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Posts posted by Geordiequeen

  1. I have always agreed partly with the fact that Luring is partly the victim's fault and they should not complain about it, but also Luring is wrong and people who Lure are players Jagex don't want in their game. The amount of people who used to get Lured compared to the amount of people who are now complaining about runecrafting is huge and personally on this matter i think the runecrafters who are complaining need to prioritise. What would they prefer people getting lured and losing items because of one mistake, or 3 extra seconds spent during a run. The answer should be simple.

  2. Hey you guys are lucky. I have broken my leg and it hurts like hell.




    I was out riding a couple of weeks back in the field nearest to the forest when this guys jumped out from some bushes and started sprinting towards the house. My horse got spooked, i fell off, landed funny and now i am left with a broken leg and a lot of parties that i can't attend.

  3. So what do "chavs" do that make people hate em so much? I guess they only stay in england at first they sounded like wiggers but wiggers just grew up around black people and wear their pants low and jordans. why does every british person i've ever talked to hate chavs so much?




    Because! Charvers are the bane of Britain! They destroy civilised society with their complete lack of articulate human thought. I hate them, their lifestyle, the way they scum up the place and the way they make life annoying and more difficult for the rest of us.




    The fact that my tax money will go towards a family of these scumbags makes me sick. I dont want to pay for these people's drugs when they could GET A JOB! The youth of today will destroy the society of tommorow. Honestly.. the amount of chavs (or emos) my age who will actually grow up to be productive members of society is very.. very.. small. Becaue i go to a private school, its mostly..




    1. Stupid spoiled [bleep] whose 'daddy' will pay for everything they want.


    2. The male version of the above


    3. [developmentally delayed] who think they can get away with anything just because they are rich.




    btw - i got a scholarship - i am not in the same boat as all of those morons.




    ...Ranting will continue after these messages




    Well I am sorry to tell you but you are sterotyping a lot. My parents are quite well off and i recieve anything i wish for but i am not a total prat. I am spending my summer with 15 other "Rich kids" in South Africa building a new orphanage and a new school there and yes our parents did pay for it.




    The thing i hate most are people who hate people they have not met. Not all "Rich Kids" "Emo's and "Chav's" are all the same. I personally i do not think anyone has the right to say who is better, that is unless they know every Chav in the entire world and every Emo in the entire world.

  4. I agree with all of you. The number of people who used to complain about getting Lured is huge compared to the amount of people who complain about the 3 extra seconds of time.




    Jagex have to make a decision. Do they keep Luring out of the game or do they keep the runecrafters happy.




    Luring to me seems to be a worse problem than 3 extra seconds each run to runecrafters.




    It has been mentioned before on the official forums and here at tip.it but it could solve both problems if the mage was a few squares down meaning that both parties get what they want but even then i think that the Pkers would complain. No-one can ever be truly happy with what they have.

  5. There have been several posts in the rants forum about the ditch so i thought i would love to hear what you guys think about the ditch.




    With the introduction of the ditch luring has went down massively, people can not accidently go into wilderness for example if they trade someone who runs into the wilderness they will stop at the ditch. So now the forums are clear of people complaining about how they got Lured and they are free of people saying "I accidently went into the wilderness and lost my blue Phat". Good thing, is it not?




    On the other hand, by introducing the ditch Jagex may have got rid of people who have got lured complaining but now they have people complaining about how it takes 3 extra seconds per run when they are runecrafting.




    So Jagex introduced the ditch to stop the lurers and people going into the wilderness by mistake but dealing with that problem has made a new problem occur, Runecrafters now have a extra 3 seconds onto their runecrafting time.




    So what is your thoughts on the matter and how do you think that Jagex could fix the problem without upsetting more people.






    Please do not flame other people for their ideas and what they think and please do not spam this thread. In other words just be nice and follow all of Tip.it's rules.

  6. I do not sterotype people so i think that this thread has no meaning. All you have to go by is the sterotype of a Emo and a sterotype of a Chav. Personally i know several "Emo's" and i get on quite well with them but i also know quite a lot of "Chav's" and i also get on with them as well. You can not nor should you judge people on what they wear. Everyone is different and each "Emo" and "Chav" are all different so there is no possible way anyone can take anyside and speak for everyone because it is personal experience that people will answer this thread from.

  7. I really dislike Paris Hilton. I think anyone who thinks they are above the law should be punished, maybe sending her to Jail will make her think how lucky she is and maybe she will start being a bit nicer.




    I would not say i hate because i can not hate someone i have never come into contact with but from the way even her friends talk about her and the way she acts really annoy me that she thinks she is so special.

