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Everything posted by wackers

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scoville_Heat_Unit There's a hotter one that's 7.3 million SHU. Oh, that's a food additive. You cannot eat that directly otherwise it WILL kill you. And additive is different in that it is mixed in with other food to make it hot. Hot SAUCE is used more as a condiment. Yes, 7.1 million SHU is VERY hot, but it's a food additive. It's nasty to think that The Source is three and a half time hotter than the pepper spray that the police use. And to think how much people sriggle with that stuff... 1) For starters The Source hot source is only 7.1 million SHU 2) It is not an additive but an actual hot sauce 3) The pepper spray that the police use is 5.3 million SHU the 2 million one is the one that people on the streets buy to protect themselves. 4) * Points out another mistake in an annoying nasally tone 5) What the hell is "sriggle"
  2. WHAT DO YOU MEAN? YOU CANT TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A NEWZEALANDER AND AN AUSSIE!?!!?!?!?! Srry for the caps but i will not have australians be thought of as sheep lovers(- because of censor). Canadians you can tell from americans from the word about or in canada aboot (blame southpark for that) Englanders all sound the same to me (spare'us a coin, guvna)
  3. Personally i am considered a goth at my school. I do not go for the makeup though. Also most my friends are goths and they were goths long before they turned suicidal. being a goth has nothing to do with self mutilation and such. Being a goth is more like a statement. The clothes you wear, the music you listen to and your perspective on life is what defines us not self mutilation. As for the little psyco (sp) i think his excuse is that runescape made him do it. "I swear honest, this bloke said he'd give me full rune if i did it." Now i think ill go and slit my wrists.
  4. i feel really bad for being the first perso to say this buuuuut...... If we have no computors how are we gonna get illicit movies downloaded and seen. :?: :?: :?: NOOoooOOOoOooOOOoooo!!!!111!!!shift11!!!capslock!!!!!one
  5. Lol. Have you seen Final Fantasy Advent Children? GREAT movie. I'd reccommend that movie to anyone who is a fan of the Final Fantasy series. And if you're not a fan of Final Fantasy, you'll come to like it. I thought The Ring was ok. The Ring 2 was just dumb though. I totally agree with you Final Fantasy Advent Children would have to be one of the best movies i have ever seen (Although i did play the game) The US remakes of The Ring, The Ring 2, and The Grudge were all crap, whereas the original Japanese versions are excelent.
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