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Everything posted by kingjeff

  1. Concerning the music: There should be an ability to choose your own combo of sound effects, music, and ambient sounds because (as someone mentioned before), a lot of the Runescape music won't go well with ambient music.
  2. Perhaps the Runescript that Andrew created to code Runescape could be adapted to handle mp3s? But yea, Jagex has a lot of talented people that could do this.
  3. Thanks guys for the positive replies. I too would love to see this implemented.
  4. I was thinking the other day (I don't do this very often, so bear with me) that it would be really cool if Runescape had ambient sounds. What do I mean? Well, if you walk through a forest you hear birds, woodpeckers pecking some wood, grass rustling, etc. Walk through a dungeon and you hear water dripping, distant wailing, and rocks crumbling. Walk through a city and hear people talking, carts rolling, etc. Jagex certainly has the money and ability to do it, so what do you guys think?
  5. In Jagex's defence, you just can't make an update at the last minute. Even the short quests take a huge amount of time to make (says Paul Gower).
  6. To be honest, before he died, he used to annoy me a little because he would say every Jagex update wasn't very good (and I know most of what he says is true, but I just tired of hearing it over and over). But when I first learned about this, I was extremely sad. I never knew him personally, but I know he will be missed.
  7. We already have "Smith X Ore" for furnaces, so it's only logical that we have the same idea on ranges. Of course, it wouldn't be all at once but would take the same amount of time to cook an inventory of lobsters but with just one click. What do you think? EDIT: Err, I think I posted this on the wrong board. Sorry, please move.
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