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Low C

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Posts posted by Low C

  1. I think what Stonewall is trying to get at is, in life the people who jump through hurtles to get to a point of elitism in society such as someone specialized in knowing what the [bleep] he's talking about should have the say so. He is comparing these specialized individuals to the people who took the effort to attend Runefest so they're obviously going to get the chance to decide the ideas and we're all going to sit here and sulk in the reality of unfairness. I understand your point though, people who have maxed out and post great suggestions on the forums are probably going to have great suggestions but there is a reason that my great suggestions about politics mean jack [cabbage] because i'm not a politician who's jumped through hurtles to get to have a specialized politician status. /sociology, i actually payed attention in that class.

  2. Cancers a [bleep]. The man made marketing into a damn money making machine worth billions. He basically figured out you can sell [cabbage] and market it well and people will still buy it aslong as it's popular and flashy. I'm considering changing my business concentration to marketing just because of this. I think this is a sign and an epiphany.

  3. Yeah i'm pretty sure they're signed for another season so [cabbage]'s really gonna hit the fan and leave us hanging on by a thread until next season. I anticipate them killing off Gus but I really hope they don't seeing as he's growing on me.

  4. 250px-Rage_cover.jpg

    Developer(s) id Software

    Publisher(s) Bethesda Softworks

    Engine id Tech 5[1]

    Platform(s) iOS

    Microsoft Windows

    PlayStation 3

    Xbox 360

    Release date(s) iOS

    NA November 18, 2010

    Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360[2]

    NA October 4, 2011

    AUS October 6, 2011


    EU October 7, 2011

    Genre(s) First-person shooter, action-adventure, open world, racing

    Mode(s) Single-player, multiplayer


    BBFC: 15

    ESRB: M

    PEGI: 18

    USK: 18

    Media/distribution Optical disc, download

    System requirements

    Microsoft Windows[4]


    Courtesy of Wikipedia.




    I already preordered. Does anyone else find this game to look promising? New graphics engine and apparently the buggy's you ride feel like a game of their own.

  5. My stance is i'm against it 100% unless a girl is raped or something traumatic happens then i believe it's up to her to decide what path she wants to take. Regardless i'm a guy so i wouldn't ever know the feeling of terminating a life as a mother but I couldn't imagine doing it.

  6. Seems like a communication issue, when i key'ed(very infrequently) I would ask the team whether they wanted a rush, or the slow roll through. This brought the team on same page; and I was always content with doing either.


    I agree with you on communication issues. If you go into a non-clan floor expecting everyone to be avid rushers ready to be as efficient as possible you're in for slow floor times. You really have to let the team know, as a keyer, what your preferences and styles are before leading them through the floor.

  7. Dead island is unique and I certainly didn't find it bland whereas some users might find it a lot similar to other games. I like the fact that it has durability considering you can play as 4 separate characters with their own strengths. It's up to you though, my general recommendation is if you liked Borderlands and Fallout games you might be more inclined to like this one.


    Back on topic, my most recent purchase is Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I started on hardest setting and decided I can't enjoy the game when i'm getting one shot every try so I'm gonna [kitty] out and do the easy setting lol. So far i'm really liking the story and i'm only past the first quest/mission.

  8. Just look at it from the perspective of a w117-er. They just spent upwards of 2 hours getting their xp, when dungeons are that long even a single death is a big deal. Even if they choose to not care about dying - the other 4 people will care and waste time gathering and cooking food, or making armour, and at the end the dungeon will be just as long and they will have lost most of their xp. It boils down to it being impossible to get good xp with random people because not everyone is in agreement and there is no game plan.

    When their dungeons take up to 2 hours long, you kind of wonder why they take 2 hours... and the reason is obvious, they do unnecessary things like cooking food, making armor, and clearing deadends. Randomers are just too damn scared/defensive to give a damn, and it's mainly because they are misinformed.


    When no one gives a [bleep] about deaths and just blaze through the dungeon like tomorrow, deaths become irrelevant. A 15-minute large, -20% mod with 6+ deaths (you don't get penalized anymore after that point) will always be better than a 2-hour large, +10% mod with 0 deaths. There's no denying it.


    Let's use some numbers:


    Assuming case A: 15min large, -20% mod, 6 deaths.

    Let's say this large you got 40k for it.


    Assuming case B: 2h large, +10% mod, 0 deaths.

    Let's say this large you got 110k for it.


    For case A, assuming you can complete 3-4 larges in an hour & with the same penalty scenarios, you would get 120k-160k xp/h.

    For case B, assuming the same +10% mod and 0 deaths, you would get 55k xp/h.


    I think it's pretty obvious what most people would go for.


    (Fun fact: If you 0-prestige case A, it would still be better xp/h than prestiged case B!)

    You don't get it. Let's make it even simpler for you for understand.

    Player 1 tries to play efficiently: Gets 6+ deaths but speeds up dungeon.

    Player 2 through 5: play like idiots and slow down everything, player 1 ends up having to wait while they fish, cook and make armour

    Result: Dungeon is 2 hours long and player 1 has got even less xp than the idiots


    That's why the "masses" don't go around dying on purpose. That sort of thinking only works when you have a clan that knows what they're doing. People that are too low lvled to get into a clan and have to use w117 have basically no choice but to play inefficiently.


    When I played I was able to Key for people competent enough to listen to my commands and do dungeons under 30 minutes long. I even tested this on w117 multiple times. My theory is that if I find "idiots" willing to be open minded and listen I can pull off average dungeon times and dispell your "fun facts". Thus turning inefficient "idiots" into sub-par efficient dungeoneers.

  9. College is a lot different than High School. The majority of people don't go out of their way to give Freshman a hard time unless you're into sororities and such. I'm sure you'll do fine and adjust to it.

  10. Never played a Battlefield game, is it different than CoD quite a bit? If so I'll just order both and play both.


    In my opinion, BF fixes all the things CoD just couldn't get right. (Hit detection, avatar movement, spawning, knifing, kill-streaks, pistol usefulness, and levels.) The only thing I preferred in CoD was the loadout system, but BF has something similar.


    I've also heard that it's a lot more teamwork and objective based is that correct? I'll probably play the Beta then decide ultimately on what i'm going to do come Oct. 25th.

  11. Finally got Gears. Next purchase will probably be SR3 and BF3


    My gamertag is Lowc15 if you want to play Horde with me sometime. I'll also be doing coop campaign on Hardcore eventually for the achievement. I added everyone who posted their gametags on the designated thread but if anyone else want's to game on XBL with me just shoot me a pm or something and i'd be glad to add fellow tifers.

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