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Posts posted by Geordiequeen

  1. Continued




    As Emerald sat in the empty house that she had once loved she heard a noise, she jumped up and looked around expecting someone to be there but saw no-one. She had expected to be attacked but nothing happened. She walked along the path for a while until she reached Anisa's house.


    " Anisa" she shouted as she walked in the door, "where are you? I need to talk to you"


    Anisa appeared at the top of the stairs and looked at her.


    "What, can it wait i have so much cleaning to do in here and my mother is coming round for lunch later." she said


    "Oh sorry i forgot about that, well im leaving Draynor, I can't live in that house anymore it's creeping me out. Im going to go to Falador and live there, I don't know why Falador but im drawn to there more than Varrock and I want peace until i am ready to find out some things that i need to know and i will find them out. she said with a single tear rolling down her pale white face.


    "I have known you since we went to school together and I don't want you to leave but i know you have to and even if i tried i couldn't stop you, your too stuborn. I will come and vist you all the time and maybe one day soon i might join you, me and Charlie are getting sick of this little town. Be careful, oh and i nearly forgot Sammy sent me a message. He wants to meet you outside the bank, he's got something for you or something."


    Without another word they both clung to eachother tightly with tears rolling down both cheeks.




    Emerald walked out the door and went to meet Sammy. She saw Sammy standing patiently outside looking in her direction. His blue eyes looked in to hers and for a moment Emerald heard nothing and saw nothing apart from Sammy. He was young, only 25 and had no-one in the world.


    "Emerald, there you are i knew you would go see Anisa before you left, Im coming with you to wherever you go. I don't have anything here and i told your father i'd always look after you and im going to, so where we going and when and il go home and get my things and Star out of her stable and we can be off." he said looking at expectantly.


    " You don't have to come Sammy, il be ok on my own and you can't leave Lumbridge what about your business?"


    "Ah i have left that in the capable hands of my Assistant and he will be putting my share of the profits in my bank every month so im ok and you are the only person i have left and im not going to let you go travelling the world all by yourself."


    "Thank you Sammy" she said smiling at him " Im leaving tomorrow at dawn and heading to Falador to buy a house and to live in peace until i am ready to fufil my Fathers wishes and to avenge my parent's death."




    So the rest of the day passed in peace. Emerald went home and packed her clothes and with the help of Charlie and Anisa they packed everthing into the Cart. Sammy came early in the morning and packed his things into the cart and harnessed Star and Emeralds new horse Destiny to the cart. As the sun rose up and the dark and gloomy landscape became alive with light and warmth they set off down the path on their way to Falador. As they happily basked in the warm glow of the sun they did not realise that a women in a black cloak was watching them. She smiled and as she turned round her cloak flew round showing a beautiful white and gold gown and a small silver tiara on her head. She walked away happily but did not see the man in the black cloak watching her and the cart carefully hiding in the shadows.




    To be continued if i have the time

  2. Ok, im not really a story writer but im going to have a go at a short story based on runescape so here goes.






    The moon shone down on the small village of Draynor, the streets were empty and the only noise was a wolf howling in the distance. After a short period of time a woman appeared coming down the Northen path. She was wearing a long flowing black cloak and had a small bundle that she carassed carefully in her arms. She stopped and peered into the window of the nearest house. The house was very well furnished with its golden yellow rug lying snugly next to it's limestone fireplace, and lying in the corner of the room was a huge pile of Goblin Armour. The woman looked pleased at what she saw and walked away from the window. She knelt down by the door and placed her bundle down, reaching into her black cloak she stood up taking out a scroll and placing it carefully in between the blanket, and then walking swiftly back down the path that she had come disappearing into the night.




    Years had passed since the mysterious women had left the bundle on the doorstep. The bundle had happened to be a baby girl who the owners of the house had gratefully taken in. The scroll that the women had placed by the baby had been blown away only leaving a small part of it which read " I will love you forever my beautiful Emerald and we will meet again" Maria and Edward the young childless couple who had taken the child in had named the baby girl after the name on the note, and as the years went passed Emerald became one of the most beautiful young ladies that ever lived. Emerald had a happy childhood and because she was a only child she learnt skills that all girls had to learn off her mother but she also learnt skills like fighting and horse riding.




    On the day of Emeralds 21st birthday something dreadful happened. After a long walk in the woods Emerald returned home to find that her parents were gone and the house looked like a fight had broken out. Emerald collapsed in shock and could not remember anything until she woke up 2 days later. As she opened her eyes she saw the familar face of her best friend Anisa.


    "Thank god your awake, we thought we had lost you" she exclaimed


    "What happened to me i can't remember anything" Emerald stuttered


    "Well we think you collapsed when you went into your house because your parents were gone. Im sorry to say we could not find your mother we have been searching everywhere but we found your father. He is in a very bad shape though, do you want to see him?"


    "Yes take me to him" she said quietly




    Anisa helped Emerald up and they slowly walked out the room into another. In the room Emerald saw her father badly beaten lying on a table.


