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Posts posted by Sirob1414

  1. C. Runescape is a online RPG.




    a. Tricking people is part of online games IMO. The best part of games is to be able to do things you can't or wouldn't do in real life. Thats what make games like GTA so popular. If you get a fair warning that you are entering the wild, its up to you if you want to trust this person or not. AS I SAID BEFORE I DONT SUPPORT SCAMMING but, keeping games with too staright forward of rules makes rthem get old fast. Its not rule that when a friend lends you money, thinking that you will pay him back, that you do. If he skips town because hes a (bad word) you cant report him for tricking you, why can you report someone for your choice to go in wild? Deciet is part of the game.




    To this person I would like to say that in games like GTA you are not hurting other people but AI computer animations, not at all like the human controlled Runescape avatars. To the point about "Deciet is part of the game", people play the game to have fun, and do not want to have to deal with people like the friend skipping town because that detracts from having a good time.








    First, I would like to say I completally understand your point. BUT, some people have fun in different ways. Some people are totally self absorbed and dont have fun making friends, they have fun with money. Quite frankly those people are low IMO, with those who take from friends being the lowest. I wanna elaborte on when I said "Deciet is part of the game." Anytime that any trust at all is involved with a game played by humans, deciete is. "How can I get better?" or "How can I get richer?" Some choose the rightful path by working hard and others try less honorable (very positevly put). I dont like em, but ya might as well accept them because they are always there. Doh! I kinda strayed away ffrom my point which was that different people find different things fun. There is a clear marning that you are about to enter the wilderness, you trust the person in the widerness just as you would trust someone with your money, but you cant report thta person when they dont pay you back.








    Even though my opinion I mainly just dont get how Jagex is going to enforce it. With all the report abuse horror stories I can only imagine what this will be like. Where will the line be drawn?

  2. I had a dream i had a time machine.








    I started back in rsc where I kept all Phat and holiday item drops, then got my bunney ears, [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation] and rubber chicken :thumbsup:. After that I made some investments in ess before the split and drag axes before they doubled in price.








    After i was set on money i bought 99 mage by recasting charge over and over again. I would be sorta rich so I would buy skills as i pleased and pk the rest away :P.









    Quite frankly I dont support the rule change. Several reasons....








    1. There is a warning!




    You know that you are entering the wild and if you choose to enter with you items to go talk to someone IN THE WILD well...... that is your choice.








    2. What is luring?




    There are so many different types of luring. Where will the line be drawn?








    A. When do you report the offense?




    a. When someone offers to trade you close to wild?




    That wouldnt be fair because alot of people do mke trades near the wild with no intention of killing anyone.




    b. When you walk into wild and die?




    When you are getting killed no one will say "haha I lured you." Do you think that jagex with its wonderful system of screening abuses will do the math to find if something actually was a lure or just idiot dieing and reporting it because he lost his items?












    B. Types of lures....




    a. Obviously the edgey bridge and oziach lures will be easy to report but what is exactly luring to Jagex?




    What if someone decides to run into the wild with their rare or expensive armor on? They could be simply messing around, really risky or luring by inticing you to run in after them. People can drop items and day it wa a drop party. I have seen drop partys in the wild, so dont say bs.








    b. They will always think of something new.




    There will always be people figuring how to get people into the wild without getting in trouble.












    C. Runescape is a online RPG.




    a. Tricking people is part of online games IMO. The best part of games is to be able to do things you can't or wouldn't do in real life. Thats what make games like GTA so popular. If you get a fair warning that you are entering the wild, its up to you if you want to trust this person or not. AS I SAID BEFORE I DONT SUPPORT SCAMMING but, keeping games with too staright forward of rules makes rthem get old fast. Its not rule that when a friend lends you money, thinking that you will pay him back, that you do. If he skips town because hes a (bad word) you cant report him for tricking you, why can you report someone for your choice to go in wild? Deciet is part of the game.












    Just my point of view....... :uhh:

  4. I completaly feel you on the wilderness. In edge you cant hybrid like you used too because peopel cant handle switching to different types of armor and when the babies cry about it thats it. You cant catch people either. They either tele or have their freinds tag you. BLAH! And yeah, drags are loaded with teams.








    I gave up pking untill im 120 and can just chill at MB. So far I havent pked (in real gear) since 102 and im 107 now :). Its nice not losing money lol.

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