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Everything posted by Sparky_X

  1. Jagex already said in the BTS April that it would be a new "festive" emote and easter eggs. Jagex has gone down in the holiday drops. Emotes and items that disapear after a while are getting old.
  2. i think that it would be members only, and for all guilds Jagex should make it so you have to enter a password or someting at the door like the type of password that you had to enter for fatigue, that would stop all autoers.
  3. Yes, bringing fatigue back to the game would be a terrible idea, even though it would get rid of a lot of autoers. But most players now never played rsc so it would be a brand new concept. and most would not like it at all..
  4. 8) Well. They were lieing. My friends account, just their autoers got banned. They managed to transfer everything to mules and they still had every other account left. I agree with that because someone I know used an autoer for fun and got their woodcutting really high, the auto was banned but his main or any other of his accounts were not.
  5. If i was alone, i would go fishing and get a lots of lobbies then relize that it was way to boring and log off.
  6. I agree with that 100%. If the random events were more rare like say a mime random event, i wouldn't mind at all because not everyone would have that clothes. If you walk around varrock at any time about 80% of the people there in all lvl ranges have prince outfits on or frog heads. And to comment on the way to "get randoms more easily", there is no way to get them more thats why its called a Random event. There is nothing you can do except play normally.
  7. Pure Prayer is pointless unless your rich and have nothing other to do. My friend made a pure prayer file, got to 43 prayer then couldnt take being so weak so he trained strength.
  8. Also, you should become a member (if you aren't already). Members is way better then f2p.
  9. Right now, i'm mostly just pking, but i'm also trying to get my str to 70
  10. lol, i hate when that happens and they think they own the place. The same thing happened to me while i was mining iron. Some random person with a low mining lvl came and couldnt get any iron because i was faster noob: my rock me: um ok *continues to mine* noob: Stop it or ill report you!!! me: for what noob logs off.... it was a longer conversation, where he said basically that over and over until i left to bank, then i came back and he was like "o the noobs back..."
  11. Rune Mysteries Quest, or Dragon Slayer, becuse without them you wouldnt be able to mine ess or wear Rune Plate Bodies
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