    "Emerald" he said "Come here my daughter i have something to tell you"


    Emerald walked towards him and he spoke again


    "I am sorry i have not told you the truth all these years, you are not my daughter, i found you on the doorstep and took you in 21 years ago. There was a note, it is in the chest in basement. Also, i know i am not long for this world so everything that is mine will be yours. There is two hundred thousand gold peices in the bank and several other items. The house is also yours to do with what you wish and Sammy has your birthday present for you. Now my child, i love you and always will"


    He then closed his eyes and even though he was not yet dead Emerald knew in her heart that he would not wake up from his sleep.




    Emerald walked from the house and went into her own house. She walked down into the basement and opened the chest that was in the corner. All it contained was a peice of parchment and a old blanket. She picked up the blanket and as she picked it up a small locked fell out. Emerald opened it and it had two letters K and E wrote in it. Emerald put the necklace into her pocket and walked out the house. She walked into the bank and opened her father's bank chest. It had the gold peices in like he had said and it also had some light blue skirt and plate armour that had been blessed by Sara. She took everything out including her fathers favourite hat that he had been given by santa the year before and his blood red dragon sword. She left the bank with her backpack full and walked to the nearby town of Lumbridge to see her Father's best friend Sammy. As she walked in the door he looked up at her with tears in his eyes.


    "I am so sorry, i wish i could do more but i will fufil your father's last wish, He wanted you to have this" he said.


    He led her out of the house and grazing in his small patch of land she saw a perfect white horse. It was white all over apart from a small star on it's forehead.


    "He wanted you to have this. it is the fastest horse in Runescape. He told me to tell you that he wants you to become the very best you can and travel runescape, and he also wanted me to tell you that he will always love you."




    I will continue this story if enough people like it and want me to continue.

  3. By the way i do not play runescape that much anymore so my progress will be slow.






    So today i logged in and started killing chickens again but i soon got bored of that task, so yet again i went to Varrock and spent about half an hour there. I left Varrock with a new friend who i had met in Varrock and we headed back to the chicken pen. When we got there it was very busy and we wern't doing that well so we left. The goblins just south of the chicken pen were busy aswell and were not very good to train on but we we not put off. We left to go to Fred the Farmers chicken pen where we both trained together which made the task a lot less boring and within 15 minutes or so i had reached level 20 defence.




    Goal completed

  4. Hiya everyone, Today i decided to make a new account and write a blog on it so here goes.






    I made the account today at around 7.00pm gmt time. I had all my skills at level three before i left tutorial island which took me around 10 minutes to do. So there i was standing in Lumbridge with only the bare essentials and basic levels. I headed into the castle and started Cook's Assistant, which i easily finished which brought my cooking level to 5. I decided to start leveling my combat up but i had to log off so i set a goal. A single goal to be completed by the next time i was on for a long period of time.




    Goal for that day: Defence level: currently 3 want to be 20






    I logged in today ready to complete my goal, i headed to lumbridge chicken pens but as i walked out the gate a level 84 traded me and gave me a iron sword, power ammy and 50k. I thanked him and headed on my way to complete my goal. I arrived at the pens and after a while i had leveled up to level 10. I then decided to go to Varrock and see if i could buy anything worthwhile. After buying full iron and a black cape i headed back to the chicken pen. By this time 3 people had attempted to scam all failing and getting reported in the process. I stayed in the chicken pen til i was level 15 in defence and then took a break from runescape.




    Thank you for reading and please post your comments. I will add to this as i go along.

  5. Well when i am on a quest i use tele runes but other than that i don't use them, i prefer to walk. Good things happen when you walk. I once walked from varrock to ardy and on my way i joined a drop party and came out with a guth and sara skirt. Walking may take longer than your 2 sec teles but i prefer to walk and get to know everyone, it makes the game that little more fun.

  6. Ok, Personally i think it doesn't bother me whether we have them or not. Post Counts to me personally don't mean anything as i look at the quality of the post but then again it is nice to see how long a person has been posting for.


    I agree some people spam to get their post count higher but there is a solution. You have said the moderators have enough to do and don't need all the extra work. You could either hire more moderators or you could make a new sort of moderator who's job is to clear up spam.


    Anyway, Like i said i personally don't mind either way.





  7. It's looking good. I must admit some of the things i have read in this forum i dislike because it is far to boring but your has that little bit extra in and doesn't say exactly what you did like some of them do but still enough to know about. Yours is more like a story but its true and it isn't just a list of things which is boring.




    Second best one ive read so far.




    First post woohoo.

  8. Yea i always help someone whenever possible, it makes me feel good to know that i ahve helped people. Ever since the new f2p update came out i have been in there helping people get through itor get the sceptre or i have been in the dwarf mines giving out all the coal i have been mining. It does not take much effort to help someone even if it means going out of your way to help them, the only things i have ever got out of helping someone was a nice feeling inside and a new friend and that is all i ask for. (and a thank you would be nice to)





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