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Everything posted by ford_rule

  1. no its not, who wants to read about depressed kids with bad lives, thats awesome!! yeh good one, it was terrible.
  2. im a wannabe wannabe, i wan't to be a wannabe :lol:
  3. weird, like a modern age picasso! Oh please shut up. oooh yes, i forgot you know everthing about vectors and sigs and ur the almighty sig god, ur sh*t, theres some news for u
  4. well obviously you wil ldisagree lol coz ur not winning, as i said thats just the general idea, i have decided yet
  5. man, manson's music is awesome. and all you morons out there that omg omg hes a devil worshiper argh kill it im religious! grow up u idiots, its a picture, and some1 said before, thees little kids on the forum and dont need to see that, in NO way is that picture at all promoting devil worshipping or anti-god stuff, its a person, and the younger kids probably wouldn' even know who marilyn manson is. so just grow up and go away.
  6. ok, i'll only post the first 3 leaders, out of respect so no one got last place and felt bad. coming first is maladrin second is Sluchie third is ColAvanor just remember, it is not closed yet, and this is my first general idea, i will also get some other people to share their thoughts on which is the best.
  7. heh, sorry bout that guys, got caught up with rl stuff, women :roll: ill post it very very soon, im just getting some outside help judging
  8. not bad, but is it posible to make the dude stick out more?, i'll post a leaderboard later today
  9. what do u use to make them space themes, where can i get it, and how much is it?
  10. no way, how could you even say that!, rap isn't even music, its just black people with annoying voices talking into a mic with a beat in the background, its rubbish
  11. it looks nice, cool colour lol, but then u will have some noob come here and say sh* like ohh thats poor u only used one brush im so much better..as they always do
  12. 1. thanks for pointing it out, ill change it to be smaller. 2. look i found the font, cut out the pic, put the line and did some brushes... he said we could take images for there :roll: what you got againsat me? want me to jump out of the contest so you can win? sheesh you can do one as good sinec its so easy.. man i neevr said it was hard *... im new to sigs, so lay off please... :? and i could say that all you did, was take a pic, put one brush bg, slap a text, and slap a small image. basta :roll: fraid kratt's got you on that one, urs is pretty lame, btw did u like think that having all them slipknot songs in the playlist would make u win, coz u like em lol, as if u would actually have the playlist on top of the window, like ud have it minimized, u just crawling for browny points lol :lol:
  13. wow, that looks killer dude, i might close this in a few days...
  14. lax man, u might wanna change the address in ur sig to our clan, its the old one
  15. thats nothing like christmas, u just stuck a snowman on ur current sig lol
  16. i guess you would call em heavy metal? or osmething, like they get on stage and just go rooooaggghrhhhhhahhhgggghhhhrrrrooooaagahhh into a mic at the top of there lungs
  17. yes please make it a little darker, just to see what its like, ill post a leader list in a day or two maybe, then judge the entry's, i love em all good job guys
  18. looks my my pot plantation, opps shouldn't of said that
  19. hideo, do u think you could make the bg a tad lighter with larger text? and sluchie, can u make the vitruvian man stand out a bit more, and make it more of a pale colour maybe? just too see what htye look like
  20. i know, it represent human perfection, all humans form a perfect square and circle
  21. Mr. Turty after a surprise attack from jpg during the night!!
  22. thats quite good kratt, i like the idea very much how you put the vitruvian man in, but yeh, perhaps the bg is not the best, but hey if there are no better, then the money goes to you. nice work 8)
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