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Posts posted by remington

  1. LoL...I'm a skiller im not affected by most of these updates besides the trade thing. Anyway..Jagex are morons...to be honest i'd rather have classic atm, it begging to look a lot better than rs2. It honestly seem like their trying to kill off pures, high lvls, rich ppl, and skillers. It hasent done anything to the RWT's just make them more happy that they found a way through. So...They need to keep it as is and stop ruining the game..... =D>




    Interesting that you'd bring up classic, a game RUINED by bots. I can still log into classic. The game was overrun by bots, RS2 was NOTHING compared to Classic. Most honest players stopped playing it, and were locked out when Jagex started the 6 month rule. Now I play a game with maybe 10 other humans, and the other 100 are ALL bots. The prices of botted resources are extremely low, and that's IF you can find a buyer. Seeing as it's the PKers that are running the bots.




    They aren't trying to ruin anything but RWT.




    If a player CHOOSE to make a certain account that exploited only PART of the game, it's THEIR problem when that part is changed and they are left high and dry.




    I'm lvl 123. I'm still playing, will I change how I play? Yes. Has Jagex ruined the game for me? NOPE.




    Rich people are still rich. It's STILL easy to make money in runescape. It's still easy to make a million or more a day relying on SKILLS alone.




    I've got 1920 skill total. The game isn't ruined for skillers. Still plenty of ways to make money.




    And it hasn't done anything to the RWT? Check out ANY F2P world. If you refuse to see the MASS reduction in bots there then there's nothing we can do for you.




    This update has done exactly what Jagex said it would, made it unprofitable for RWT to run dozens of bots at a time.

  2. "The killing thing....50% would go to pking, which we don't really have anymore due to Bounty Hunt being an unfair place at the moment."




    Any way you could enlighten us as to how bounty hunter is any more unfair than the wild used to be?




    The old wild had one itemers, PJers, lures, and pures.




    Bh has one itemers, PJers, and instead of pures; clans owning solo PKers.

  3. I think what he said (my friend went on the site and told me the same thing) is that the farmers actually go onto *your* account and get money for you that way.




    yes u pay them so that they get money on your account or trai your skills up




    Which will lead to either a ban for botting on your account.




    Or a ban from account sharing.




    Think about it. These RWT sites are promising to put 1 mill gold on ANY account for a set amount.




    Getting 1 million gold on a high level is one thing, it may take a day or so.




    But getting that 1 million on a lvl 3 NEW account would take a ot longer.




    So how are they going to charge the SAME for either? They are going to run BOTS to get it.




    And it's rather obvious something dodgy is going on if your account logs out in America, and logs in ten minutes later in another country.

  4. You missed two:




    The "I hate the OP ranter"




    Was personally offended by the OP at one point, and now mercilessly personally attacks him/her on any thread he/she creates. Ignores any fact stated or request to leave thread.




    And the:




    I hated one of his rants, so now I hate them all ranter




    This poster read one of the OP's rants at one point, and feels that no matter WHAT the OP may be talking NOW he hates it. And posts things such as: "I hate whatever -blank- may ever post about so I just wanted to post here saying he's an idiot." Again, no fact, logic, or pleading will get this poster to leave.

  5. Question: Who would give away their password to a possibly untrustwothy site? :wall:


    The same idiots that bought gold from them no doubt.




    Some players think they DESERVE to cheat, and will do whatever it takes.




    I TRULY hope that Jagex starts posting the names of players they ban again. Now that they won't be banning hundreds of bots a day it should be well with in their capability to do so.

  6. A few days after the update, I visited some RWT services and quite a lot still offer to sell gold. Usually, they offer to grind/macroe it for you, but sometimes they seriously claim to have found a way around it (an example can be found here). I really doubt Jagex can kill it all without removing any kind of player interaction.




    Of course they are still offering to sell right now.




    See how well they are doing AFTER the January update makes it so ALL accounts can't trade more than 3k in an unbalanced trade.




