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Posts posted by elucin8er

  1. Gamers are bad. That is one thing this lady completely left out of the equation.


    In relation to Wow and Rs, yes. These games are simple, they don't requite much skill. Go play a good gamer at Starcraft Dota or CSS. Come vs me I'll show you the amount of skill you need to be that much better than others.


    I'm a gamer, and when I have a 250+ apm game of Starcraft, it feels gooooooood. As she says, on the verge of an "epic win."


    I enjoyed the video, thanks for sharing :thumbsup:

    You need 300+ apm to play the terrans well in starcraft II

    About dota, WATCH OUT TECHIES *BOOM*


    My terran micro stops at MM. I can't play them after that rofl. I r zerg

  2. Re-watching this certain bit at around 10 minutes there's an interesting controversal point. If you don't want to watch it It says:


    Gamers spend 22 hours a week on games, because they feel more alive doing something that ( i'll expand here ) opens their mind, tests them, challenges them or requires attention. They feel more fufilled doing this than lounging around hanging out not doing much which entertains or develops the mind. This is a very interesting point, however you have to be careful with it. I think it relates to situations in which you can't go out and do something ELSE productive. She's not suggesting to blow everything off and spend your time playing games because it's the best thing you can do. I think she's saying unless you have something else productive to do, gaming is your best choice that will satisfy you.


    This point in turn, shows us the links between the amount of hours people play. For instance, if someone lived in a town of small activity with nothing much to do, then gaming these amount of hours will be far more productive than hanging out doing nothing for your mind. However, if someone was working full time and enjoyed waterskiiing when they came home, then it would be unhealthy to trade this time in for paying games. I'm sure most people here at tip it know when to draw the line, and should look at their situation when they're about to sit down and play another game. This point in her video is a good one, and next time I'm playing a game at night I won't feel so bad because it'd be either that or watching some tv sitcom, lol.

  3. Gamers are bad. That is one thing this lady completely left out of the equation.


    In relation to Wow and Rs, yes. These games are simple, they don't requite much skill. Go play a good gamer at Starcraft Dota or CSS. Come vs me I'll show you the amount of skill you need to be that much better than others.


    I'm a gamer, and when I have a 250+ apm game of Starcraft, it feels gooooooood. As she says, on the verge of an "epic win."


    I enjoyed the video, thanks for sharing :thumbsup:

  4. [hide=Messed up post][hide=Failed post]

    [hide=Fake Calls}


    :shock: Don't know if anyone has seen this but my jaw dropped.



    It's impressive... But not even close to being the richest bank in all of Runescape.

    Pretty sure that is "close"

    anybody with that many party hats is considered close in my book

    Not to mention the fact he has 82 Christmas Crackers: *** [ GE ]: 82x Christmas Cracker: (56.58b 57.16b 57.73b) (Today: No +/- [+0%])

    That's just GE price too, not even street.


    Not to mention the fact that was a long time ago, look at the bank display. He also seems to be defending himself an awful lot in the video. I say it's fake.

    I was kind of leaning towards that, seeing as how it is just a movie of a picture, with random annotations. (I think that's what they're called.)


    Well in my view it seems that when he doesn't use the scrollbar, and claims it's a mousewheel, that's a stationary picture moving that he edited in. I stand by my opinion that's its fake.



    You can see people moving in the background and he does move his mouse. Seems like everytime someone called a fake in the post he attached a little explanation.


    I'm not sure how i feel, I say real until proven otherwise.


    ?May I ask why your post is messed up?







    Tif is bsing me


    I just got hyt'd at ge and ppl are saying the same thing. I think I broke TIF

    I am the guy who hyted you


    Lol whenever I see you post I always think of you as Squall, so in game I expect you to be Squall. >.> Speaking of which I just spent my last hour trying to find my old psx and ff games to no avail.

  5. [hide=Messed up post][hide=Failed post]

    [hide=Fake Calls}


    :shock: Don't know if anyone has seen this but my jaw dropped.



    It's impressive... But not even close to being the richest bank in all of Runescape.

    Pretty sure that is "close"

    anybody with that many party hats is considered close in my book

    Not to mention the fact he has 82 Christmas Crackers: *** [ GE ]: 82x Christmas Cracker: (56.58b 57.16b 57.73b) (Today: No +/- [+0%])

    That's just GE price too, not even street.


    Not to mention the fact that was a long time ago, look at the bank display. He also seems to be defending himself an awful lot in the video. I say it's fake.

    I was kind of leaning towards that, seeing as how it is just a movie of a picture, with random annotations. (I think that's what they're called.)


