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Posts posted by meb

  1. If you wait for the next patch before levelling you'll need 20% less xp to get to 80 :P. Hopefully it'll be here next week.

    I'll by 80 by patch day :D And I'm having fun, I'm leveling in the zones I skipped on my other character so it's new for me. Just dinged 76 :ohnoes: . Thanks to the dungeon finder I am now only halfway through my second zone.

  2. 75.5^^ Managed to drain a week's resting xp in less than one day <_< . Every time I feel like trying another class I solo a group quest it keeps me wubbing my pala :shades: . I also managed to reach 20k hp instance-buffed today woop woop. Preparing for the insane QQ I will get when doing random heroics; until Cataclysm hits that is.

  3. I'll link to this from my "Electronic Music" thread if you like, so people can post some sick tunes in a designated thread for them, because while lots of dubstep is electronic, it's practically a completely new genre itself. :thumbup:

    Electronic music isn't a genre it's as broad as music itself.

  4. Most likely, they did. It happened to me while my account was inactive. I had my brother log on after I recovered my account. (by luck it was a day after) All my gear, bags, mats and even some non vendorable gear was all gone.

    Thanks to the obligatory Battle.net account linking I also lost control of my e-mail adress. Now I'm waiting for hotmail to respond to my password retrieval request. Can't get my account back without my e-mail adress.

    If you open a ticket Blizzard will restore your items.

    That's good to know, thanks.

  5. I level really fast now with dungeon finder. I used to get bored fast while questing in Azeroth (thank god they're revamping them) but now I just pick up some quests and do dungeon while running between them. I always end up abandoning half the quests from an area because I outleveled it by tanking. Being a tank helps a lot because I get instaque. I will definately hit 80 before Cataclysm, hoping to also get 450 JC by then.

  6. The computer at my mom's place is broken so I slowed down leveling :( Level 40 protadin now, I will probably tank my way up to 58 because questing is a pain. I will probably have to shell out some cash to get mining to 300 but fel iron sells for a good amount so it's ok. Plus I have friends to lend me that money.

  7. Having a lot of fun leveling my paladin, level 25 now. I specced protection for tanking. People are [developmentally delayed]ed as always. Some examples in the 3 days I've been doing dungeons:


    - Healers going AFK without telling the group- every other mob.

    - Rogues stealthing and running ahead of me often pulling packs because they get detected. And they do it every single time.

    - DPS pulling mobs. Most of the time it's no problem but it pisses me off. And they do it every time. One time a hunter asked the group what pulling was.

    - A DPS shaman told us he was resto specced but didn't want the pressure of healing an instance so he only cued as DPS.

    Just follow the simple "if they want to tank let them tank" policy.

    I don't like to put extra strain on the healer, especially when chainpulling.


    About 2 hours ago a hunter asked me if he should turn off growl. This was right before the final boss. In the same group the mage kept pyroblasting mobs, the cat druid kept pulling additional packs and the healer was auto-attacking mobs I pulled because I didn't drop to 10% health every 2 seconds. I don't dare to cue any more.


    EDIT: And the hunter was telling me how to play my class. "You shouldn't use judgement of wisdom".

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