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Low C

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Posts posted by Low C

  1. I've never watched the show but i can see why the majority of adults would hate it. If I hated Breaking Bad I would post in that thread and show my dislike as well so I don't see your point, multiple people have expressed their disdain with the show and touched on why they dislike it.


    I've personally never heard or seen anyone talking about or watching this show in my area and I have multiple female cousins in the age group it's targeted at. Maybe it's because they're busy watching nickelodeon and such.

  2. I'll get a minecraft account tommorow.



    Does this server have a style guide or is it just free build, I know a lot of the servers I've been on were overrun by pokemon sprites or randomly placed pieces of wool - it looked terrible. I'd reccomend one personally.

    Also, I asked if anybody wants to make a castle atop a hill build, plans in excel coming.


    Free build, rules are posted at the spawn building.

  3. Hopped on the server to look around, and the map is really cool looking. o_o Floating mountains (owned by Gio) abound!


    Been looking for a nice, legit server to just relax in, so posted a whitelist app. Also, question, I've got a couple of friends who were also looking for a server like this, could they apply for whitelisting or is it TIF people only?

    Yes they may, just have them register on the forums and apply and have them say who vouched for them.


    Can I be lazy and just ask if I could be whitelisted by just posting here? I'd rather not join a forum I'd probably rarely visit just to get in the whitelist, and I feel I post on the OT often enough to gain some trust from the people here.


    Username is Emp_M if you allow me.

    I understand its a burden but it keeps everything organized if this grows into a big deal like 50+ people. It's hard to determine who is who when you're dealing with whitelisting and ban lists ect so i want to keep everyone documented on the forum. I'll still add you I just ask you to take the time when you get a chance and formally apply.

  4. It says I don't have permission to open a thread for my application :(


    Fixed. Sorry about that, it's late :P. I'm going to give a day of leniency with the white-list to let people register and such before i enact it. The server will be open without a white-list during that time period for those wanting to play.

  5. I wouldn't touch a server without a whitelist with a ten foot pole. They are far too easily griefed. Tip.it based or not, anyone with access to that IP (ie: anyone who can navigate to forum.tip.it) can go on and screw it up.


    I like the idea but meh.


    Yeah i agree, i'm thinking about just requiring registering on diamondseekers.org and then i'll just add the people who post on a whitelist thread to a whitelist.

  6. dslogo1-1.png


    I've tried this twice and haven't devoted enough resources personally to make it work and operate smoothly but i've recently obtained the things that made the previous attempts fail. A new computer so i have a dedicated server running 24/7, and a new mindset. My mindset this time around is to not try to do too much at once. I won't be offering a modded server this time, less upkeep if I provide a basic server with no cheating and with monsters turned off. Our first server ran like this and it was the best one in my opinion.


    This time around I've registered a domain and a dns so i can post the server in the public with no worries. I hope to grow the forums into a nice place for our minecraft community to congregate as well as post our server progress and information.




    Server address: diamondseekers.dyndns.org




    To join please register on our forums at www.diamondseekers.org and post in the whitelist application thread.

  7. It seems some people are a bit aggravated over their lack of tip.it as of late. You want to know why he's repeating himself? Because what he said covers what you need to know. Period. When he says everything, he means EVERYTHING. The information you're looking for isn't going to be on hand by everyone, so to keep targeting him after he's given quite a sufficient answer is just rude.


    And the whole "You've said that 3 times now" ordeal. Ok, yeah, he did. But he shouldn't have to. You're forcing him to by constantly targeting him for giving the right answer. Just because it doesn't fit your exact desires for a response and isn't fleshed out to hold your hand doesn't mean that you have to bite his head off. Seriously.


    I didn't ask for anything from him, i asked for information from someone who knows what is going on, like maybe Peter or Puremage. Transparency has been an issue with this site and many have left due to it.

  8. The simple fact is that while one of the tech admins may know exactly what backups we had, there's no real way to tell what backups were actually taken by the hackers. That's why, as I've said many times previously, the safest bet is to assume that any and all information you had on these boards over the past few years was compromised.


    You've reiterated this statement 3 times chief. It means nothing, i could say the same thing about any hacking just because it covers my ass as a blanket statement. Instead of responding to questions with such a statement why not try to contact the tech admins who can answer the forum user's questions thoroughly.

  9. Oh i have no quarrels with the admins handling the situation, it could happen and it has happened to most of the fan sites. The password I used here on tip.it isn't linked to any of my current accounts luckily, but i'm not sure about my previous passwords which could be in back-ups which is why i was worried.

  10. [hide]I had a feeling he broke bad when he poisoned Jesse's favorite kid. Although i have to say Walt was a badass when he turned Gus into two-face. Seen both plot twists coming but they still somehow surprised me. [/hide]

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