  8. I quite like the new edition of the story and i want to find out more but in your original post i stopped reading after the first paragraph out of boredom so i think you have done well to make the story better. My only complaint about the story is when you are talking about the three characters you seem to be rushing it a bit, but other than that i think quite a intresting story that i wish to read a bit more.

  9. My most embarrasing moment didn't happen to me but i felt so embarrased for those girls.




    Me and my friend James had been to the cinema and these groups of girls had started hitting on James trying to cuddle up to him in the cinema which was so funny as James is gay. Anyway after we left the cinema they were walking infront of us and were acting all grown up strutting there stuff down the street all linking together. Then one of them turned round to look at James and fell right over bringing the rest with her. All four of them were lying on the floor, i was so embarrased for them. Then when James helped them up one of them asked if he would like to go out sometime and James turned round and said really sorry hunnie, but your the wrong sex for me. Their faces went so red. I could not stop laughing at them even if i did feel sorry for them.

  10. That is disgusting, if that was me i wouldn't be worried about the courts, i would be worried that my parents were going to kill me.




    Also on the puberty part girls always get picked on if they haven't started their periods by age 14 or so. Most girls don't know the full extent of periods, they think it is cool, that is until they get all the cramps and pms (period mood swings)




    When i was 11 i didn't even know that much about Sex but for a 11 year old to have sex infront of a class of kids tells us something about the society that is developing today.

  11. Compared to some school's uniform mine is really quite good.




    Black shoes


    Black pants/skirts


    White polo shirt


    Black jumper




    We can wear minimal make-up ie no orange faces just a bit of lip gloss and eye shadow


    A braclet and watch


    and a small pair of studded earings.




    But now i am in 6th form i can wear anything out of my wardrobe. I wear what i want but i am a bit of a shop a holic, infact i am so bad i have an extra room just for all my clothes, shoes ect ect and even then i have a wardrobe in my actual bedroom and a one in my games room full to the brim of clothes and shoes.. Well i am girl and i love to shop.

  12. Once me and my friends were at my house getting ready to go out to a party and then out of the corner of my eye i saw a guy sprinting across the grounds towards the stables. We rang 999 and then ran out of the house (no-one else was in, it was new years eve) and ran towards the stables. The guy had the sadles over two of my horses and was trying to get the sadle over my other one and then he saw us, he kinda lost his balance on the box and fell knocking the door open and the horse ran out missing the guy with her hooves by mere inches. I chased after her and tried to slow it down with some sugar i had grabbed and it came towards me. Then all i heard was stop and i turned round to find police officers pointing guns at me. They thought i was the theif. I was like these are my horse go check the stables the guy is lying there. They still didn't believe me and then i conviced him to go to the stables and look and they got the guy in the end.




    But apart from being accused of stealing my own horses i have never really had a brush with the law.

  13. It depends totally on the person themselves on what they wear. Personally i have an outfit for everything. I have an extra room for my clothes, shoes, make-up ect ect, yet i never follow any trends at school. I wear what i want to wear. There are lots of girls in my school who if they see something on a "popular" person then they automatically go out and get that top or whatever. Short skirts do look nice though but really really short skirts (the ones where belts are longer) are terrible.




    Some of the fashion that goes round my school is utterly terrible. People will wear anything that looks good on anyone else but looks terrible on themselves.




    A girl who wears short skirts to impress boys are either so desperate to get a boyfriendt they will walk round half naked or thinks so highly of themselves they want to show their bum to the rest of the world. I wear short skirts no denying that but i wear them mainly in the summer when it is far to hot for a long skirt or trousers but even then the skirt is normally 6 inches or so above my knee,(I wouldn't call that short compared to what i have seen some people wearing)

  14. Just phone the people up and say that a close relative died and you and your girlfriend have to attend the funeral in spain as they wished to be buried there and could you by any chance allow extra days for the passport to be handed in, or something along those lines.

  15. I can not sit down, read information and take it all in. It just doesn't happen for me. With this being a very important year for me school wise me and some friends have come up with a system. Every Saturday night we all go to one and others house and revise together. It is much better because we all help each other like i am really good at English and Health and Social studies but not so good at the coursework side of Drama. I help one of my friends in English and another in HnSC and helping them and going over it with them really helps the information stick in my brain. On the other hand another of my friend goes through my Drama work with me, helping me revise and helping her revise too.




    It works for me and my friends and hey instead of my usual B in drama in my last peice of coursework i got A* so it's got to work.

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