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Posts posted by elucin8er

  1. The skill is designed so if you want to get the most of it you must play in groups.


    So we have an entire skill where you are stuck with the usual choice of playing with random idiots who happen to be on the server when you are there, or trying to coordinate schedules with friends. Wonderful.



    I hear ya. Looks like I'll slag through to 30 and let TOG do the rest.


    Crying that it's not another sand-box single player skill?


    Should accomodate for the no friends out there eh. :-?

  2. I'm pretty sure it still wouldn't be faster then current methods. I mean you can only take 58 bones to barralack at a time with a Yak. So with all that time spent banking...


    It is true that Gert is already over 1/4 of the way to maxing completely. Personally I think Zarfot has a better chance at maxing, he seems to have a more determined get the job done attitude. I still can't see it happening for at least another 3 years though :P

    Gertjaars, however, hasn't even started fishing, agility, hunter and mining, has only made very little progress in runecrafting and still needs over 3/4 slayer xp. Those are all very slow skills, with which he definitely won't be able to continue in his current phase. The same goes for Zarfot, yes, he has already maxed some of the most expensive skills, but we all know how "easy" some people make money. It's the slow skills that count. In fact, none of the maxed players are very high on either the agility or mining highscore, which leads me to believe we have to wait a long time, before anyone will "max out".


    This is why I tihnk S U O M I will devastate these hiscores when his total lvl reflects his xp. He's doing the long hard stuff first and dominating it.

    He has only 91 slayer and 84 runecrafting though.


    I'm sure after getting 200m fishing Agil and eventually mining, smithing and magic, 13m slay and rc xp won't be a problem.


    But yes as stated before his income is an issue, though hopefully by the time he elects to start the buyable skills he'll be well prepared.


    My money is on him by far.

  3. Lol at Jagex not wanting to direct people to tip it because the fans may play a game advertised here.... So instead of giving tip it the platinum rating for the factors the system claims to uphold, they give it gold in order to protect their members staying with RS ...


    Just wow, maybe in their platinum description it should read


    "Must be loyal to Runescape and not play / advertise other games else we won't rate your Runescape content as decent."


    How pathetic. I knew lately the content was going into ensuring more members, i.e. more money. But simply failing to acknowledge an amazing fan site merely for it's advertisement is inexcusable.

  4. I'm pretty sure it still wouldn't be faster then current methods. I mean you can only take 58 bones to barralack at a time with a Yak. So with all that time spent banking...


    It is true that Gert is already over 1/4 of the way to maxing completely. Personally I think Zarfot has a better chance at maxing, he seems to have a more determined get the job done attitude. I still can't see it happening for at least another 3 years though :P

    Gertjaars, however, hasn't even started fishing, agility, hunter and mining, has only made very little progress in runecrafting and still needs over 3/4 slayer xp. Those are all very slow skills, with which he definitely won't be able to continue in his current phase. The same goes for Zarfot, yes, he has already maxed some of the most expensive skills, but we all know how "easy" some people make money. It's the slow skills that count. In fact, none of the maxed players are very high on either the agility or mining highscore, which leads me to believe we have to wait a long time, before anyone will "max out".


    This is why I tihnk S U O M I will devastate these hiscores when his total lvl reflects his xp. He's doing the long hard stuff first and dominating it.

  5. This is our future 200m all stats kid. He's doing the long tedious ones first, currently working on Mining + Smithing + Magic simultanously. He plans to do the buyable skills last I think.


    If you don't want to click the link, search the hiscores for S U O M I. If you're having trouble typing it in due to spaces, he's 6th in agility.

    • Like 1
  6. I had this real weird dream last night where I had a stick and I was fighting lots of ninjas in red, and one of them dropped a red phat. I went to the GE and checked the price of it, and it was 100k... I dyed my phat blue, and for some odd reason, it worked!Blue Phat was 625k! By the way, all this was in real life, not in a game. So somehow I was my charater... Runescape looks good in realistic 3D I must say.


    You reckon i've been corrupted by Runescape?


    No, it happens.


    I had a dream way back in RSC that I pked a r2h when they were 300k. Which maybe now would be 3 mil? Very huge thing for me.


