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    Soccer, Anime, Computor Games all the good stuff yah no ? XD
  1. Woo! Tried to pick a tricky one, so i'll give you clue from the get go. This monster can use all three types of protection prayers. I spy with my little eye something begining with F.
  2. Head? It's on the Temple Trekking game. Otherwise the only other i can think of is Hero, but that's already been put forward.
  3. Peele


    Mmmkay, ill tidy it up, thanks for the recognition of my crappy mistake XD
  4. Peele


    Alright, im gona do more before i post from now on... less mistakes :P
  5. Bleh. My first death was from a hobgoblin near Melzars Maze back on RSC... Goood Times.
  6. Guys, Im gona close this post and tidy up the story... Alot. :thumbsup: Look out for "The Vanquisher Series" Coming to a forum near you!
  7. The book, in my opinion was very good. There was only one thing i noticed. Did the polyjuice potion get upgraded or something? It seemed that when they changed into different people, it lasted for ages. :-s Confusling.
  8. Alright, sorry, I shouldn't have asked anyone to check my own work. So I have gone through the two parts and tried to rewrite the gramatical mistakes, though im not very good at it :oops: Again, sorry.
  9. What is that supposed to mean. I don't understand why you posted that. In future, can people just tell me what the problem is, if there is one, because i dont see the point of that link, as i havent realised the problem. :(
  10. hehe, oops, ill change it now.
  11. The leaves crunched under his leather boots, and the wind whistled through his hair. The air scorched through his lungs and his legs felt like they were on fire. Finally, Varrock! But still, he would not stop. Barging through the throng of people, he took a right and passed a small water fountain. He then turned left again and ran down the street. He came to an inn, The Blue Moon. He stayed the night, not sleeping much, nightmares sliced at the inside of his mind. A dead man. A Scabbed hand. Blood on a sword. These images flashed through his mind, depriving him of sleep. Dawn came, cold and bright, and he set off on the road to his home. His father would be angry with him, that was for sure, but it didn't matter, he would be home. He took a short cut, though the wild countryside. The butterflys fluttered by and the wind carresed the softly swaying trees. The events of the previous night seemed the melt away. Until... On the floor lay a dead monk. He had been decapitated, and drained of his blood. The stench over powered him and he gagged so he brought his shirt up to his nose and he inspected the monk. He had the basic brown robes, but his staff was different. He took it from the monk, and with its end, turned the body over. There was a satchel. He took it, desiding that it could be valuble. But he had to get away. The Thing might come back for the rest of this poor monk."May Saradomin bless you, brave soul" he murmered, and set off again. After a while, he rested and took a look inside the satchel. Inside was a few provisions, water, food and a first aid kit. But at the bottom were some runes. 10 to be precise. These runes were odd, and had markings he had never seen before at any rune shop in Varrok. They seemed, crisper, cleaner... purer. And oddly enough, damp. He placed the runes back in the satchel, but near the top, because he felt they were important. Next, he took a look at the staff. The wood, which was old and gnarled, had many engravings on it, in a language he couldn't understand. On top, was a glowing and shape shifting ball of light, it seemed somehow, like the runes, but perhaps melted down, if it were possible. Time was getting on and so he packed up and carried on again. It was late in the afternoon when he arrived, and he could tell something was not right. The windows were dark, and the door looked as if it had been forced. He went inside. It was empty, but nothing was out of place. He went into the bedroom, calling his father as he went. And there, on the bed, was his fathers decapitated body, drained of his blood like the monk. On the wall, were words scrawled in what must be his fathers blood. " YOUR TIME IS UP VANQUISHER " He screamed, and collapsed. Everything went dark. End of part 2
  12. okii dokii i changed it thanks :D And please post on part 2, tell me what you think :)
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