    And I know of ONE way to do the trades that would have worked even after the trade lock. It involved noting and un-noting certain objects. As soon as the cheat sites found it, Jagex found out and either has removed it, or will remove it this update.




    Contrary to popular belief Jagex DOES watch these cheat sites to keep up with them. And right now they are their OWN worst enemy, as soon as they find a "loophole" Jagex missed, they brag about it and Jagex fixes it.

  7. They can still trade it..




    If a player SERIOUSLY wants to buy 12K of gold an HOUR they may want to try another game. From the standpoint of it taking over 2 days to trade a million I doubt ANY company is going to be making tons of real world cash that away. PLUS it's much more obvious something shady is going on if a toon is doing dozens of unbalanced trades with the same account over and over.




    If a player is STUPID enough to give his account details to one of thee companies so they can make the gold on his account he deserves the ban he WILL get.




    Even if the company DOESN'T get banned for botting the gold, it will be rather obvious something is going on if an account that usually logs in with an American IP suddenly logs in on a proxy server on Asia ten minutes after logging out.




    An EASY ban, and no way any one can claim it was a "mistake".




    Same with buying preloaded accounts.




    Accounts that were made and used in one country suddenly get new credit cards and a new IP in a totally different country?




    Easy bans, and no possibility for mistake.




    RWT will never be removed totally. But the days for thousands of bots ruining the game and the market for players is over.

  8. Probably that rubbish protest they made to "force" Jagex to revert the update.




    Not that I necessarily support the reverting of the update - You're forgetting the customers make Jagex what it is. Without protesting things you and many other people see unfair or non-functional/improvable, no progress would've ever been made in the world.




    Except the vast majority aren't rioting for something that makes the game better, more fair, or for progress.




    They are rioting to have drop trading back so they can level pures easier.




    They are rioting to have PKing back, so they can mob the "edge" again.




    They are rioting to have their access to cheap resources back.




    They are rioting so they CAN buy gold again.




    They are rioting with NO thought or care as the why these draconian measures had to be taken.




    They don't care about a better runescape. They just want THEIR "game" back.

  9. I have never used a bot, but...


    The rs economy evolved to where bots were necessary, and now that they are gone, the economy is unstable, and the iron grip on the prices certainly doesn't help. How are people going to buy ess, when you HAVE to buy for 93 each, and 100,000 people are fighting for the 50k ess that gets mined per day?




    Tooth and nail.




    I'll be working diligently to keep up the supply of the pure essence....At maximum grand exchange sale prices of course :-w




    And we get down to brass tacks here.




    Those that BENEFITED from bots lowering prices on things suddenly finding they now have to pay a FAIR price for them.




    Just to let you know, you don't HAVE to buy ess at 93 each. You can go get them for free.




    And why complain, as long as rune prices are MORE then that? I wish I could buy my resources to raise smithing AND make a million an hour in profit.

  10. You forgot the trash talking after a pk. To replace that I suggest that after a player kills a revenant, the said npc will appear in edge bank and say stuff like "you are a sad pker noob, "congratz on killing me when I had no food" or "I am going to get on my high level main now and kill you everytime you set foot in wild." :shame:




    i seriously started to laugh when ir ead this :thumbsup: :lol:




    Yeah, ever since the wild change it's just not the same. I find myself yelling "You're a NOOB!" at myself in the mirror. But it's just not as fulfilling....

  11. And I think if Jagex would have done the wild like this before there would have been A LOT less hate of PKers. (remove skillers, not drops)




    I've said from the beginning that skilling areas should NEVER have been in the wild.




    Jagex's claim that the wild made these skilling shortcuts "dangerous" since players could be PKed was BS.




    Jagex has shown they could have substituted highly dangerous monsters for the PKers anyday.




    Instead they placed skilling areas in the wild, and caused a LOT of unneeded hatred of PKers.




    I hope Jagex brings back some sort of 1 verse 1 pking, and that there's a GOOD reward for winning these fights.

  12. There are MANY players posting here about how the new wilderness ghosts are rather mean, and that they seem to make the wild more dangerous than it was before.




    I myself used to do treasure trails and never ONCE got killed, heck not even attacked.




