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Posts posted by Sirob1414

  1. Jezuuuuuuzzzzz..... Graveyard truley is a different part of tipit. Why cant people just enjoy a cool vid with great hits and a good pker. Since when is tipit so high and mighty that they can ignore the rest of the pking world and harp on any little [wagon] thing that is no honor. If you cant enjoy a video because of someone breaking invisable "rules" on a video game then well..... #-o nvm.




    Awsome video. Nice to see places other than east drags, mb and edge. That 42, 0, 35, 40, 37 combo was [bleep]ing sick, not to mention the specs. Anyways, keep it upz, love thar vids.

  2. Wow, nice achivements, go kohe :)!!.


    I also have a stupid death here, made just today:


    Kill steel dragons with slayer darts, ahrims, etc..


    I decide to kill one last one, but after attacking it, i begin to lag REAL heavy! Turns into a whitescreen where i get a pic of it about 30 secs in, where i had 4 red dmg bubles on me and steel dragon had same - My pot was out!.


    I get another rs window open, and try to log in.. To my dismiss i'm left in falador with fury, quest cape and barrow gloves. but as sirob says - Who need them stupid ah top n bottom and 3.5K slayerdarts?.


    D/W, u 2 aint the only ones which can die stupidly ;)!.








    I was kinda lucky cus i had just bought back my fury like 10 minutes before I went and was really tempted to wear it jus cus it loooks so perty but I decided that the rick wasnt worth it with no extra bonuses.






    and Kohe.... :ohnoes:, specters are jerks.

  3. You is so cool I tooked a pictar of joo. Congrats you is in my ComputerDataFileSystemOf1337Pictars.










    Grats on the bows.... and goodluck on slayerz.




    oO you were there? Did I hyt you? If i didnt im sorry, its just I dont like big crowds in rs :oops: I just turn chat on friends and thats it, oh and look! Slagathor is there too!!!





    Yaaar joo said hi..... You even put on brassy with 3a legs for me and confirmed that you have no sence in fashion by saying it wsnt hawt.




    Stinks about dieing but meh, at least you didn't well....*real fast* fall asleep while at metal drags <.< *you can stop reading real fast now* I know, it takes skill to be so stupid but who needs them darn infinity boots, hood, and 5k firebolts. :boohoo:




    BTW.... hawt phat..... dont get carried away with staking and lose it please :P

  4. Nice are the bones at the top for some teleportation spell?




    When I was level 60 or so I went to check out the range guild and as soon as I walked in some guy was coming down the ladder to the tower redbarred... I just saw him get hit for 1 damage in the corner of my screen and then he died. He dropped around 3m cash and a few other items which got me started merchanting. Thanks to him my bank looks like it does today, so I kept his bones. ::'




    Lol....that made my day :P




    Dont rmemeber if I posted before but aswome bank. As I was scrolling through I was about to say get a phat or 3a after all those rares at the top.... then BAM! "O......"

  5. Apparently I dont like to think? :-k <--- =;




    Pronounce: to enunciate or articulate (sounds)




    Its t3h intraw3bz..... h3 d0n't speek! H3 tiiiipez. M4ny pe0pelz kall it "skim" an "scimmy."




    Sorry for getting off track, I dont like grammar... gnomes?


    so tell me, where would he get the K from?


    Unless he says the word to himself as Skimitar, he wouldnt get a K.


    The c is silent, the word is pronounced SIMitar.




    but to a person who PRONOUNCES the C, he would obreviate it Skimmy if he was a moron.












    I say Hawt, but I know its pronounced hot. Ever heard of having fun? Sheesh.




    Kewl.... Thank yooz :)

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