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Posts posted by Sirob1414

  1. where in al kharid? obviously thebank silly so you can work and talk at same time.... aaaaaaaaaand this isnt the kind of thing that happens over night. You need a consistat crowd of people in world 7 and Al Kharid to build soemthing up so that there were always be people there.

  2. Al kharid is possible? It popular for cooking, smelting, firemaking, mining and crafting. You can easily get there with a quick run from Lumbridge. I think its the most useful place for people to skill and talk at the same time. :wink:




    edit: i ment to edi original post..... can i not delete?

  3. are you that lazy, that it bothers you when you must click on a monster to fight it once in awhile... seriously, it's not a big deal, maybe bringing up the issue is fine, but i don't see why it's something "irritating".




    Its not a mattter of being lazy. It really a pain when you are fighting sme thing that requires food and pots especially when you arent used to not reattacking. You are just always expecting to reattack and when a big ol monster comes and whacks u a few times.

  4. Its nothing to do with more people getting slayer in my opinion, i rarely get whip drops anymore. The main cause for this drop of price was a few people saying they were going to go down. People believed them and spread it around more, then suddenly everyone was rushing to sell whips, this caused the market to crash a few hundred thousand, and then it stopped again. Hopefully they will return to 2.5 mil, as that is a resonable price for how good they are, and i have no problem paying that for it and nor does anyone else i know.










    well its not you if you add all the people who get whip drops you'll have a ton of whips going into the economy and since they wana sell there whips they sell them for just a little bit lower than everyone else then the next guy will do the same ect.




    thats my thory :roll:




    dont forget as more poeple et 85 slayer more people get into the game to be keep the demand...... it was as he said, whips are gunna drop sells yours quick IMO

  5. At fire giants:




    Me: close the door please


    Me: spider wil come in


    Person: no noob


    Me: um ok?


    Person continues to run around like a moron and dies. I pick up cannon stand, full black dhide, bow and glory + 2k steel arrows :)

  6. Well ive been doing some PC today to get 66 mage real quick and have noticed that there is ALWAYS a spinner at the yelow portal ( the first one I always go to) and whenever that portal is destroyed and we all run to the red one there a few waiting. Could this be an update Jagex did concerning the thought that PC is too good for leveling? Granted it doesnt take a genius to kill a spinner or position yourself to get the ones that wil be coming but I was wondering if anyone else noticed that there was always a spinner waiting :-s

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