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Posts posted by meb

  1. Prot AoE is the best ingame until level 60 or something.


    Got ditcehd for better-geared tanks yday because it as a "progress run". How am I ever going to get gear if I can't come to raids :/ Hopefully I'll be able to join this wednesday, if not I'm leaving for another guild.

  2. GB was really hard in the beginning but getting better gear helps a lot. I only run with people I know though because carrying a bad player isn't fun and 2 bads on your group is a guaranteed whipefest.


    I downed Argaloth yesterday. Oneshotted him with a pug "class run" that only had 2 healers. I was impressed. The drops were both warlock items though:(. Good warmup for tomorrow evenings real raid:D.

  3. Almost forgot, what kind of DPS should I be looking at at 85 in 5 man stuff?


    I did Grim Batol today (normal). Pulled 12k DPS on the first fight (all of this is as Demonology Warlock) and then the last boss there I pulled 9k. Just kind of wondering what sort of DPS for bosses is fine to get into heroics. (I have 334 avg iLvl but most of that is PvP gear).

    You're outdamaging a lot of people I see in PUGS so you're good to go. The most important part is knowing the tactics.

    That first guy though was pretty much just a straight dps race. I do think my dps was a bit inflated there as he went down pretty much in the time of my meta (so extra 20% dmg there). However I had forgotten to use my Demon soul buff (15% haste 15% dmg 15 seconds) so yeah .

    You're in for a surprise in heroic mode. Wiped a lot before we got that one down. One of the few fights where DPS has to do more thinking than "don't stand in the fire".


    I am currently looking for a guild that raids 2 nights a week and not during the weekend. My server is too hardcore :(

  4. So, with exams coming up and stuff, I didn't initially want to play.


    After a week of convincing my parents that I won't play much and I'll only join a 3 day per week raiding guild and if they were disatisfied with my studies they could remove subscription, they caved and I am getting this tomorrow! 27th of December = 80-85 in 10 hours? Challenge Accepted.

    Have fun. And if you do a lot of dungeons on your way to 85 like you should you'll barely be ready for heroics.

  5. When I go above "fair" graphics I can't see the surface of water and just see all the plants/fish as if they were just growing on land.


    Just got my first epic bracers from Uldum reputation along with my camel mount. Also have my engineering tanking goggles enchanted with my Earthen ring tanking enchant. Next up is exalted Dragonmaw for the epic boots.

  6. Undead is the greatest race ever. For Sylvanas!


    Thank you.

    Too bad undead can't be pallies :(



    I'm a paladin, I've never eaten food except for buffs :D


    And Forgemaster Throngus on heroic is [developmentally delayed]ed. He bugged out, so that when he popped his shield, everyone got hit by the fire, from any direction. We fixed that because if everyone stands under him noone gets hit. And then he drops a cave in on us. What.

    Worked just fine for us yesterday. The first boss in GB is pretty hard though. Took us like 6 tries to get right. And on the 3rd boss we wiped like 10 times because of stupid dps. I tried like 6 heroics yesterday and didn't finish one. Most people shouldn't be allow to run heroics.

  7. Agreed on the Become-a-Naga quests. Best quests in the zone. But after finishing Uldum I have a new favourite. Best zone ever. Great storylines, epic battles, Indiana Jones and Hitler references, Tomb Raider/Indiana jones flavour with the obelisks, smashing midgets - DAILY and a quest that makes you kill a thousand goblins with a fiery ball. The dungeons there are also amazing, both in design and environment. I am now halfway through Twilight Highlands and it is a letdown so far. The battles don't feel as epic as they should in the highest level zone of an expansion.


    I tried making a dungeon top 3 but I can't. They all look so amazing and they all have several great boss fights. Vortex Pinnacle looks the best though. I love the Aladdin feeling it has.


    EDIT: Dinged 85 today and did my first heroic. Protip: If you have good gear but cba grinding normals for the last points of average iLevel to cue for heroics, buy honored rep gear you can't wear but has iLevel 333. If it works fine for me as a tank, it should work fine for everyone.

  8. If you take your time to read the story the quest provides you with leveling is great. I just dinged 82 and I only did ~70% of Vashj'ir. Next zone will be deepholm for me because I saw a friend of mine quest there and it looked amazing. I love the look and feel of Vashj'ir, especially the ruined city. Blizzard did a great job with that zone. Can't wait to raid there it should be epic.

    I hit 85 two days ago and I was only in Vashj'ir for about 20% of all my levels, and even though I wasn't there much, I hated that damn place. Twilight Highlands was my favorite, I enjoyed it the most out of them all.


    On another note, how does everyone like Heroic dungeons? They're so much harder now compared to WotLK. My guild can only afford to do G Runs because PUGs can almost never finish them now.

    The first part sucks, agreed, but once you move on to the next part it gets much better.


    Almost 83 now and did Stonecore, BRC and ToT. Stonecore is definately the hardest. First time we oneshotted everything, second time we wiped 4 times on the last boss. It's an amazing fight though. BRC seems easy, we even got to ignore the mechanic on the seconds boss and bursted through it (wrath-style :P). Can't wait to try the heroic modes. Deepholm looks amazing and I plan on going there until 84 and then finishing in the Twilight Highlands. I did the moutn Hyjal intro quest (amg ragnaros) but I'm not going to carry on there, the zone doesn't appeal to me.

    The new hard dungeons must be awful for DPS. People leave all the time. Hurray for tanks :D.


    @Y_Guy: It's more fun now:twss:

  9. If you take your time to read the story the quest provides you with leveling is great. I just dinged 82 and I only did ~70% of Vashj'ir. Next zone will be deepholm for me because I saw a friend of mine quest there and it looked amazing. I love the look and feel of Vashj'ir, especially the ruined city. Blizzard did a great job with that zone. Can't wait to raid there it should be epic.

  10. Hyjal of course an underwater zone sounds painfully slow to me

    You get a special zone-specific mount that boosts your swimming speed by 450%. I'm going there because it will be the least crowded zone. It also looks awesome.


    @Azvaret: Thanks:). I'm going to configure it tonight:D.

  11. Which addon did you use for that UI? And can you change the colours? I also play a paladin, but despite it being my colour on the minimap and being a blood elf I don't like the colour.


    Just preordered Cataclysm. I can't wait for tueday :D Are you guys going to Hyjal or Vasjir? I plan on going to vasjir but if it's too crowded I'm just going to whatever I feel like doing (either finishing my quests in Icecrown or some profession leveling).

  12. Started a new main character for the 30th time: A Tauren Warrior named Oatmilk who has an overall positive attitude when it comes to adventuring, but is timid in every other aspect of life. I WILL NOT start over once I reach level 20 just because I don't like the name. Oatmilk is foolproof.


    Foolproof it is. I managed to get to level 40 and didn't contemplate making a new character even once. I really like using a Warrior in WSG and AB, but grinding instances SUCKS. Tanking is too boring. Whenever I try to spice things up by pulling big mobs, I get yelled at for being a bad tank. But when I actually do get in a party that can handle it, the fun challenge of worrying about death is well worth the risk. IDK maybe different strokes for different folks.

    Tanking is awesome :o. Especially protadin because you can solo every instance up to BRD :mrgreen: . I have never played a healer (don't like casters+healing spec is useless in solo pvp) but tanking is way more fun than DPS imo. Also instant dungeon ques for tanks.

    I finished Borean tundra, basin and half of Dragonblight and I'm already 78,5. GOing to start Icecrown now because of all the group quests.

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