    I took one step into the wild to check it out and a ghost popped up, froze me, and started to take good sized chunks out of my behind. I might have not made it out if I had been any deeper than lvl 12 wild.




    I know i had nothing on me, but I that's also how I used to do trail runs, with nothing but a whip and my clue equipment.

  13. no i'm saying that no damage is done to the economy


    also i'm only trying to give another side of the argument








    So basically taking money from the hands of lower level players (bots reducing prices of raw goods), then SELLING this money to other players that didn't EARN that money didn't hurt the economy?




    It did.




    It lowered the buying power of the gold piece. It made it easier to level, and to get to HIGHER skills that could make money faster and thus lower the value of the gold piece even more.




    It made it more difficult for new players to thrive in the game unless they themselves resulted to cheating.




    And there IS no other side to this argument. They were breaking the rules. They deserved this.




    I wish Jagex could have left the game as it was, but RWT would not get the hint. So they had to do this harsh update.

  14. Jagex is willing to destroy the game to get these people, which I cannot support. Which is why I have stopped playing the game, JaGeX has ruined itself and I am extremely disappointed about it.




    I'm sorry to see you go.




    I admit I think this update is heavy handed, but seeing as I hated RWT and those that drop traded between accounts I'm willing to give Jagex the benefit of the doubt.




    They state they had to get this update out quick, and are now going to work on fixing the problems with it.




    I'm fairly certain they can do it.




    Do I like giving things away? Yes.




    Is removing that a game breaker for me? No.




    Is removing a free trade market wrong? Yes.




    Is removing it a game breaker for me? No. I made most of my cash skilling. I can still do so. And with the removal of all the bots the prices for MY goods will hopefully go back to a fair price.




    PKing? I would like a REAL 1 verse 1 PKer area, seeing as RS2 NEVER had this I can't claim Jagex suddenly removed it.




    Edge gone? Good. That was NOT PKing. That was safe dueling and pure hell. PKing should always have been a HIGH level activity. Most MMORPG use PVP as an end game for high levels.




    Staking? I would like it to be back. 3K is a little harsh, hopefully Jagex will introduce brackets, so players will 1500+ skill points can stake even more.

  15. Bots hurt runescape by bringing in so many raw resources that their prices drop.




    That hurts the REAL players that are trying to do the same. When bots drop the prices of these raw materials then real players aren't getting paid a fair rate for their work.




    I know there are plenty of players that don't mind this. "To HELL with other players if it means I can get my levels cheaper/faster." Is the usual thought.




    Well I'm sorry, but that doesn't cut it. Bots hurt players. Maybe you don't care, but I do, and so does Jagex.

  16. I'm fairly sure they would have a program that would "find" these kinds of obvious account sharing incidents. Then have the few workers assigned root through them.




    The GOOD thing about this is unlike unfair RWT bans, there's no way to ACCIDENTALLY ban a player that does this. As there's no chance of it being misconstrued.

  17. "Hey Jim!"








    "Take a look at this, Elgwapo123 just logged in on a proxie server in Manhattan."




    "So what?"




    "Well his last log-in 10 minutes ago was an I.P. out of Seattle."




    "Hmmm...... Get me my BAN STICK!"






    Yep, that's how THAT will go.




    So let me get this COMPLETELY straight.




    I can pay 8 bucks to slap a million gold on ANY account........




    Dam.... That should be interesting on a lvl3 with no stats or items!

  18. Similarly this is happening to the market price of rares. (apparently because they are going to be dropped in price by Jagex to let newer players buy them?) I don't believes this rumor one bit, thus buying a green h'ween mask while rares are in this "low", in anticipation that players will realise that they're crashing the market and prices will rise back to normal.




    They are not going to be dropped in price by Jagex. I don't know where THAT rumor came from, but you should have just laughed out loud when you heard it, NOT repeated it here.




    BUT let's say they ARE. Let's say Jagex drops them down to 1 mill. Now Newbs can afford them, but WHOM is going to SELL to them for that?




    Never going to happen.

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