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Posts posted by Geordiequeen

  1. Yeh but you read his post didn't you though, because it caught your eye. I now have proof of what i have said all along, queen is THE best, so thanks guys for posting your thoughts and please continue to do so.

  2. Is this seriously a question?








    Let's just say that if people think Pink is better than Queen, then the Antichrist is a-comin'.








    That is exactly my point, i am not saying Pink is bad or anything but people who think that because people are a certain age or belong to a certain "group" then they must like certain music. I made this thread to see what other runescapers thought.

  3. Just to make it clear i am talking about Pink not Pink Floyd. I agree Queen are legends whereas Pink will be forgotten in a matter of moments just like all the other music out there with high squeky voices that can not be understood.

  4. Some Chavs are quite pathetic but people do sterotype a lot. Once i was walking home with a friend of mine and he had lent his brothers coat, (berghaus) and some random people started shouting at him just because he had the coat on. People forget that a chav is not someone who wear certain clothes but how they act.

  5. Ok, i was in school today listening to my music when someone started talking to me. They asked me what i was listening to and when i replied Queen they said that Queen was (insert swear word) and that people like Pink was much better. So i was wondering who do you prefer Queen or Pink?








    Ok btw i am not talking about Pink Floyd and i am talking about Pinks style of music.

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