bots in the wild are asking for it anyway lol ). This is just a sample method, maybe player inputted colour identifying, but then that conflicts with colour blindness etc ..... if anyone has ideas that'd be great.


    TL:DR. Bots are here to stay, Jagex needs to label them or give us players tools to make their lives harder else the game will die.

  15. I voted no because - surprise surprise- I don't pk, stake or merchant. I play to skill and earn my experience and money legitimately. The majority of people who voted yes were being affected by the trade restrictions and limits of the wilderness/pvp environments while the skillers and other players like myself were not. My livelihood before free trade was slayer and now it's a joke. All other raw resources in the game are the same way. Now that free trade/old wilderness is back, the situation is the opposite, the pvpers are thriving and the skillers are suffering.


    I can guarantee, the minute someone is able to produce an efficient pvp bot everyone who is "happy with the current situation" will demand immediate changes.


    General pking is probably less profitable than it was before, and a pvp bot is the one bot that will never be effective, because a human is always smarter and more powerful than a bot, so you can never write a script to be better at pking than an actual person. Aside from luring, pking didn't become more profitable, it just got more fun and isn't completely stupid like the old EP/DP system was.


    I said pvp because that includes staking, which a lot of people seem to say has helped them make lots of money. I never said a pvp bot was probable, my point was that if it ever does happen those who are happy with the current game will immediately call for changes because bots will then be ruining the game for them.


    How will bots ruin the game for pvpers? That doesn't make any sense.


    And don't blame bots for the skilling situation in RS. Blame grinders and skill capes. Botting has been around forever, and it never impacted the market as much as skill capes did. It put players into a grind mode, pushing past the reasonable levels of 70 for herblore, whatever the max agil obstacle lvl was, etc etc, simply to gain a prettier cape. This factor resulting in unprofitable skilling, not botting. I still remember I was in the top 200 for 99 fletching and only got it for the epic profits of alching mage longs, or having 55 herblore for supers and making so much money selling them. Now, you lose money doing any skill (except gathering) not due to botters, but due to the newfound grinding nature of players I believe came about due to skill capes.


    So I say, the only thing that will damage pvp is implementing a similar grind desire, and I think that's nearly impossible as anyone who pks, does so for fun.

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