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Posts posted by mchainmail

  1. Your topic reminds me of one key issue of RWT that I believe Jagex has lost sight of. There are two types of RWT.




    The first is the macro/sweatshop based RWT, where companies in China and elsewhere produce gold which can be sold.




    However, the second type is entirely different in the method, though the result is the same. Wealthy stakers/merchanters (not going to name names) have, from time to time sold gold. However, the gold these players collected was through mostly legitimate methods, such as merchanting and monster hunting. In short, by these players selling gold, the gameplay for everyone else does not become worse.




    Therefore, this second group of players should not be targeted because their actions do not destroy the game for the remainder of players because they do play the game as it is supposed to be played.

  2. Don't put all your "eggs" in one basket.
    I'm guessing theres some super duper encrypted message here... :-k




    Just don't spend all of your money on eggs. Make sure you have a bit saved up for day-to-day expenses.

  3. Remember, Java can only handle 2^31-1 in numbers (2.147B something) so if your bank would more than that it would display a negative number. <.<




    Java can handle longer numbers if a double (or similar) value was used. However, the easiest thing would be using 1 long for the numbers, and a second long for the log(value) so you could make an accurate guess.

  4. I don't really mind Random Events when I play or when I'm trying to level a skill. The only time I get annoyed with them is when I get one of which who's outfit I've already fully collected, aka Mime, Army Demon, Leiderhosen, and so on.




    I think Macroers will still find a way around some Random Events though oh well I just deal with them and take them as they come.








    I particularly like mazes, they tend to give good rewards over 50k a lot of times.

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