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    The abyss of your mind
  1. NJEO3: no, that is not true Prankster: no, your idea has no real purpose, as demos donbt deserve updates, so therefore i wont leave
  2. yes they are. f2p doesnt deserveanything. nothing at attl. "great players". psh, what a laugh. stupid demo... so does that mean right when you left tutorial island you became a member barely knowing anything about runescape? without f2p you wouldn't be a member right now because of f2p there are thousands of members. do you think jagex will still have all theseplayers if they released the game making you pay $5 a month without even trying it out yet? correct me if i'm wrong but this is how it is. damn straight i did. f2p shouldnt exist. people would still want to try runescape if f2p didnt exist, and then like the game and continue to pay. that is how it should be
  3. it already ius a f2p vs p2p fight, cuz the f2p suck f2po is a demo, they dont deserve to have it at all
  4. yes they are. f2p doesnt deserveanything. nothing at attl. "great players". psh, what a laugh. stupid demo...
  5. waste of a rally, dunno why i showed up, oh yeah, thats right, i DIDNT, waste of my time to go
  6. freeplay doesnt deserve the updates, and therefore, dont need this topic either
  7. So just because you disagree with someone automatically means you have to disrespect them? You sure don't have much in the way of manners. :shame: And learn to type. manners are for morons
  8. no, id otn have respect for the creator of this topic, as anyone who asks for updates for f2p doesnt DESERVE my respect
  9. OMG, is it a problem to not spam and to actually read Prankster's post? :wall: =; :notalk: ZOMGWTF is is a problem for you not to flame an opinion? Hypocrite. You flame our opinion, then you tell us that we're flaming your opinion? And for the sake of stupidness... ZOMGWTFWTHROFLOLMAO! I had never flamed it, i had merely expressed my opinion in a way that wasnt positive and for the sake of 1UPing ROFLMAYOBBQHAXZOMGWTFLOLFTWLMAOFTW Erm.. "Never flamed"? Let's take a look at this post you made: Calling us "f2p losers" usually counts as a flame. Nobody likes a hypocrite. ;) i'm not a positive person
  10. what does f2p pay? hmm? i'd really like to know. and i'm badmouthing those who ask for updates they dont deserve, not all f2pers really,. just those who deserve the disrespect They play the games with ads. The ads generate money. Don't you even know basic economics? :wall: Now quit trolling the thread. the players themselves arnt paying out of their own pockets, so you cant really say they are paying
  11. what does f2p pay? hmm? i'd really like to know. and i'm badmouthing those who ask for updates they dont deserve, not all f2pers really,. just those who deserve the disrespect
  12. OMG, is it a problem to not spam and to actually read Prankster's post? :wall: =; :notalk: ZOMGWTF is is a problem for you not to flame an opinion? Hypocrite. You flame our opinion, then you tell us that we're flaming your opinion? And for the sake of stupidness... ZOMGWTFWTHROFLOLMAO! I had never flamed it, i had merely expressed my opinion in a way that wasnt positive and for the sake of 1UPing ROFLMAYOBBQHAXZOMGWTFLOLFTWLMAOFTW
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