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  1. regarding jagex having to make big alterations to rsc if they are bringing it back...
  2. stil have mine and playing it right this moment :). but dont do very much on it at the moment
  3. I think the best idea would be to have three or four rsc servers (as there are at the moment) one of them would be for the hackers, one for the raw game unedited one edited version to stop rwt's and etc and one for pvp/
  4. this really irritates me. back in the early days of rs (i started in feb 02) it was us that were keeping rs going, especially when they first made members, it were players like me who were the first to become members, those who paid and still pay to play, that has kept runescape running until recently. now they have a nice back account things have deteriorated. they are trying to manipulate us, tell us what we want. they really need to listen to their players, their supporters who keep them going, the ones who are now rebelling on their plans. i really do hope they revoke this, and not add this update because it will cause severe problems, just look at world 66 outside fally bank, the economy is collapsing and if they go ahead i doubt there will be a runescape as we know it, i hope they realize what they are doing before its too late.
  5. good old rsc lol. i still play it from time to time. anyone heard of twiceborn? he was a huge smither in rsc
  6. thats what i will be using as soon as i get 70 mage, im lvl 67 atm
  7. where is the best place to train with ancient mage? im currently lvl 67 if it helps
  8. ok thanks alot. i will be using black full mystic and a whip. and if they are on vacation ill just pay the ma little visit :P
  9. hi hope ive posted this in the correct forum. im looking for pyrefiends, i've 'google'd tip it' but i cant find the location. does anyone know where they are?
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