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Everything posted by Blade8422

  1. 1.Because I've tried to help a friend appeal..Long process, and I can't be bothered..Also, I want the challenge of starting over. 2. I can't really afford it, as I've bought too many concert tickets.
  2. Good evening Tip.it, Today, I logged in to find that my account, Blade8422, level 85, with a few million gp had been emptied. How? I don't know, Why? Even more of a mystery. I had never gotten round to putting a pin on my bank. :oops: I logged off, and when I tried to log back on later, My account was locked. Now most people would have a bit of trouble coming to grips with the loss of a whole account, But I for one, feel no remorse for it. So I've decided, Insted of struggling with recoveries and appeals, I'll start a new account. It would be very very easy for me to pick up the phone and get a months membership, and speed train some skills, But insted, I'm going to play f2p, for LIFE. I don't miss membership actually, Infact..With less things to concentrate on, and less things to blow my cash on, I think I'll be doing better. My good friend gave me a whole heap of arrows so I can get to 40 range, and another friend lent me enough runes for 25 magic. So a good start, to a good account. I'm really looking forward to a lot of fun as a f2p player, and can't wait for the new update. Just thought I'd share this story, a story that would usually be a sad post, turned into an upbeat story of..well...determination? Thanks for reading. :3>
  3. The forums I'm a moderator at.. We don't have that many members, infact, hardly any active members at all... Anybody who wants to join is welcome to, We have our own guides, art gallery, and we are working on an events team A pretty good community, fun people. So come join, new members means we'll get our events team. :3>
  4. Thanks for the honesty, The tropics ones have warped colours, i know.. I couldn't fix that. These were just the best off that camera.. I'll go out sometime soon into the city, that's where I seem to get the best pictures. And more pictures, is that a bad thing? :-s
  5. Thanks alot guys, I'm glad you like them. :oops:
  6. Thanks.:) Those are my favorites too, That last one is in Mont Saint Michelle, In Normandy, and the second is London. I had a lot more of Normany, with the beaches and trenches, but they were badly angled, and too bright..Also full of tourists. :P
  7. This is just an assortment of some of my photographs, I've just got a new camera, So these photos aren't as good as my latest ones. I'm off to the Maldives in a week, So when I get back I'll post some photos from there. :) These are In no order. Hope you like them, as I said, it was a bad camera so I fiddled with the contrast,etc.. The skate photo was taken on a video camera, with a still shot. So tell me what you think :3>
  8. I like the dead tree one the best The other ones are kinda blurry, but i'm looking forward to the China pictures! :)
  9. So would you be able to do mine? It would be really appreciated! thanks.
  10. More quests, More monsters, Bigger map, Better armour, Skills.. Way worth it. :) I don't feel i could go back to f2p now, But with the new update, who knows.
  11. Font: The same font in the "proud rubber chicken owner" sig. (white please) Pic: Runes like on the "white hawk" sig..On the right side Text: Runescape2 Town (text on the left) Invert colors?: no thanks Anything else?: Could I have the same background as the magic caster one? thanks a heap.
  12. I like the new look of the hat. It looks more commando style. :P And the new colouring is pretty cool too.
  13. Hahahaaha That just gave me my laugh for the day Man, I wish I'd wake up and find a guthan spear in my bank! nice story. =D>
  14. I have to tell you I love you Spiderman is my Number 1 all time hero That's some nice work you've got there..Keep it up! =D>
  15. You're back! Finally, some good reads will be coming along. I'd like to see a tif castle wars after party. :) Early morning for Aus...Oh well, I woke up at 4am to watch the soccer, So count me in!
  16. Only to buy it from the shop.. You can get it from other players..Now the conversations has turned to, "Girls gone wild, spring break" [-X Mabey they aren't so smart here.
  17. I agree there..Earning something and then seeing low level's with cash, wearing a more defensive cape then you would be annoying. Personally I don't like the obby cape. I'm sticking with my guthix cape until I do legends...
  18. Bring on the multiple guthans! Lucky you didn't back down, I obviously would have as I have low defence and not enough prayer potions to last 4 dharoks. =D>
  19. I'm fishing in Catherby until I get 63 fishing (2 levels) and a depate about capes and respect started...Supprisingly it wasn't all spam. The first question was, Do you think an obby cape holds more respect then a legends cape. Most people said yes. I was the only one arguing for the legends, you need to acomplish something to get it, not just spend money. The debate went on to God capes and fire capes, still involving the obby cape. So what do you think about capes,clothing and armour and their respect levels?
  20. A MOD abusing a player? Wow...Runescape's comunity is going downhill... How I love the worlds that have 300 people. So peaceful. Great story Fnaa, glad to see you got another spear! I always return items, it's such a nice feeling when the people thank you sincerly. =D>
  21. My setup, It works well enough for me.. level 85 with 61 range, magic and 46 prayer. I have 65 defence so I need to pray alot. :oops: It's thanks to Satenza that I started barrows, I read the guide. :)
  22. Hey! Good luck with your goal, you have great stats as it is! I saw you in Edgeville a few hours ago, wearing full guthans. I recognised the name. :P Add me if you want, Blade8422 I'll be happy to support you. :)
  23. I'll try to come, i'll check the time for me. Sounds like a great occasion, congratulations guys. :) If i get this treasure trail done, I'll bring you a present...But for now, I have no cash.
  24. Oh, sorry..I guess I didin't read your post properly.. My appolagies. :)
  25. I think people throwing themselves around..Looking for relationships are just stupid, meeting someone, and spending all you time with them, then falling in love? That's alright, and If someone in game is married, then get their wife to play and spend time together, that's even better! It's more time together, and when they are apart in real life, they can still be together in the game.. But don't stand in a certain spot, Shouting.. "looking for hot bf", "will you date me?" That's low.. My 2 cents.
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