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Everything posted by Buddy_Foote

  1. These aren't meant to be a permanent shop and could work alongside future POH's as I stated furthur down from the first topic. I can't clearly think right now because I wrote two essays within six hours so please mind me. But thanks for the response nevertheless.
  2. Wow! What an update! Can't wait to play Flea Circus and level up in my fire juggling exp! Very good job. Looks pretty darn real and might confuse a new member or two who'll come here and start spazzing out after reading it. I found it to be funny but real to the point you're trying to addressing -- stop complaining to Jagex or be chased by clowns at a circus.
  3. Thanks for the comments. To uk_swat: Of course you can still go to a bank and sell items the current way but some people, including myself, have a hard time doing this because of the congestion in the chat window. Plus using internet forums can also be tedious just for the fact that, like Fin_gangsta0 said, you may live in two different time zones or you guys cannot play at the same time to be able to trade with one another. Plus besides having to be bothered going on a forum, you can just walk over to the marketplace (or tele nearby) and search for what you want. Also like what Zerocool11 suggested, the feature could have a category system where maybe you'd make your shop a certain category. Now if it's a mix of items, you can put it under the cateory "various items" or "bank sale". Or maybe have the shop, when you scroll your mouse over it, appear a certain color so that you can identify what type of category that stall is in. And no, you cannot steal from other player's stalls, but I do believe you were being sarcastic. Have a good one.
  4. Yes and also doesn't the Lost City area also contain a bank wheras Entanta doesn't? The running isn't as far-fetched then as running from Falador or Draynor Village, going on a boat without weapons or armour, etc. But I do, however, catch your drift. Are you saying that all of the people who did complete Lost City can meet on one certain world where you'll have your cosmic runners? Then there will be a large amount of people down there. I like it.
  5. So after one minute of engaging into combat and then running away, 15 sevons later they can then teleport from the last time they fought? I like it. Being that the whole meaning is that if you're going to go pk and fight with another pker that you shouldn't teleport midway during combat. Very good suggestion, I'm liking it.
  6. I highly doubt Jagex will release any new skills to f2p users. They are a business that makes money and in order to earn that money, they much create more appeal to their membership services. Plus they must please current members by creating features unique to only themselves. It does suck being a f2p user most of the time because you feel left out of Jagex's updates. Although thankfuly their Christmas update was directed toward all players. I think woodcutting for f2p users evolves around willow trees and yew trees, in which members go to World 1 to purchase these logs to use for fletching. Being that f2p users have nothing to do with the logs besides burning them, they'll most likely sell them which is an appeal to members. Get my drift?
  7. Hmm....I don't know. Well, I never go in the wild so I wouldn't be able to help too much with furthur discussion. But from what I know, teleporting during combat in the wild with another player is the whole jeist of even teleporting out of there in the first place. Normally they don't want to fight or they're about to die, like you said. Maybe you can approach it from another direction and allow teleporting during combat but maybe once five seconds is spent in combat or if the player flees and is not engaded in combat after five seconds from being attacked. But yet again, I'm no wilderness expert.
  8. For some reason everytime I strench in bed, I pull a muscle. So one day this occured and then I had to use a cane to limp around my house for a full day before I could walk again. And one time I was paying with a pine cone when I was outside one summer watching my nephew who was also playing with a pine cone and I got cut on it and my fingers were raw for a couple of days. Moral of this story: Don't play with a pine cone while you have a pulled muscle.
  9. Sorry to double post but just for the curious reason I'd like to know if anybody else likes this suggestion. Now if Jagex, for the POH's, had a feature where you can put your house in a category, as in "shop", "party house", "farm", etc., and then from that point on your house would only serve as that purpose unless maybe you paid a certain amount to change the category. Maybe if they did that and you chose "shop", then you would get the whole shop window feature as in what I suggested. Then maybe they wouldn't need the marketplace. Or they could have both. Marketplace could be used for ones with no money (at least not a high sum) or carpentry skill to build a shop. And then when your carpentry skill is high enough and you have the money, you can build your own shop through the POH system and leave the marketplace for good unless you want to gain attention in your goods by going there.
  10. However if Jagex kept their mouths closed, then even worse conditions would occur as in a ton of pestering questions directed toward them. We have them now and if they kept their mouths closed, it would be even worse. By telling us what is to occur in the near future, they are "pleasing" us and letting us know what to expect besides having that nonsocial kind of interaction with their customers. Jagex enjoys us talking about future updates, most likely, and to let our creative minds wander around.
  11. Well, I was thinking of when you ask to owner of the marketplace if there's any avaiable stalls that you're given a map of the marketplace and you're able to pick the stall you wish to rent. An avaiable stall would be blinking and you'd click on it and choose "Rent stall". Once you click this and choose to rent the stall, that stall won't be avaiable until you either cancel or close your shop and leave. Also I was thinking that this feature may cut back on the sellers and buyers in banks. Hopefully...
