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Posts posted by Geordiequeen

  1. Well i am a supporter of England so i want them to win. England has played 4 matches so far, won three and drew one. We are doing quite well. Micheal Owen is out because of his injury and Rooney is not yet up to full fitness. We are doing good and are not playing at our best so we do have a good chance to win.




    Brazil on the other hand is definitly not going to win. They are not up to scratch this year and they are still playing like they always have and everyone knows how they are going to play so the teams they have faced were preapered and Brazil had quite a hard time to win their matches.




    I personally think that England, Argentina or Germany is in the running to win.






    The thing is, who says life has to be fair? Where the heck do we have to come to an agreement that everythign in the world has to be levelled down for everyone. That once variables come into play that favor someone they have to be removed.




    You want fairness? You want everyone to be the same, do the same work, get the same output? Go to communist Russia.




    Sorry to be so abrupt, but come on. They were put in the game, they don't need to be taken out. They might be an advantage, but why does an advantage have to make things unfair? Does someone owning a party hat infringe upon you? No, they have their advantage, and you can get your own. It's not like party hats are the only item in the game that has advantages.


    Is it unfair that a player who has more money can buy a dragon item to have more defense than rune? It's an advantage.


    But then the word 'fair' comes into play. You would say a party hat is an 'unfair' advantage. I'm not going to even touch that word, because it's so hard to really define, but you can't just tie 'unfair' with 'advantage' so easily.




    You might argue that players who played early have an advantage because they were able to get party hats and others weren't. That's true. But why is that wrong?


    There are plenty occasions where being the early bird gets the worm. Early gold diggers who came to life California probably got the most gold because they were around there first. Does that mean the government should take away their gold because there's no more left for new people to mine themselves? Of course not.




    There are variables in life. THere are advantages. There are things that aren't fair in life. You have to deal with these kinds of variables. If life was completely fair in every single way you'd get bored out of your mind.




    Like what he said. Life ain't fair. If life was fair then there wouldn't be people starving in the world with nothing to eat and there wouldn't be people like David Beckham who are extremely rich. I dont hear you complaining about the huge divide between the rich and the poor in real life. I think you have forgot runescape is only a game and gp is not realy money. Maybe instead of complaining about how rares introduce a unfair advantage you should talk about something worthwhile because i personally dont care whether someone has a phat or a santa hat because they took advantage of the rising price of rares. I play this game to take a break from school or when im not out with my friends and not to be the best in the game.

  3. Santa hats and phats inflated in price because their numbers are dropping with people dying while wearing them because of random events and no-one being there to pick them up. I think that Jagex should make all the untradeable holiday items tradeable to add more rares into the game. I personally have kept my holiday items but lots of people have dropped them for bank space and if you can't get them off diango then they will be like santas and phats in a year, 2 years time but at least people will have time to get a hold of one this time round.

  4. I think horses in the game would be good. I mean they could build stables in your house to keep your horse in and then ride it all over. It would be brilliant. But ofcourse you would have to do a quest like gertrudes cat to do it. Imagine just riding round on your horse all day.




    The game Oblivion on has horses on and it makes the game that bit more fun.

  5. yea i can say i wouldnt of done the same thing as him. I would of just reported the glitch and got on with it and then its all over. People have worked hard for their items and i would never even dream of doing something like this. Durial is not a legend or a hero. He deserves to be banned and the items he gave to friends should be taken off aswell.

  6. This is a really good idea it might have an impact on the game because the people you are giving to might learn to respect everyone in runescape and eve if you help 10 people and only one of those people is nice from then on that is one less annyoing person in runescape. I myself make little begginer packages up when i am going to a f2p for some new players in runescape. i normally give out full iron some gp and some other stuff. Its not much but it might teach them to be nice in the game and to respect everyone.

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