    Then a week later my dream came true on my pure, haha.

  7. Lol are you for real dude? Your reference to card games is abysmal.


    The goal of the game is to have fun, not to win. Didn't you ever get brought up being taught its about having fun, that winning isn't everything. Those people that camp sit there and wait for however long it takes, just so they can get a kill, aren't having fun like the other kids. If they actually went out there and tried playing the game for real, they'd actually enjoy themselves.




    This player resolved solution to removing bad tactics can be related to nearly every game. It's hidden player ethics to liven the game, and it's people like you that will continually get flamed for sacrificing fun for mere stat progression on your gamer card. Imagine if everyone played with your style, all campers, all cheap guns. Score round would be low, fun would be low, it wouldn't be worthwhile playing. These people with ethics who look beyond winning are keeping these games alive. Keep your cheap tactics for tournaments, don't take the fun out of pubs.


    If you fit into the category of people that play to win no matter the cost ( no fun ) then I think our conversation is over as you and I have different perspectives on life.


    Most of your post doesn't make any sense. You seem to be talking about something completely different. And I don't understand fully.


    What I am talking about, is how in a game like Halo, the truly good people, the people who win consistently, will constantly be yelled at for being "cheap". This includes, but is not limited to, camping power ups, camping spawns, always using the same gun, etc. The people I am talking about do this to win the game, and they consistently win the game with their tactic.


    The people you are talking about seem to be scrubs. They dont camp effectively, and they will do stupid things like consistently run for the rocket launcher and get themselves killed over and over. This isn't a winning gamer.


    What I am saying is that there are two types of gamers, those who achieve the inherent object of the game, and those who achieve their own objectives. Both can have fun, I suppose, but I can only identify with the former of the two.


    The first type are the "professional" gamers. They play for winning, and have fun doing whatever wins the game. The other type are the "fun havers" who would likely say something like "omg that weapon takes no SKILL." or "Camping takes no SKILL!!" when they are getting their [wagon] handed to them. They don't make the game about who wins, they make the game about "who plays most like a man" or something.


    But honestly. If you say "its not fun to camp" I ask you: how is it fun to lose?


    I also don't think my analogy to cards is ridiculous at all. You play the game to win, and you only do things that enhance your chances of winning the game. While playing poker, people don't just start building a house of cards and say "But I'm doing what is fun to me!"


    I used the analogy to cards because it is a simplified version of what a "game" is. Todays FPS games might be a little more visually exciting than playing card games, but the basic structure is the same: an objective to achieve, and a "win" or "lose" outcome. If you aren't trying to win the game at all costs, then are you truly even playing the game? Or are you playing your own game, where you just make up some objective to play in a "non cowardly" way?


    Ugh, you need to actually spend the time to read my post. We have gone way too far off topic so I'd like to finish this here before we hijack the post. Other people have seen the links in the post, and even in this post I'm quoting now I've answered the questions you've posed - again. You obviously have a far different frame of mind and no amount of arguing will get through to explaining to you the typical fun gamers views. Re-read my post, I'm done here.

  8. shimx.png


    (I took the above picture last night)


    I'm sure you'll see no-one as crazy as Shimon for a while to come. He maxed last night. 24 99's in an hour or so.


    renez is on the rise, but yea probably not for a while


    Check out S u o mi ( it's got extra spaces, hes around 12th on Mining hiscores ).


    My friend showed me him last night, he's topping the dailing smithing and mining as well as huge magic xp from superheat. This is a potential top spot, assuming he has the money for the buyable skills now. In regardes to Shimon, that's AMAZING. I wonder what his future plans are now.

  9. I dont see any fun in running around like a mad man, guns blazing, if it means I will be outscored. I would rather sit back, and do everything that people call "Boring" or "cheap" and rake in the points. I guess its less "exciting" but it wins games.


    Wow you sound like a camper. Play for score rather than fun. "Omg lets do headshots for stats weeee."


    If I can use "cheaper" strategies to consistently win games, why would I not do that?


    What is "fun" about playing in a method that would cause you a higher chance of losing?