  12. I would enjoy the feature too because it can add a wide range to skills we already have all coming into play. Woodcutting - getting the logs needed to build the frames of the house and furniture. Crafting - to craft accesories for the house. Maybe a pillow? Smithing - smith the nails needed to build the house and furniture. Mining - mine the ores needed for the nails or maybe be able to mine limestone for the house. Firemaking - light candles placed in the house. Carpentry - new skill needed to assemble a house or furniture. Farming - maybe be able to own a farming patch in the yard of your house. But you might be able to start seeing the point now...
  13. Another idea that I came up with was that if your clan base was found, that an enemy clan would be able to use their high firemaking skills to burn it down. :P
  14. Yes, I like that idea too. I was thinking of a category type of system to have too in which you'd pick from a menu before you'd open the shop and select what you're mostly selling, fletching items, magic (runes), etc. but in your case, that wouldn't work. You'd have to pick a category before being teleported to your stall. But if those stalls were full in that category, then we'd have a problem. But an idea with a category would be a great addition to this feature. Thanks for the comment.
  15. Wow, that whole clan system you were talking about with the house in the wilderness and the contract signing was actually an idea I came up with in my head last night while playing thinking about a MMORPG that I also made in my head. But you're mostly talking about the upcoming POH's (player-owned houses) which may have a house feature very similar to what you're talking about, but very sadly in your case, it's supposed to be member only. Woodcutting is just a skill to get up so "when" you get members, you'll be "ahead".
  16. Add me also to the list. I'm behind this idea 100% because it's coming to the point where I have to spend two minutes looking through junk in my bank for something. And I'm a very organized person when it comes to video games. That lock feature I'd use a lot. Add Buddy Foote. Have a good one.
  17. Please do not flame me or exclaim that this was discussed a thousand times once before. I'm just adding my own personel input on a feature to Runescape that I believe would be great in a sense. I know that POH's are coming out in the future but this feature isn't really based around them but on something uniquly different. Here's my try on this suggestion, I hope you agree in some term: Imagine a marketplace/flea market kind of environment with an ample amount of stalls located in every nook and corner of an outdoor area. There is a fence or some sort of wall/barrier surrounding this enclourse to where there is an enterance or two by going in and out of a building. In this marketplace, players of Runescape can have the ability to rent a stall for a sum of money to sell goods, get rid of "junk" they don't need from their bank by selling it, or for any other purpose that involves the process of selling something. Then buyers can walk throughout this marketplace, browsing stalls, and buying what they wish. This is just a small, undetailed summary of this feature -- Player-Owned Shops, or market stalls. Let's just use the forest west of Lumbridge as an example for the rest of my suggestion. This being that this forest is sprend-out and vast, in which an area similar to that would be needed to suit such a feature. This could be the #1 problem, however, with this feature besides the stalls being filled and having to switch worlds to find a less-filled area. For the basic seller, they would come to the markeplace with at least 27 items they wish to sell (able to be noted in which buyers will pick the amount they want from the noted item) and the money needed to rent a stall. Renting a stall can range from 1k to 5k, or beyond, meaning that in some cases, you'd have to ask yourself how much money you'll be making from renting a stall and selling what you have to offer. Once you enter the main building, or enterance into the marketplace, you can talk to the owner inside to see if there's any stalls inside to rent, and then rent them if any is avaiable. The number of items you can show at once in your shop window depends on how much you spent on the stall you're renting. Once you have rented a stall, you're teleported to an avaiable one and a shop window appears, similar to any shop window or even the bank deposit window in Runescape. You can then drag-and-drop the item you wish to sell into place on the shop window from your inventory (or pick x amount to sell), set a price for that item each, and then continue doing the same for the rest of your items until your shop window space is full. This, again, is based upon how much you rented the stall for. You can then name your stall and open it to the public. Once you wish to leave, you must close your shop to the public and hit the 'x' button on the shop window. That stall will then become avaiable for future sellers. If you're selling anything and you log out, your shop will close automatically and that stall will be avaiable to any sellers. Also for sellers, there is a flood control of every ten or twenty seconds that they may speak outloud to the public. This will prevent a lot of, "Selling cheap fish over here!", every second. This will not take affect for pming, however. Also if you have split-chat on, it will be visable during the selling process being that it is not possible to sell the amount of items to reach the bottom of the screen. For buyers coming into the marketplace, all you need is money, this being for buying what you want. There is no admission fee. Enter the main building (a.k.a. enterance) and walk through it's other door into the marketplace. Then you may browse through the seller's stalls by clicking on a stall currently occupied and selecting "Browse Stall - Name of Stall". If selected, this will then bring you over to the seller's stall, opening their shop window with goods on it. Then you may get what you need at that stall, or close the shop window and continuing browsing other stalls. There is no flood control for buyers. This is just the outline of my suggestion. I hope you at least agree with it in a way. Please comment, offer a change or addition, etc. Have a good day.
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