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Low C

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Posts posted by Low C

  1. From what I can tell it's not on my end because i've had about 5 people online today and they haven't received the same error you are. The error is a Java Socket Closed Severe server error. Is your firewall open for minecraft?


    Also, we're running 1.8.1 not the 1.9 prerelease builds. I'm not sure if that would throw up errors.

  2. Erm i have this system where I put all my money in the back of my wallet and only keep like $50 in view so I don't spend it in a day. It's kind of like an allowance except I know it's there and I know I can use it if I need to. I learned a lot of tricks and such in some Business classes that relate to saving money. The main one is don't owe interest! When i go out to buy a new car it'll be because I saved the full cash price and I went into the dealer and haggled him down because i'm paying full in cash. I just can't see the point in paying payments on stuff when simple saving can accomplish the same thing. However, nowadays people want everything right then and there and are addicted to credit.

  3. Update 10/30


    Removed annoying message everyone hates, sorry about that guys. I didn't realize it would be a server wide display so i've removed it all together.


    I've also ranked everyone who has currently logged into the server as a Member. Remember, you must log in once before being ranked due to the database having to save your permissions file before I can rank you.

  4. Are there still server mods being shuffled around? No rush--I just ask because I see that /back isn't working properly. I know you got rid of some mods, so I was curious.


    I'll enable it for Moderator+ during the next server update.


    I noticed that I was mining close to the surface and hit iron ore, which threw a server notice to me saying I was listed as using the client mod 'X-Ray'? Should I be worried about that?


    That happens for everyone and the message can be seen in chat by everyone. It's basically just a feature that lets me check the log to see if someone was really abusing a glitch/exploit. Someone mining 5-10 ores in a short period of time isn't suspicious, however if a large line of maybe 25-30 ore notifications shows up i'll be suspicious and look into it.

  5. IMPORTANT: You will be automatically denoted as a Recruit upon entering the server. After you enter the server you'll have a new permission file saved into my server directory. After you log in for the first time as of now 1am EST 10/29 you will need to post here requesting a promotion to Member status. Sorry for the hassle, you will not have to fill out an application for this promotion if you were already white-listed.


    Finally I've finished the required infrastructure to expand recruitment to Minecraftforum.net, here are the updates i've added to the server.


    New Ranking System!

    People already white-listed will be auto-promoted to Member status, the ranking system applies to all new recruits as of now.


    Upon entering the server a new player will be placed in the "Recruit" category. Recruits' names are Purple in-game. As a recruit you have very limited in-game actions and you can only use these commands.


    /spawn Teleports you to spawn.

    /afk Sets your status as away.

    /getpos Shows your coordinates.

    /help Shows a list of commands.

    /helpop Asks admin for help.

    /list Shows a list of online players.

    /mail Views your mail.

    /mailsend Sends mail.

    /motd Shows the message of the day.

    /msg Player to player messaging.

    /seen Shows when a player was last online.


    To be promoted to a member (see below) you will need to have two Diamondseeker members vouch for you. To apply for Member status within the server post a thread in the designated forum.




    As a member you're a full fledged Diamondseeker! You now have access to all the Recruit commands plus these commands..














    /mob list


    /money pay

    /money help


    You also have full access to iConomy 6, for a full list of commands go to /money help in-game.


    On top of that you have access to LWC chest protection which can be activated by typing /cprivate.


    for a full list of LWC commands type /lwc in-game.


    As a member you have access to creating player owned shops by placing a chest and putting a sign above it like so..


    How to create a ChestShop?

    - Place a chest, if you haven't already.

    - Place a sign 1 block near the chest (for example, above the chest)

    - On the sign, write:




    (Item name can actually be item ID or alias)

    First line will be filled in by the plugin automatically.

    Price is a combination of buy and sell price.

    You have to have B near buy price (people buy from you), and S near sell price (people sell to you).

    If you have both B and S, separate them with a colon - :

    For example:




    means that AcrobotPL wants to sell 64 diamonds for 10 currency, and buy them back from you for 5 currency.

    Also, if you put "free" instead of price, it is free to buy or sell


    - Now, when you finish editing the sign, if LWC is turned on in config, shop will be automatically created.

    Also, if your default protection is turned on in the config, people won't be able to break chest, sign or the block the sign is on



    As a server moderator you are given access to every command a member receives as well as muting, banning, and kill commands. Moderators will be hand picked by Administrators.