    Lets compare today's games to card games. The object of poker (5 card draw) is to get the best hand possible. You have fun when you are succeeding at the objective of the game. You do this by holding onto the cards that give you the highest chance of getting a better hand.


    Nobody ever says "Red is boring...I am gonna throw away my aces of hearts and diamonds, so I can have cards that look more fun." Nobody says "OMG you held onto your kings? Kings are so OP and cheap..."


    Today is quite a different story. Camping is "boring". Rocket launchers are "lame". Hiding is "cheap". Winning is everything in a game. I think the problem is that people have too much trouble ACTUALLY winning (by topping the scores), so they pretend the goal of the game is something else. Like "regardless of score, play the most 'skillfully' " Or something like that. I always hear "omg nub, that weapon takes no skill"


    Why would I want to hinder my killing capabilities by using a method that makes it harder?


    Lol are you for real dude? Your reference to card games is abysmal.


    The goal of the game is to have fun, not to win. Didn't you ever get brought up being taught its about having fun, that winning isn't everything. Those people that camp sit there and wait for however long it takes, just so they can get a kill, aren't having fun like the other kids. If they actually went out there and tried playing the game for real, they'd actually enjoy themselves.


    There's two groups of gamers within FPS. Those that prefer stats more than the actual game, and those that prefer the enjoyment of the game rather than cool medals. All the time in COD I get people who want to do headshots. Headshots .... This means you take turns shooting each other in the head for higher points instead of actually playing the game.


    There was also another stage during Halo 2 of head to head that turned ugly. People during head to head would glitch it so their oponent would dc for a brief moment every time they were about to exchange shots, resulting in 10 - 0 matches constantly. The top scores were filled with these such people and they proudly "won" with 0 effort and 0 fun.


    Now in all FPS' there's always a gun that is cheaper than the rest. In gun spawn games people spend their entire time going after this one gun to "win." When they have it they sit in an untouchable spot and play the waiting game, with the final score ending up very low. The match would become a longg boring wait due to one players sheer determination to get a higher stat, in turn sacrificing fun.


    I can relate this to Runescape quite easily now, I hope you enjoy this. Runescape bounty hunter worlds has to deal with Jagex's mistakes, and dumb game mechanics at time in order to have fun out there. This resulted in the following player known ethics - no praying and no safing during a fight. Say if your whip can hit a 42, the other player shouldn't each till about 43 hp. This makes the fight much more funner and higher potential for exciting ko's. Both players are happy to sacrifice their in game pixels for a bit of fun. However, with your attitude I can imagine you stepping into the wild would disregard these player ethics in order to WIN. Even though Jagex's system is flawed and the players have bonded together to keep the fun alive, you wouldn't give two hoots about it. You would eat as soon as your hp was affected, resulting in a VERY boring battle in which all your food would be consumed and there would NOT be a winner due to your teleports and ring of life - just incase.


    Now, I hear you saying so what? That's how the game is, everyone should play like that. I'm here to tell you, if everyone played with your live to win attitude, people would not be dying in the wilderness. No-one would be enjoying themselves in pvp and perhaps they would continue due to their sole drive to win. Perhaps maybe they'll get a kill once a month - gratz.


    This player resolved solution to removing bad tactics can be related to nearly every game. It's hidden player ethics to liven the game, and it's people like you that will continually get flamed for sacrificing fun for mere stat progression on your gamer card. Imagine if everyone played with your style, all campers, all cheap guns. Score round would be low, fun would be low, it wouldn't be worthwhile playing. These people with ethics who look beyond winning are keeping these games alive. Keep your cheap tactics for tournaments, don't take the fun out of pubs.


    If you fit into the category of people that play to win no matter the cost ( no fun ) then I think our conversation is over as you and I have different perspectives on life.

  10. I dont see any fun in running around like a mad man, guns blazing, if it means I will be outscored. I would rather sit back, and do everything that people call "Boring" or "cheap" and rake in the points. I guess its less "exciting" but it wins games.


    Wow you sound like a camper. Play for score rather than fun. "Omg lets do headshots for stats weeee."

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