    Well in my view it seems that when he doesn't use the scrollbar, and claims it's a mousewheel, that's a stationary picture moving that he edited in. I stand by my opinion that's its fake.



    You can see people moving in the background and he does move his mouse. Seems like everytime someone called a fake in the post he attached a little explanation.


    I'm not sure how i feel, I say real until proven otherwise.


    ?May I ask why your post is messed up?







    Tif is bsing me

    I just got hyt'd at ge and ppl are saying the same thing. I think I broke TIF

  6. [hide=Fake Calls]


    :shock: Don't know if anyone has seen this but my jaw dropped.



    It's impressive... But not even close to being the richest bank in all of Runescape.

    Pretty sure that is "close"

    anybody with that many party hats is considered close in my book

    Not to mention the fact he has 82 Christmas Crackers: *** [ GE ]: 82x Christmas Cracker: (56.58b 57.16b 57.73b) (Today: No +/- [+0%])

    That's just GE price too, not even street.


    Not to mention the fact that was a long time ago, look at the bank display. He also seems to be defending himself an awful lot in the video. I say it's fake.

    I was kind of leaning towards that, seeing as how it is just a movie of a picture, with random annotations. (I think that's what they're called.)


    Well in my view it seems that when he doesn't use the scrollbar, and claims it's a mousewheel, that's a stationary picture moving that he edited in. I stand by my opinion that's its fake.



    You can see people moving in the background and he does move his mouse. Seems like everytime someone called a fake in the post he attached a little explanation.


    I'm not sure how i feel, I say real until proven otherwise.

  7. What ever did happen to Leesters? I remember him making the original archive of wisdom, and thinking to myself, that really should be a forum of it's own. Also remember him for his "bank of doubles" got 2 d chains ( when they were 15 mil each ) just for the withdraw convenience and look :P Never heard what happened to Duke Freedom also. I quit around that time so last I remember they were both in full force. Upon my return so many faces gone :(

  8. Very good article. My favourite part was linking up to slot machines / pokies, it's very true and I do find myself, especially on RS, wanting to do another trip at bandos because "surely it'll drop this time." Luckily, I find bandos enjoyable, otherwise yes there would be a serious problem lol.


    As for the WoW related 0.001% chance drop, this is important for players to realise:


    Sure, the top gamers who are server first will sit there playing hour after hour, doing the raid every chance they get to maximise their chances at this loot, in turn allowing them to clear all raid content. However, Blizzard have implemented a system of 100% chance rewards with these emblems you get 100% of the time. In just doing this players can designate their time ( because it won't be based on chance ) and allow themselves gear pieces that WILL be enough to clear the related content. I am also thankful they give you a week to do a raid, heavily slowing down the time you need to play. Naturally, doing it this way will definetly slow you down in raid progression, but you will get there in the end with healthy levels of play. The game is not a race, unless, yes I will say it, you have no life - lol.


    Relating this drop % to RS:


    A big thing about drop percentage in RS is naturally GWD / Tormented demons / Corp. And in all of those places you should be doing it for fun. Of course TD's get hell boring, and I did find myself wondering why exactly I was still doing them. I do believe in the case of TD's, you deal with it in order to get the money from it to have fun in other aspects of the game, having said that perhaps you shouldn't spend so much time there after you get to a bored level. Besides that I think GWD and Corp are always fun, in the same way raid progression in wow is always fun ( with a group of mates ).


    There is a drop system in Pking as well, though other than EPers and Rushers I'm quite certain the guys out there are definetly doing it for the fun of it and not the drops. At least I do anyway.


    Good article, I may think about it more while doing something on RS / WoW. Thanks for sharing

  9. Fletching, cause back then yew logs were 200-250gp per and you could profit even after buying all the materials. Though I didn't get another 99 for 3 years because I never got the "fletch x" option. So evil ... don't know how I didn't go insane.

  10. I think it's time for me to post pictures... I wonder how many know me :/


    ANYWAY, here's on of the oldest pic I have. I got many more but I don't wanna look at all of them.



    You nostalgia you lose


    Ok people, mini contest. Post the oldest pics you have.











    GF, lol.


    Top 1k of fletching and not even maxed. This was when I was playing and actually high score competing. No-one was anywhere near maxed.


    Hohto Meili and others will blow you out of the water, here's a very old topic on TIF, take a look at it:



  11. Rocks must become less and less frequent. I did mining and fishing first, and got both rocks within a load.


    After 8 loads of smithing I got nothing

    70 Chinchompas down I've gotten nothing.

    10 Loads of Runecrafting, nothing.


    So far I've completed 7 skills ( both rocks ) and 4 with 1 rock, and the rest nothing.


    I reckon the chances of rocks go down over time ... So do the skills you hate first.

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