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Everything posted by goosey134

  1. rip the old nite i don't mean to sound like a jerk but how did he die ?
  2. :boohoo: worlds smallest violin playing for you cheater ! :boohoo: im just kidding ,i think its great how you try'd cheating, you learned your lesson (like many people don't might i add) and turned your game style around and you now against cheating , it's a okay article but it could use some more =D>
  3. i would like to point out dariel is a legend and i honestly dont think he deserves to be treated like some sort of autoer scum what if this bug got out more and instead of say 200 people being killed in a mascre some thousands of ignorant people stepped in thier and lost it all,also dariel said he couldn't really stop and said he was sorry,i sure wouldn't have said i was sorry i know that for sure
  4. i think people are going hard on him i mean i sure know if i had the skills and the oppertunity i would take it out on the runescape community
  5. this is gunna be bad for members i'll tell you what im gunna bet that the autoers are gunna move to the memebrs world ,whats 5 dollars when your making lots off of people who buy your money for real life money
  6. this weeks article in my eyes lacks anything to desire i could'nt understand very much of it like if it was reality or fiction
  7. I like the article gets inside his head what its like to be a high level player , ya know ,but i think you should do a joint article on what normal players think ,do each day etc.
  8. lol ok i just finished reading your insanly long post and im pretty sure i understood most of it ,but for anyonje who needs me to dumb it down a shade ,basically hes saying the tip.it writeing guy exposed the jagex weakness ,there custommer support ,he's saying that there igonoring the customers needs and wants better customer support ,he's also saying that no one at jagex is a real business man or ,and they have very little knowleg in the way business are run ,and they are caught up in a popular one and they cant keep up with there demands he's also saying that jagex need a more personal system of customer support and report readers(called them that because of the lack of an other name for it) if and one could dumb it down more that would help
  9. did he truely threaten tip.it andrew could've shot the intire jagex staff in the foot with that one move .andrew is taken the wrong direction for this ,they should've learned from the article but instead they took the action the article was all about,and the article was right about the direction they were taking ,my friend recently got perm. banned for asking my other friend how hard his password was after he got hacked (the friend he asked got hacked)
  10. i agree with this weeks tip.it times i think that thee should be no censor but it jagex should still have the rule of offencive lingo ,only crack down on it harder , the censor only compliqats things, like try typeing 1k untill 87 fishing although i know the word int here is a swear word its just messes things up even more i mean people are always gunna find a way aorund the cnsor that unavodable
  11. i see nothing wrong with mercanting BUT it seems that more and more mercanters are starting to scamm and flame skillers ,like me i personlly get about maby 150k an hour if im lucky but i dont get often that much im a fisher ,(im level 86) anyway mercanters are pulling in alot more then that an hour ,but i think its good because mercanting is a kind of skill and you need to know the price of things to be able to get the best deal from the toher player,as for scammers i dont think jagex is doing all they can to stop them from taking over ,as with password scammers and website advertising
  12. after awhile of think i relised there are alot of other things jagex could come down harder on then microing i mean it is a drain on runescape but ,not as big as pass scamming ,witch within 10 minutes of being baned most people have already made a new acount witch does'nt stop a level 3 from yelling ''jagex blocks your password see ****** cool! try it'' I think they have thee priortys staights i mean for the ignorant ,or new players runescapes not a trusting ,or welcoming place .
  13. you wanna see minroers go to the rune ess ,easyly 9 there at one time
  14. very well wrote ,im super glad they got rid of them ,im 86 fishing ,it took me 1 painfull summer to get it that high ,then my mining sure there both fairly horrible at level 71 and 74 but it took me a long time getting them even that high and im looking forward to the cleaning out of more scum in the future.its people like them that distroy the econmy of runescape . I take pride in my levels almost all of them aceived in the non member world ,i have never once used a microer
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