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    Amsterdam, Holland
  1. ROW should increase your chance of getting a better drop yes, but its never guaranteed.Whips are okay but they are better for training attack with.
  2. Good Pest Control worlds are few and far between, and if you are not with a clan then its hard to find a good one.If you find a really good Pest Control world then chances are that you will soon not be the only one with that upper hand of being in a team with 100+.Just go through worlds, have a good time, make some friends and maybe make a clan of yourself!Who knows, maybe someday your clan will be the new Heart Unit!
  3. When you buy a months subscription you get a months subscription.I used to pay by credit card and it's pretty easy to cancel it.If you unweild a members item, graphically you are still weilding it but none of the effects are active.So on your style of attack screen it will show that you are kicking or punching.Bank slots will leave as well, and if you are over the amount of bank slots that you have for f2p then if you withdraw stuff from the bank then you cannot resubmit it unless you have multiples of that item in the bank.
  4. Just thought I would enlarge the last bit, since I recognised the quote.I'm not ashamed of anything that I listen to, purely because I honestly believe that all music I listen to is awesome.Not everyones opinion, but I dont care.
  5. Gordo525


    To be honest, do you really think the creators of this movie, albeit the viewers as well, will have read this book?Do you think anyone going to see this movie will know Sparta from Spar Supermarkets?No.No one cares.If they had read the book then they would not need to see an adaptation of it, mainly because they knew that Hollywood would ruin it for everyone.I'm going to see this film purely because the action in it looks immense, I am going to have a good time and try and enjoy the mindless violence that I love so much.There is nothing wrong with enjoyment ,just because someone has butchered history.
  6. To be honest, just listen to some Killswitch Engage (they are pretty darn good), check out some Alexisonfire (their latest album is good).Bands like Set Reflect, Sky Eats Airplane ,B4MV, Exit Ten, Devil Sold His Soul, From First to Last, Ill Nino, they are all good for sessioning out whilst getting dressed in the morning, for some early adrenaline pumping so you can get in mood for the day.Some of the stuff I have read that has been recommended will seriously damage your taste in music, so dont try it.*cough*Cradle*cough*
  7. The same thing has happened to my PC , and after a while it just doesnt work at all.I have sent my PC to a computer shop, but before I did I found out that it was the CPU doing it, something about a power surge and it overheating.Seriously, you can save a lot of time,effort and computer files by just getting it professionally fixed.
  8. ^^^Lol and if you believe that, then why not go to clickonmeandifillyourpcupewithviruses.com, where you can get free stuff!! But serious, isnt this kinda weird?I have never seen them here before, and I think its kinda.......Ironic?The fact that this is a fan site, yet by clicking on it , TipIt gets money for a possible keylogger that steals our passwords??Am I correct?
  9. Maybe Tip It doesnt have any control over the adverts on their site, which is fair enough, but I was truly shocked when I saw this when posting on their site......... Discuss.......
  10. To be fair, I have never had any trouble with my parents over changing style, since I have never really had any differenet friends.I am quite popular in my college, mainly cos I'm one of the few black rastas.I dont know what it is about, but everyone seems to know my name.My close mates have told me its cos I stick out, and I can see why.The only problem with everyone knowing your name is people being fake towards you.I get people talking to me who I dont even know, people somehow get my number and ask me for weed when I only smoke it religiously.I really do wish I was just normal sometimes.My parents like me being popular as they know I will always have friends, and as for drugs, its part of my religion.Just try and chill out, your parents will come through one day.If they take yourcar away, walk man.I walk everywhere, its cool.
  11. Cheers for al the support, it seems no one i really interested in the RuneScape race =( But to be fair, I havent been playing that much, just been working at college for the past week, God I hate deadlines!!!And the release of the Nintendo Wii in England is today so I was hiting that out a bit, got bored with it after a while, will probs go back to it later. Anyways, I got my combat to 59, and I really need to get it higher, its jsut the fact that its so much effort. I would rather work on my skills which are already pretty high because its easier.Working on lower skills takes time away from getting my other skills higher.Anyone suggest any motivational tips to getting combat higher??
  12. Thanks for the support dude.Anyways there have been little updates because I have been real busy on my quest to make a mil, plus running across RuneScape trying to find the quickest route that does not use shortcuts.I have recently reached some new goals,havent done any quests recently, but I will end up doing some new quests at some point. Heres some new things that I have done in my absence from the Forums. I would have posted pictures here, but Imageshack hates me, so can anyone redirect me to a website where i can do the same that Imageshack does please?thanks very much
  13. Hey, long time no typeing, just really been deep in college work at the moment, sometimes it just kills you.Well I haven't logged on in a while which is a true shame, since I have forgotten what new sets of pictures I need to upload.Working on getting some new screen software soon, so bare with me on the lame quality of one of my last Imageshack uploads, don't know why it mucked up so much =( Anyway, watch this space for pictures.
  14. So yeah, its not my fault I havent been on , girl trouble and all that, but I'm going to post some more pics now, show a few bank shots and my skill table thingy,never let girls get in the way of your goals thats what I say,always leads to trouble.Anyway, the guys and I are opening up a fwe spots in the RuneScape Race, you dont have to put any money in or anything,we have 4 spots open for runners who just want to have a bit of fun, if you re interested post here guys.Picture time! Something has gone incredibly wrong with the last one, but all those pictures are a little out of date, so I will post a pic of my character and my bank and skills or something. Well Imageshack doesnt like me anymore since I insulted it,so my pictures dont want to upload to the correct size.Sorry guys, guess this blog is going to die.But the RuneScape Race wont!Post here if you wanna be in it!!!
  15. You will find that writing a blog here is hard, because you have to keep taking pictures and uploading them, but good luck on everything.And from your bank pic it doesnt look like you need anything donated since you can just buy it lol.Good luck, check out my blog at some point if you get bored lol. XgordoX
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