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Posts posted by Sirob1414

  1. Yesterday was a bit of a freak-out day.....




    To start out this entry I wanna make it clear that I know its just a game and balh balh ablahdauqiywadH&adkyu......






    Ahhh, the morning, a fresh day to waste several hours on the compooper. I had a Bloodveld assignment that I decided I would knock out. BEing my first time there I had brough the wrong things to make a successful trip and had to bank at Canifis. BEfore going back to Canifis I decided I wouldd ake a trip up a few levels in the ower to meet my big goal - abby demons, after all they are non-aggressive right? Whether they were agggresive or not I would never know because some monsters sitting between my and the demons had a problem with me. A gargoyle starts flying on over to me and I know something is wrong. This thought is instantly confirmed as he smacks me with a 13... then a 14. "Uh oh, Im low health from the Bloodvelds I wasnt prepared for.... i better run away." I make It down the stairs and i am safe. Whew! As I stroll through the tower I acidently click on a Banshee, but, its just a Banshee right? Oh wait, no earmuffs.... mkay Im amost dead so I click on the green vial and take a whifff of the familiar smell of green goop. I click on my stats to see what my health was at - 7. I also take a glance at my otehr stats lol, you dont wanna know what those look like. Finished the assignment.






    Went to dags on waterbirth Island to get some hides and ended up with a farseer hemlm...... that was nice :)






    Then I was walking through Fally wondering what to do for some money because I still needed my cannon + some drag and barrows equipment would be very useful. I looked at my bank and I have a grand total of 210k and a bunch of random junk. Mkay 300k :-k. I decide to take a walk around fally sqaure an I notice all of these people with lower levels than me in full barrows, dragin and sporting phats and other misc rares that are worth more than my whole bank. Why dont I have cool stuff? Why dont I have lots of money? I fished for everything I owned (with a liittle help from drag skirt) and its just to much to get mils off of fishing lobs, especially since they dont sell for 275 anymore. Completally freaked out about having like no money I decided to mine silver to craft. I mined 750 and Am curently crafting it to get 57 craft. Its the only thing I could thinnk of to get some quick money :(




    blah..... I want money, someone wanna give me a few mill? :pray:

  2. With a nice daggy assignmen to start the day off I decided to mix things up abit by going to waterbirth island. This would allow to check out the stunning ( :? ) scenery and probe around to see what I should expect for the Tip It Waterbirth expedition. Realized that my 48 prayer and 55 defense was weaksauce so i finished up the assignment with a new goal for the day in mind. I also got 7 dag hides :)




    I wanted prayer.... bad. So, I set off ot do Ghosts Ahoy and in no time I was ectoing my Drag bOnes which put me 4k xp from 54. If I dont get another dragon assignment before the event I iwll be mkaing a few trips to green drags to get alot of bones :)




    Basic round up of today - 53 pray, 66 Def and 56 slayer were achieved and im still chuggin

  3. Sorry, but im pretty sure this doesnt work as I just did this quest and got 5 ectophials. I banked them and went on my task of go back and forth from Cw to ecto my bones. One of the times I forgot to fill my ecto and looked in my bank where I put the others, they had dissapeared. Now unless I accidently switched them around Ill edit the post but for now.... no luck

  4. Why are you guys flaming him?




    His point is very legit. Hes not straight out meaning that Runescape bosssmonsters are wimps but in comparison to what is reqquired in other games they are. While it may be close to impossible to solo many some of the monsters in Runescape it is possible to pull off. These other monsters require excellent timing and teamwork to have any chance to take down. There is no monster in Runescape that requires allstar teamwork as well as high levels and lots of people... so far.

  5. Phew, that wasnt so fun :)




    Started the day off with a walk up from Lumbridge to Varrock cutting down every tree in sight untill I had a little over 2k arrow shafts. I then continued my trek up north to the east varrock mines where I smacked up some iron rocks untill i had enough to make the arrows. As I was about to go smelt the iron I realized I didnt have any rings of forging. Checked my bank and I had all the materials but not 49 mage yet. As I was about to ask someone to make some for me I remebered yesterday :(. I asked somebody I thought I could trust to make to dragstone ammys for me from my.... well, two drag stones. He added me to ignore and teled off into the sunset.... Anyways, I held off on the arrows for now.






    Followed by this was the mining 1k pure ess. I sold that then bought 3k rune ess to go make some minds. I made 1k of those and about 2 hundred minds with plenty of ess left over for when i run out of runes.




    Next was food. I had 216 fish bait from when I decided to keep them from a small banshee assignment and decided I might as well use them up. Got about 50 pike when I realized it was slowwer than lobseters so I ran down to Catherby to get some amzing ardines and herine. After the bait was used up I decided, just for the heck of it, to break out a large net and get some more fishy treats. After I was satisfied and went to Ardougne and stole cakes and other oastries untill i had at least 200 of each. Food - check




    Went and did the 72 croc assignment and got 49 mage in the process. After the asignment went back to Al Kharid made hte rings of forging and iron followed by the arrow heads in Varrock. Im just ont starting to make the arrows and then will continue on with my slayer ggoals :)

  6. Just got 54 slayer on my last assignment (werewolves) and then finsihed them off. When i got my 71 crocadiles assignment I was a little sad as they arent my favorite but oh well, might as well chig through them right? Went to my bank and realized I was a little low on supplies.... It was the perfect opertunity to take a break from slayer for a little and not wear myself out on it before I have too. So today is going to be a restocking day. <.<






    1. Arrows - Need to make some lol


    * Bronze - 31


    * IRon - 52


    * Steel - 200


    Ill be mining iron and making shafts and I already have about 4.5k feathers.




    2. Food - most assignments I just use the things I steal as they are free and I dont need much more than that.


    * Cakes - 4


    * Choco Slices - 38


    * Bread - 4


    Ill be in Ardougne stealing some tasty pastries. :)


    I also have 218 fishing bait so I might just use that up real quick to take a break from lobbies :)




    3. Runes - wanting to leel this up... might as well do it with slayer :)


    * mind - 4


    * body - 9


    * chaos - 40


    * death - 7


    Dont reeeeeally need chaos or deaths right now so Ill just makes some minds and bodies..... even though thats all I can make :(

  7. Today has been fun so far :)




    I am currently sitting on 53 slayer and at hellhounds finishing up an assignment. I have killed roughly 215 blue drags, 120 dags, 200 harpies and well... 67 hellhounds. Ive been having a ball with my whip I bought yesterday and knocked my defense up a bit, as well as wasted some chaos to give my mage a bump. Never realized how cool mage was and with my whip 70 defense seems easily attanainable so i think ill be putting my pest points to good use with mage. oops, my quiver ran out of ammo.....




    just got a clue from hounds... maybe something good to get me the rest of my cannon?

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