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  1. I think those Manta Rays are worth more than the whip itself. :P Nice kills. PKing isn't for honor, it's for items and fun. Anyone who's fighting a "safer" should consider themselves lucky, since while he's eating, you're pounding him and he's not doing any damage to you, teleing is fine if you have a reason, getting someone else to TB is better than getting no PKs, especially if you're on Ancients. Having someone run away from a non-DM fight may be frustrating, but like you wouldn't have done the same thing if you were out of food? Anyways, nice kills.
  2. Just to straighten something out, "Noob" wasn't meant to be "New player". Newbie was. Noob, is supposed to mean an obnoxious and annoying player. To be honest with you, lvl 40-70 isn't that high, even so, it's not your level, it's your knowledge of the game. I don't have to memorize prices of items, I remember them because I have an attention span larger than that of a mule. I don't think of myself as a high level (94), but I don't get called a noob for one reason. I know things about the game. Which doesn't mean I'm a geek, it means I know how to get on a site like this one, and read. Do you know how easy it is to look up the price of something instead of asking random people? Or look up an item's worth instead of offering an item that's worth too much or not enough? Which is why most of you people are being called noobs. I can't remember the last time I said that or someone's said that to me, but it's because I don't rely people playing the game for information, If I don't know somethign about the game I either come to a website like this, or I find out on my own. I.E. I try it to find out.
  3. the ranger is way too pudgy, thin him down a bit? :P umm, i like it i'll give it a 9\10
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