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Posts posted by Sirob1414

  1. I'd ask your friend to ask the girl what she feels about you. I'd look look at her answer and go from there. I'm sure that would help you to see your position in the relationship and if you even have a chance. :)
    she says that she isn't really sure, she never thought of me that way before, so I'm giving it some time and in the mean time "trying" to communicate with her as much as possible. She isn't in my grade so it can be hard sometimes, however, outside of school is easy, I have a car :)




    It's not a no but not a full yes, my other friend who talks to her alot says its looking like about a 6-7/10 right now, 10 being were going out :P




    Just tell hers the truth... "I have a white phat and 8 skill capes..... soon to be 9........ noob........ and 2k+ total....... and a big blog....... <3: "

    Alright, I'll do that tomarrow \'




    :shame: :XD: :roll:




    Shell be puddy in ya hands..... ::'

  2. I'd ask your friend to ask the girl what she feels about you. I'd look look at her answer and go from there. I'm sure that would help you to see your position in the relationship and if you even have a chance. :)
    she says that she isn't really sure, she never thought of me that way before, so I'm giving it some time and in the mean time "trying" to communicate with her as much as possible. She isn't in my grade so it can be hard sometimes, however, outside of school is easy, I have a car :)




    It's not a no but not a full yes, my other friend who talks to her alot says its looking like about a 6-7/10 right now, 10 being were going out :P




    Just tell hers the truth... "I have a white phat and 8 skill capes..... soon to be 9........ noob........ and 2k+ total....... and a big blog....... <3: "

  3. Yeah, at first it was really weird, with no teles, high alchemy, etc. But then I got used to it. All you need to have really, is a BUNCH of glories, having completed Fairy tale 2 (for the rings; they are really helpfull) and a bunch of runes. Clues don't take too long either, because Lunar spells have the teleport to wilderness as well.




    Maybe when I'm done with Slayer, I will write a guide for pro-slayers using Lunars. :D




    I actually had more teles with lunar than modern because I made 500 house tablets. My house has all the teles. So with Lunar teles, house teles, jewerly teles (glory, duel, games, dbracelet and dnecklace) and fairy rings = me :D

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