    Administrators have access to every command possibly. [/hide]


    Revamped Rules!

    [hide]1) No Griefing

    2) Be Respectful to other members

    3) Do not alter or destroy other members creations what so ever. If you need to alter or destroy a creation create a thread here or ask in our threads on Tip.it or MCF.net.

    4) Never ask to become a moderator or admin.

    5) Do not try to exploit any bugs and report any exploits to moderators or administrators.[/hide]


    I have also added 2 new plugins.


    Hourly Server Backups! Our map will be automatically backed up every hour as an anti-grief measure.


    A new system of preventing fire-spread and lava damage!

    All lava and flint+steel ect is now disabled. I will be notified if a player tries to use disabled items and how many times they tried to do so.


    Thank-you to everyone involved with the server and I hope to continue improving and enhancing your experience at Diamondseekers.


    Lastly, welcome our newest Moderator Kimberly (Lady_Ninane) to the team! She can now banhammer or mute so don't get on her bad side. Moderators are shown as Purple names in-game.



    Diamondseekers Administrator


    Note: Recruits appear as Purple in-game, Moderators appear as Green, Administrators appear as Red, and Members appear as Cyan.

  6. still dosnt look that big sorry <3


    maby its cos im used to seeing that hogwarts build thats built from bedrock to skylimit


    Lol its only built from sea level to sky limit. Nick's buildings are very architectural and great. Hopefully he builds some stuff in the server like that eventually. I'd include it in the recruitment video on youtube when i get around to make it.

  7. Thanks for more pics alg :P. Little do they know that those buildings are small compared to the main castle. I just finished outlining the main building last night and finished it at 5am. It took hours upon hours just to clear trees and outline such a big area.

  8. I'm currently creating a remake of Hogwarts from Harry Potter. If I stick with it i plan on making it as realistic to the book and movies as possible by adding Dungeons, Chamber of secrets, Diagon Alley and possibly Hogsmead. So far i've only gotten the shell of the Great Hall, Entrance Hall, and Courtyard finished. Here's a teaser. It's located in the Diamondseekers server.



  9. Feel free to remove me from the whitelist at any time, Low (I'm Skull_Emblem). It was fun while it lasted, but I really want nothing to do with the whining and accusations that have constant since the server opened. I'm going to stick with single player from now on.


    As I said before, if anyone finds my stuff, it's yours.


    Don't quit, it's a good experience once you rid the bullshit of griefers and such. I will continue to implement anti-grief measures to prevent things like that from happening again. You were one of the few who hasn't gave me a hard time throughout so i hope you return.

  10. edit


    I am inclined to believe you are the person who has been stealing from Diamondseeker users. I believe this because of your statement to the affect of "You people should really learn to hide chests". You also burn to death about 10-15 times when you log-in [bleep]ing to me about the server so that heightens my suspicion. If it isn't you then i am still banning you because frankly i'm tired about your [bleep]ing about the server. If I want to create a project in creative it's my choice and as long as i'm not spawning items for other players to gain an unfair advantage I don't see the problem.


    Have fun on your RP server and hopefully you don't bother them as much as you've bothered us.


    In other news, I've backed up the server as of today. I apologize for all the stolen items and if it stops today then it was probably this jackass. I urge everyone to still use LWC chest protection. Commands are in the OP.

  11. Update 10/26


    Server Item Buy Price type /sell hand to receive these prices from the server.

    Worth: (Price server will buy for using /sell hand)

    [hide] stonebutton:

