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Posts posted by MasterSamus

  1. well i think this would be an old topic but i dont care








    when i beat TP, i was like what the hell?








    bosses were way too easy(i even think the mini bosses were harder)








    and there r way too many helping hands








    the story was awesome though :D :D :D :D :D :D

  2. i wouldn't mix this in with the tutorial island, but i would suggest a new [optional] members tutorial where you could be taught how to do them.








    Now going a little off topic, i would like it if crafting was taught on tutorial island, because i remember i had no clue how to use it when i first started, but i guess they have introduced the in-game manuels on them, which was after i experienced this.








    me too








    when i was low lvl, i was sooo confused with crafting




    also with runecrafting




    By the time your 25 there may not be a Runescape. Jagex may go under in a couple years.








    OT- I'm 14. Started when I was 9 :D (No i wasn't an immature, noob yelling, fr33 s700f p10x person. I was a "wheres varrock? and I thought that leaving lumbridge would kill me :oops: )








    lolz me too








    anyways im 14 turning 15 in a couple of days and i started playing RS when i was 13








    im always gonna play RS till the very end even if it gets boring for me








    i sometimes have 2 months periods of not playing RS

  4. I believe Jagex will make another game, but in no way, shape, or form will it be like RuneScape. It will NOT be called RuneScape 3. And it will be totally different. (Maybe a Sci-Fi set-up).








    If you look on Jagex's website, they say they are looking for people with animating experience in the field of "Sci-Fi." So they are planning something completely different.








    dude if ur gonna lie, do it in a profesionnal manner








    JESUS CHRIST :roll:

  5. i would have to say yes and no








    yes, because it's is becoming a new branch of the RuneScape economy and it's a good source of money








    no, because: - it's immature(reminds me a grade 1 team tag)




    - it completly takes out the point of the Wilderness and




    an MMORPG. Pk is for having fun mass dueling with other players(cept in RS when 5 people r hitting criticals on u and u lose everything)

  6. My story starts like this.....








    In grade 5, I did not have friends and everyone critisized me for being loud, abnoxious and being teacher's pet. When I hinted my interest for video games and online games, some dude in the same class comes up to me and says that his step-brother plays a really famous game called RuneScape. Like everyone, I make an account that same night. I log on to see that I don't know what the hell I'm doing.(This was before the first holiday. I missed Santa Hat and etc. :wall: ) Well, I tell myself this game is horrible and quit. I go try out another game called Graal(which is the most worse MMORPG I have seen) About 2 years later, my gamer friends are chatting like crazy about this game called RuneScape(my heads lights up like this :idea: ) All three of us join and take turns playing on one horrible laptop. We get excited because of the graphics!(We all owned N64s at the time :lol: ) Then one night, 1 of my friends venture out of the Lumbridge peninsula and gets killed.( :shock: at the time) Then we all decide to stay in Lumbridge and not cross the bridge. 1 week later, we alll get bored and find another fun(back then) MMO called Gunbound. In the summer of 2005, another one of our friends come and tells us about the greatest online game he's ever seen. Coincidently, it's called RuneScape :roll: . And me and my second gamer friend discover that the third friend has been playing behind our backs and was lvl 67 :shock: . Well, we restart playing at the begining of June and before school starts, I'm a whooping lvl 56 with full rune(but can't wear the platebody because of Dragon Slayer :wall: ) On the first day of school, the teacher always has this draw what u did this summer on the chalkboard. Well i draw my character slaying innocent people, cutting trees, mining and casting some weird spell i invented. Right after, i discover some RuneScapers in my own class :XD: . I was pretty happy! And when i told them my lvl, they dropped dead. They started admiring me, but the fame did not last long. One over lvled me, one became a member and one just copied what everyone else was doing. In just 4 months, I became the latter one. Every one else was just showing off their precious Dragon weapons :evil: . Right now, my classmates all have at least one skill that is 99 and they are constant members, my gamer friends just quit because they preffer to play console shooters all day long, and me, I'm just trying to convince every little kid i see to play RuneScape for the sake of it's existance(but they become member and manage to pass me :P )








    P.S. : I HAVE ALL THE HOLIDAY ITEMS FROM THE RUBBER CHICKEN TO THE REINDEER HAT(my friend logged on when i was not playing and got me the rubber chicken, that is why now, I consider him like my brother)

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