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Posts posted by Sirob1414

  1. STarting stats----------------------------------------current stats










    Good drops:




    * skirt






    * 5 Rune Daggers


    * 2 Rune scimmy


    * 1 Rune Full Helm


    * 4 Rune Med Helm


    * ? Rune Arrows


    * ? Rune Javelins






    * 3 Loop Half Keys


    * 1 Farseer Helm


    * 2 Lava Battlestaffs




    1st drag drop - bronze drags (did for fun, got on 10th of 12)






    Didnt even know Farseer Helm was a drop? lol



  2. Hi, Im Greg and I have been a member for about month and half now. I didnt come in as some big shot or prepared for that matter so I did a few quests and worked on some skills. I have recently realized my love for slayer so Im decideding to stick to it. \'






    Updates will be in posts below




    Immiediate Goals


    70 defense - barrows stuf :)


    60 then 70 mage - My mage is pitiful and I dont like it


    60 prayer - Gets me out of some tough situations and helps on quests


    76 fish/80 cook - sharks are expensive!




    and finally....


    65 SLAYER - who doesnt wnt it? besides those that have it.......




    Slayer tools


    1. Whip - just bought today :)


    2. Cannon - Have 2k cannonballs, makes things go faster


    3. Obby Set - useful for the bonus'


    4. Full Guthans - how am i gunnna get this? #-o








    here we go......


    Current Assignment - Need 66 Mage - looking for PC world (lvl91)






  3. If there some trick to these guys that im missing?




    Im wearing insulated boots and have tried many things:




    full rune


    full dhide


    with rune shield


    without rune shield




    They just rip me apart - 5,6,5,6,56 all real fast

  4. Ive decided that I like slayer and want teh benfits of dusties and eventually some abbys :)




    I am curently deciding on some good ways to get there. One is a cannon.




    Previously I was planning on buying a whip and was making 2k cannonballs to help in that effort. I took a break from that to go do some slayer asignments in which i decided that i wanted 65 slayer.




    I have the cannnon stand from when someone died and 2k cannonballls so should i......




    1. buy cannon and use cannonballs and postpone whip


    2. sell cannonballs and continue to work for whip (postpone cannon)


    3. not sell cannonballs and continue to work for whip (postpope cannon) :-k

  5. ya pest control




    get there by port sarim and head south to the landing craft when you get there




    basically, hack away at portals, kill spinners and unless you are defending the void knight, pretty much ignore the other monsters.




    It good xp because....




    1. You get regular xp and with plenty of things to kill, your always fighting


    2. If you and your team win you getpoints whihc you can trade for xp or other things. You also get money.




    No food required, if you die you respawn.






    So lets weigh options :)


    1. spend money on food




    2. get money and more xp - pest control :)






    GL \'

  6. Ouch... that really stinks...


    At least you weren't skulled :D




    What killed you? a lesser or random?




    how should I know?




    I lost connection as I was walking to the exit of the volcano




    edit: sounded mean- dont take it that way

  7. lol, Im afraid not! (for karma thing)




    and Yeah, I def feel more sorry for the giuy in the wreck..... he lost a lot more than I did.






    I guess you've gotten something out of this. Anything sucessful is a series of mistakes. Always check your laptop's power!


    You cant really learn much from having a little bad lucky, as I stated it wasnt the laptop, it was the wireless internet that pooped out. Probobly didnt make that clear enough.

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