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    Netherlands Varrock West world 15
  1. oooooh :shock: very nice reddish sunset. That will help me with my own sig, i couldnt get the sky right (lol i inverted the red and yellow part in the sky... no wonder it looks weird :roll: ) But this is awsome, with the birds, the shadows on the clouds and the good use of colors. And then there is the water, really awsome, it has a nice glittering effect on it and even the shadows of the mountains. And those 2 little devils give your sig the finishing touch... hehe i like them very much. Good work 10/10 - Nachtshaduw
  2. both breaking the rules... This is deffinatly off-topic go fight this out somewhere else, but not on these forums. better close this topic, cuz its going nowhere.
  3. haha i found the old one! There are no words for it, only that it owns! :shock: :shock: :shock: Next time though, i should put a copyright on my house... :roll:
  4. you mean that village with the mc donalds, the river and Later the Fort with the nuclear village? i believe that topic was called 'pixel fun' :D That was really fun. I might still have the house i made back then. When i find it, i will let you know and start a new village. (not sure if i still have it after formatting my pc, but i made a backup of some files) - Nachtschaduw
  5. man i wish i could join this competition, but i format my pc and i dont have my photoshop anymore. It's funny you come up with this idea beacause I made a picture about a song i heard and got inspired by it. So i have brushed something in photoshop back then, but now i cant finish it. :(
  6. Generally its not bad for a first attempt. but like almost all first attemps, it need more shading and more detail in background, like you did on the rocks, cuz they look good to me. Next to the shading and stuff...i dont like the font, its too simple and need some good work. but i shouldnt worry about that yet. - Nachtschaduw
  7. those are some cool sigs dude! i like the one called 'battlecamp'. Very cool light effects. I might offer for it later, but now im short on cash. ps: you might want to change the text on it. You spelled 'than' but its then... :roll: - Nachtschaduw
  8. Sure, before you ask questions like this... look on google first. It shouldnt be hard to find anything when you just typ the word brushes in the search display. I used to have a very nice site for some awsome burshes, but forgot the site link :roll: So i gues you will have to do it with this one: http://www.rebel-heart.net/brushes/ Next to that, you can also make some brushes yourself. Iif you have a nice picture that can be used for a brush, or simple have drawed a nice one yourself then program it into ur brush list. Example: Selected a nice part of a picture you want as a brush Then go to Edit>Define Brush Preset Then type in a name for your new brush. Click ok and your done. you should see the new brush amoung the other brushes. i hope i helped you out a little bit. - Nachtschaduw
  9. this sounds like a fake competition... and then hes username sais temp banned. so shouldnt this topic be closed?
  10. i think he doenst want a frame around it if he wants it to be blended in a black background
  11. well i wasnt sure, you said ur example was just a guide... so i thought you might like it. :roll:
  12. ive seen the both of you 2.. i never was into sig making back then but i always loved ur signature loth. and jlr... why did you gave up the sig making? I have a signature from you that looks very good and cant understand you could give it up when making sigs like that. (Dont know if you made it urself but it says ur name on it and i love it!) But nice you two are back in the signature making business
  13. i might be making one 2day seems fun to make something diffrent :P
  14. really? man i hate it when they do that... thanks anyway.
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