    '0': 7.0

    wood: 1.0

    arrow: 10.0

    diamondpickaxe: 1000.0

    rawfish: 5.0

    minecart: 20.0

    leatherchestplate: 40.0

    storageminecart: 35.0


    '0': 0.0

    feather: 3.0

    goldchestplate: 600.0

    mushroomsoup: 30.0

    bread: 20.0


    '0': 1.0

    workbench: 20.0

    stonehoe: 40.0

    brownmushroom: 2.0


    '0': 8.0

    mossycobblestone: 90.0

    diamondhoe: 600.0

    woodsword: 10.0


    '0': 1.0

    grass: 1.0

    poweredminecart: 30.0

    snowball: 1.0

    goldenapple: 500.0

    leatherleggings: 20.0


    '0': 2.0

    diamondaxe: 1000.0

    slimeball: 50.0

    fence: 10.0

    stonespade: 40.0

    claybrick: 10.0

    noteblock: 40.0

    ironaxe: 60.0

    coalore: 15.0

    clayball: 8.0

    fishingrod: 25.0

    ironhoe: 60.0

    goldrecord: 950.0

    ironpickaxe: 80.0

    irondoor: 35.0

    bucket: 10.0

    redrose: 2.0

    grilledpork: 6.0

    gravel: 1.0

    wooddoor: 30.0

    chainmailhelmet: 40.0

    ironchestplate: 300.0

    diamondblock: 1500.0

    diamondhelmet: 1500.0

    goldhelmet: 300.0


    '0': 10.0

    ironspade: 40.0


    '0': 10.0

    ironsword: 60.0


    '0': 9.0

    woodaxe: 10.0

    seeds: 5.0

    painting: 50.0


    '0': 10.0

    redstoneore: 30.0

    diamondspade: 350.0

    waterbucket: 10.0


    '0': 1.0

    bedrock: 1000.0


    '0': 15.0

    goldhoe: 200.0

    sand: 1.0

    goldsword: 200.0

    stoneaxe: 40.0

    bookshelf: 20.0

    ironblock: 160.0


    '0': 60.0

    boat: 5.0

    diamondchestplate: 3000.0


    '0': 7.0

    redmushroom: 2.0

    string: 5.0


    '0': 10.0


    '0': 1.0


    '0': 10.0

    sulphur: 19.0


    '0': 40.0

    ironore: 18.0

    leatherhelmet: 20.0

    stone: 2.0

    egg: 1.0

    diamondore: 200.0

    woodhoe: 10.0

    goldleggings: 400.0

    chainmailleggings: 50.0

    yellowflower: 2.0

    ironhelmet: 120.0

    obsidian: 130.0

    dirt: 1.0

    leather: 10.0

    leatherboots: 17.0


    '0': 7.0

    cobblestone: 1.0

    cake: 100.0


    '0': 8.0

    ironingot: 20.0

    goldore: 45.0


    '0': 50.0

    bed: 25.0

    watch: 100.0

    ironleggings: 250.0

    sign: 10.0


    '0': 3.0

    woodpickaxe: 10.0

    stonepickaxe: 40.0

    chainmailboots: 30.0

    diamondleggings: 2200.0

    cookedfish: 20.0

    saddle: 100.0


    '0': 22.0

    tnt: 1000.0

    glowingredstoneore: 30.0

    apple: 10.0

    woodspade: 10.0

    goldingot: 50.0

    diode: 10.0


    '0': 3.0

    clay: 3.0

    goldblock: 400.0

    stick: 1.0

    paper: 30.0

    brick: 40.0


    '0': 1.0

    chest: 15.0

    sandstone: 5.0

    goldpickaxe: 300.0

    compass: 50.0

    sugarcane: 10.0

    diamondsword: 700.0

    goldboots: 250.0

    sponge: 80.0

    stonesword: 40.0


    '0': 3.0

    goldaxe: 300.0

    bone: 10.0

    diamond: 230.0

    glass: 10.0

    goldspade: 220.0

    lapisblock: 500.0

    lavabucket: 30.0

    wheat: 9.0


    '0': 10.0


    '0': 15.0

    bowl: 6.0

    chainmailchestplate: 40.0


    '0': 2.0

    diamondboots: 1500.0

    lapisore: 100.0


    '0': 1.0

    milkbucket: 15.0

    redstone: 1.0

    greenrecord: 1000.0


    '0': 10.0

    glowstonedust: 11.0

    book: 35.0

    bow: 75.0

    ironboots: 50.0


    '0': 3.0

    sugar: 5.0[/hide]


    Updated White-list
































    If you guys feel an item price needs to be changed post feedback here. I haven't tried to check to see how balanced it is and i've heard people are setting up shops and profiting big time off people who are pricing low and selling for a ton of profit to the server. So use these prices to figure out what to sell in your shop as.


    -Diamondseekers Admin Low_C

  12. This [bleep]ing sucks. Still cant get MC to work and by the time I do, there'll be no space left in the city to build :<


    You could expand it yourself. It's not like the city is set at a definite limit. It's been expanded once, it can be again. The pressure you're feeling is imaginary.


    Yep, plus the empty land I opened up within the city is huge so I'm sure you have plenty of time.


    @ Langzor, it was a lapse in judgement on my part. I was caught up in expanding and your giant X was in my demo path. Next time you're on the server i'll give you some free materials to compensate. If anyone wants to ask about a structure I agree that it should be done here.

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