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Everything posted by bmxrider

  1. ok, so I havnt been recognized in the clan world for a very long time, but that doesnt mean i dont have the right to express my opinion :) 1. I wasnt at the war so i dont have much to say about it but you could of just had members that returned after dieing :roll: 2. Yea, im about 98% sure you werent the first clan to have that rule :roll: 3. Really, how can you say MI had "honour" when you would crash wars not even involving you? :roll: Crashing wars is the worst thing a clan can do and the ones that do it are not honourable or well-liked :wink: 4. Thats a load of [cabbage]t, there were many clans before MI which ruled the wilderness. And even before them there were clans that ruled all of RS when there was no wilderness :D (yes i was there when there was no wilderness) 5. No you werent, I seen many pk-only clans before you were even around :roll: so before you go and say all this stuff you "think" makes MI part of Rs clan history, do some research :roll: Before you go and try to argue with Jammy and Orby you better get your facts right, because they are true "old schoolers" and have had a lot more impact on the clan history than you :wink:
  2. ppl will still sell their sigs for money and ppl will still buy, there isnt a need to try to "disguise" the trading, jagex doesnt know if your friends or they owed you a favour :wink: they will have no proof that u sold a sig :roll:
  3. rate them please and any c/c is welcome so i can improve on my skills 8)
  4. :roll: smithing lvls havnt changed very much from the beggining, nobody was 99 smithing for a long time but i remember back when steel kites were the best shield you could get and bluerose13x could smith them :D they were worth like 500k and that was tonnes of money since everybody had like 200k max and everybody thought you were rich :lol: my bro was friends with bluerose so he got me a steel kite 8) and i also remember when there were no teleport spells 8) dam i feel like a freaking oldy now :P
  5. hows that look? :wink: just a quick lightning add, if it looks better ill take a lot more time to make the lightning better :oops:
  6. well this is my latest attempt at a landscape sig i use Terragen and Photoshop but im not very good at either :P just trying to get some practice, so any criticism is good (as long as it isnt too harsh :P ) so i can improve my skills 8) *edited*
  7. 1. not too sure, it was around 4 months after rs started 2. Getting a steel kite from bluerose13x when that was the best shield in the game and only she could make them 3. Leading Golden Helms 4. Reaching 80 Crafting 5. March, 2006, Hardly enjoying it, seems to be boring, i wish rsc was still f2p :wink: id rather play that now
  8. http://www.planetside.co.uk idiot.... Btw, bmxrider i'm not a big fan of your landscape. To start off, you don't have any texture for the landscape, and it realy just looks like a render land >> get camera angle >> render scene type of deal. Try and work with more textures on your landscape, plus, I'm not realy digging the whole monotone Idea. And the boarder isn't too great. :oops: it is just a qucik render on terragen, im a nooby at terragen, just trying to work on the basic skills right now but soon ill work on others :) the border was made in a few mins just to spice it up a bit instead of just being plain 8) but thx for the criticism and ill work on my terragen skills and see what i can come up with :D along with better borders :P
  9. :roll: ok before u go and say this bullcrap do some research, go ahead and search google for this image, ill see u in a couple years when somebody saves it and uploads it onto a site when google comes up with that page and puts it on :wink: why do you think it is ripped? i did this myself, so dont go saying i ripped it off and put some text onto it without research :roll: lowgravity - i made the lightning and text and rain in photoshop and the land/water/sky in terragen :) * Updated Pic *
  10. 8) thx for the rates and comments :D ill work on the animation more tonight after work and post what i come up with 8)
  11. i know the text isnt the best but rate the background and try to forget bout the text :lol:
  12. rs was so addictive and thats what got me playing, now i hardly play anymore becuz rs2 is not challenging like rs was, its just not the same anymore :cry:
  13. looks like everybody has forgotten about Golden Helms (GH) i think they were a good strong and powerful clan for a while. but other than that: Gladz BK 'The' Wanderers RsMob i dont think BDK was a great clan :roll: they forced to work their members, just becuz they were high lvled and strong doesnt mean anything. They were a lame clan to me
  14. Crafting for ever!!!! crafting all the bling bling to purty up my chest and bank :lol:
  15. i was looking through some of my dads computer program cds and came upon photoshop 7.0 so i installed it and looked through a couple tutorials to get me started and came up with this then i was asked by a clan member to make him one, and so i went and made one to get some more experience and this is how it turned out please rate these sigs and give me any suggestions to improve them and dont flame or spam my topic plz i am new to photoshop so give me some time to get used to it, thx
  16. 15k? add bmxrider to your rs list so we can talk
  17. thats sweet, except the pickaxe and the chisel are a little too dark how much do you want for it?
  18. i would like it to say: Bmxrider (top?) 1217+ Skill Total 72+ Crafting (have a chisel beside it?) 85+ Mining (have a pickaxe beside it?) make it medievalish :P
  19. lol, well he could always listen to his mommy read for him :lol:
  20. lmao is that all u got :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: but neway thx for entering :roll: :roll: I said that was something I did for fun to show what an idiot you look like. I'll show my entry later when I've spent more than 5 mins on it. the first 1 u enter is the 1 u compete with :twisted: ok for one thing if you challenge somebody to any kind of duel you make the rules up before you even start :roll: and once everybody agrees on the rules you can go ahead and not change or add any, so before you go challenging anyone to a duel, maybe read up on what a duel is :roll:
  21. well i took the advice that was given to me on my first sig and changed the fonts on these ones :) Please rate them, and also it would be nice to tell me some improvements i could do with them. I am new to terragen so i do not know all of the techniques and i wouldnt mind if you told me some if you know any :D
  22. thx every1 :) btw does any1 know how to put a moon or sun in the picture on terragen?? :oops:
  23. it could be better, i know :P but it is my first made siggy so plz be kind and rate it and gimme any suggestions to improve it :)
  24. does any1 know how to make a sun or moon on terragen?? :wink:
  25. yes it was terragen, btw do you know how to put a moon or sun in the pic??
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