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Posts posted by Sirob1414

  1. Are you serious?




    Lemme explain for you




    People go out to craft runes in a pickaxe and blackhides, with teles, not fight.




    RC Pkers are cowards and noobs because they are attacking people with no food or weapons. To make them look even cooler they tele when people with pickaxes hit them back and usually die whenever someone decides to go back to bnk and get some decent weapons and armor.








    You are a moron if you think that RCers (not Pkers) are cowards for, excuse the grammer, "fight with pickaxe and black hides cos ur scared."







  2. Oky dayoooo so I am currently f2p.




    I have 12 mil in bank + 40k nats.




    With the current price drop of masks i would be able to afford one. I was saving the nats because they will get me to 85 mage but I dont really have anything to alch.




    1. Should I just sell the nats for now to get a mask


    1a. The mask will mak me money oin lon term right?




    2. Are nats supposed to rise in prices for when I want to buy them back?

  3. Heres' the other catch(es):


    1. My dad doesn't feel like filling out the forms everytime I want to be a member again, and I can't do it myself.


    2. I don't feel like clearing my bank if I'm back at F2P




    And yes the Wii is $250, it's all over the internet.




    I just cleared out my bank...... somewhat depressing going from 375 to 60 spots but it aint that bad + i actually have money lol. Im going bak to f2p in two days because of school

  4. Want someone to talk to during your training? Comletely bored and don't know what to do? Then look no further for a bit of company. Tipit's own online dating servive! :P (joke :/)




    I hevent seen a thread like this around here and I searched and foudn nothing so I decided to just so people would have more people to talk to and complex stuff like that.....






    Anyways, just post what you are doing at the moment and maybe what world incase anyone would like to join you aaaaaaaaand if your private chat is on.








    Ill Kick it off,






    What: Fishing


    Where: Fishing Guild


    World: 99


    Private chat: on


    This is me:



  5. Again, this inst a thing that can happen overnight. Eventually, if people continue to skill there it will create some familiar faces and spread from there.




    All you can do to make it happen faster is do your fming, cooking, smelting, bone burying, crafting and everything els there and say hi to people you start to see alot or recognize from here. :)

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