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Posts posted by Giordano

  1. today I got pissed off at cd cases :\


    just bought some cd's and the stupid circle thingy in the middle that holds the cd in was one of the crappy ones that are either broken when you buy it or break after removing the cd for the first time. so now I have to go a buy some other cases to replace the broken ones


    #90s problems



    You get so pissed over 1 BSOD?


    Yeah, cause I'm obviously sooo pissed. My post had all kinds of rage in it.




                wow                           such rage
                           very mad
    many anger                            wow

    Just what I was thinking! :D



    I wouldn't worry over a BSOD in the future though. But that Windows telling your HD might be [bleep]ed up is something I would listen to (though I think that's unrelated to the BSOD). I had that same warnings and slowly but surely lost connection to my external HD.

  3. I submitted a patch for a game programming library I use today! It both fixes an issue and adds a feature as well.


    Isn't that awesome?

    Shoulda said it was DLC and charged $4.99 for it. ;)

  4. For clarity's sake: define 'petty'.


    You at least have to concede there are situations in life where being totally and completely carefree is an unnatural, even downright unhealthy, reaction.

    Things that cannot be fixed (my co-worker's girlfriend broke up with him - I, nor he, can fix that) or things I cannot do anything about (my sister's self-pitying because she can't find a job).


    I always hear the problem before I judge it of course, but for the most part it's not really a serious issue. They just want to talk about it, which is fine I guess, but I don't want it to be me.


    I'm still of the mentality that each of us need to be strong, to rely on ourselves as much as we can until we move onto others.

  5. I have to agree with Muggi on this. I never liked when people talked about their petty emotional problems with me and it gives them an aura of...attention-seeking? Neediness? That they're still a kid?



    *This is relevant to the topic a couple of pages back...*

    Therapists simply help you solve your own problems, they even say it themselves: the patients must make their own revelations. The need to change must come from within.

  6. It is not the critic who counts; nor the one who points out how the strong person stumbled, or where the doer of a deed could have done better.


    The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; who does actually strive to do deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotion, spends oneself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at worst, if he or she fails, at least fails while daring greatly.


    Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those timid spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.




    The last line gets me every time. :wub:

  7. Start doing exercise again...this is unlikely.


    Improve my artistic talents...I am doing this :)


    Be better at interacting socially...I'm definitely doing this already


    Get a better job by years' end...preferably in a office or something

  8. Today was weird. My left hand is sore from using the computer, so to give it a rest I spent pretty much all my time where I wasn't in class writing. I mean, I get stories in my head from time to time, and sometimes I try writing them down. Pretty sure this is the first time I came back to a story though. Definitely the first time I drew a freaking map (I am not a skilled Cartographer, but it's enough to keep things strait in my head). It's an absolute mess, since I only bothered to figure out the most bare bones plot arc possible while still calling it an arc, so every page or so is redefines the pages before it. On the upside, it leaves enough work that I probably wont mind typing it all into the computer (always do your first creative run on paper. Being able to correct everything is infuriating, and beds are more comfy than computer chairs). 12 sheets of paper (well, 6 sheets, 12 sides) single spaced of story so far (10 today). Another two (sides) outlining some of the characters and plot so that I don't wake up tomorrow forgetting all my great ideas (doesn't matter, tomorrows ideas will be better), plus the map (that was a solid hour to whip up). I figure I'm writing about 360 words per page, so 4300 words today, give or take.


    Anyway, I'm proud of myself. Finally managed to think up an original (if inspired) world and story. Original ideas are hard, so go me.

    Congratulations. I wish I had your success, I have trouble coming up with convincing obstacles in my plots.

  9. You




    I'm sure muziclab will appreciate the free advertisement, though I think you can do better than times new roman.

    I read this one on my phone at first and was like "Eh, what?" but now I'm on my laptop I actually lol'd.


    You can't read sigs on phones?




    If you kill him the police will understand.


    If I could travel across the country, I wouldn't mind helping him disposing of the evidence. I have the exact same relationship with my brother, Alg, so I know where you're coming from. However, my feelings toward him are... slightly different, to say the least. Is there anything you can do about getting yourself distanced from him?

    He has now reached the point where he both knows that we've hit the bandwidth cap and still tries to play GTA 5 online... Then complains about the lag to his friends. In addition to watching Youtube videos and causing the rest of us to struggle to do anything and such. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't suspect that he was most of the reason we're past the cap to begin with.


    I actually envy your ability to subtly troll your brother. Mine has too much of a temper for that. Not much I can do until he leaves in another two weeks.


    I think at this point, if he uses "#YOLO" unironically I'm legally required to kill him. It's probably in the constitution or something, I don't know. Not like anyone's ever read that thing. :twss:



    My brother is a lot similar to your roommate down to temper and lack of regards to a bandwidth limit (just minus the game playing thing). The only reason I can get away with screwing with him subtly is because he can't pick up the hints when I am stealthily screwing or insulting him.


    Also, at the risk of coming off as weird, what does "YOLO" mean? I have seen that around, but never quite understood it.


    "You Only Live Once". Normally a good advice phrase but people use it as an excuse to do stupid and/or dangerous crap. Like driving down at 100mph? #YOLO

  11. The article is decent at explaining its theory but the article compares the upcoming crash to the one in 1983. Video games back then was small and had to compete with so much other forms of entertainment, it was easy to loose interest.


    Now it's very large and people have some sort of mentality that entertainment mostly comes from electronic/digital devices: cell phones, movies, games, TV, etc. I feel video games have too much importance in people's entertainment.

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