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  1. One significant difference between rs 1 and rs 2: In rs 1 pking is less realistic and takes skill. In rs 2, pking is more realistic and takes no skill. (unless you count social skills i.e. getting a large team that won't backstab you but nobody playing rs has that) :lol:
  2. i know i posted a screenie of it on old scapeboard... yes... they drop everywhere... i mean if they drop in the fenced off members bits in f2p they do drop everywhere (did drop everywhere)
  3. halberds are for poking giants in the eye
  4. When they dropped. And he was level 4 too. Typo in my last post.
  5. I used to have a level 3 with bunny ears and a scythe in tutorial island but that account is deleted now.
  6. I wonder when it will stop being trendy for every website to update with an april fools joke every year.
  7. oh man good joke you got us (try again when you can afford a rare and arent scared to drop it for less than a minute)
  8. don't blame them, what else is there to do in church???
  9. It's just too easy to abuse this. It will cause the guy suspected of macroing an annoyance. If the guy is macroing, he will not get annoyed because he will be not there. There is nothing wrong with the system now, i don't know of anyone who was unrightfully banned for macroing. If they claim this, they lie.
  10. It's funny how most of you say shes ugly or spoiled or whatnot but when locked in a room with her with no way out and no witnesses i don't think killing her would be the thing on your mind ;) :twisted: :twisted:
  11. sitting in falador calling people noobs - 0 gp/hour it is fun though
  12. So does that mean i get you back-seat mods off my back? I thought you were the guys fishing for attention. Oh well, it's all good, my advice to the financialy challenged man that made this topic is to fish or woodcut for money and once he has a sizeable amount to try out mercheanting for fun.
  13. Yes, good advice, sensei, I hope that my kung fu is strong enough for the tip it forums or i shall be fed to a thousand hungry hungry otaku who have been entranced into a feeding frenzy by furry/vore Winnie the Pook hentai fan fiction. Also, don't spam ok?
  14. Jeeze, stop spamming, besides the day will be out in only 3 hours in Australia or wherever you come from?
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