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Posts posted by elucin8er

  1. So many people to welcome.


    While here, general discussion is a great place to hang, and keep an eye out for new pictures in the thread, and share some of your own.


    If you're looking for other great places to hunt blogscape + rate this is where I spend most of my time, I highly recommend it. Enjoy your time here.



    Also -

    Boo Bows don't quit, just play less.

  2. @Stone


    Annoying people with severe trolling is epic. Too many serious people in life, need to realize it's just a game and to have a laugh once in a while instead of continuing with your severe grinding. Just because their training is halted in the expense of a laugh, no need to flame the video when it has made so many more people laugh.


    Just like the Duriel era, sure he coulda been nice and reported the glitch, sparing everyone their lives - not annoying people. But at the end of the day it was a landmark occasion that will be remembered forever, i'd happily sacrifice the pixels for the welcomed sight of something new happening in RS - and in this case, something epic.


    Makes me want to go do some of my own trolling :thumbsup:

  3. I'm loving these annoying demon episodes, but what I'm loving even more are the people here who get so offended by it, this is just the response we want to see rofl :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


    This is a game, not a chore nor an alternate life. If this were to happen to me I'd laugh a lot and either move along to a different world if I was desperate for xp, or come back to it another time. It's people like this who bring spice into the game and change it's repetitiveness.


    Thumbs up annoying demon, can't wait for ep 3.


    "Dude plz ... dont do it"




    "Lol jk im doing it"

  4. I like the old school ones in which the creaters actually used them, instead of just taxing them and never getting a stat above 30 ( damn you owner of Neville :wall: )


    So my list of epicness is:


    Lightning ..... ( godly as we all know. and so many variations were made in adding numbers to the end. Definetly hundreds though the original is a beast :P )

    Ashley ........ ( pretty famous, very high stats )

    Null ........... ( if it lagged in classic everyone would be named Null, and this one guy was actually called this rofl )

    S ............( only single letter name I've seen )

  5. Wtf? I click on an old-school thread and I see mostly RS2 pictures. Either I'm getting really old or....I'm getting really old.


    I lost most of my old pictures during a hard drive crash years ago. This account is 9 years old and it is definitely a step back in time to see some of these RSC pictures. Feels weird having been present for everything in this game's history; too bad few people respect that nowadays.


    Almost gives me the same pleasure looking at these as it is looking at cartoons from the 1980s/1990s.




    I feel lost in today's generation.


    Haha it's all good but, times are changing but it's still a fun game. I mainly long for the old community.

  6. Oh the times I've had in this game, amazing. I went over and read all the comments of the first few pages, and am saddened that my early pking videos will be lost forever :( I've done a reformat once again so new content will come slowly but surely, as I really do plan on finishing this blog or at least the stages I'm currently at.


    Many friends have come and passed, and new ones are entering each day. I always find myself coming back to this game, wandering these forums that I've been with for a long time now, and stumbling across my unfinished blog. I will try my hardest to finish my 80 + all stat goal, but I find myself doing other things that I enjoy at the time, such as farming and slaying.


    One day ... one day this will all be complete :thumbsup:

  7. Feel Free to add Eluce, 877 identifier ... or was it 887? Either one, just add me and send me a message, more than happy to play.


    I was a zerg in phase 1, didn't fell that good, went to random, tried to play random in phase 2, currently isn't working, so transitioning into Terran. I'm currently sitting in platinum though I feel I had 2 lucky games with terran to put me there. Any tips appreciated and would love some fellow TipIters to add me and have some games :D

  8. So, Beta Phase 2 should be back on shortly. When it's back, add me and we can have a game. Pretty confident the release of Sc2 will halt my RS time dramatically.


    Hope to see you all online soon.

  9. You have to remember Jagex aren't really an experienced gaming company, they don't really think before acting and will rarely admit when they're wrong. Now that I've accepted their incompetence these kind of updates don't really surprise me, as in it's Jagex nature to make such poor decisions. You have to remember, an MMO isn't really a game, it's a second world. A lot of the time you're not playing for fun, but to enhance stats or get better items that will allow you to have fun later. So please, if you're really playing RS to game and have fun, don't take this update to heart as it shouldn't impact on your enjoyment, just your other worlds economy.

  10. I got a bit of a headache reading that.


    Quests are Runescape, they are a vital part of the game and If you do them properly without help, they are fun, challenging, and rewarding. It's a welcomed break from the grindfest, and those who don't want to do them, simply don't have to.

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