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Everything posted by Ellipsis

  1. I like doing repetitive activities. Therefore, Runescape=fun.
  2. No, it's not possible to change your Runescape name. If it was, imagine the chaos that would create. Would it kill you to proofread before posting?
  3. I've seen Bubsa ingame. :P I believe he was at my induction.
  4. Mummi=Paisua. Also, I believe his total amount of chef's hats to be near 1900. I collect buckets of water and pots. Only 100 each so far.
  5. Draynor. All the cool people are there. :D
  6. With a rubber chicken, you can wait for someone to walk by, whack them, then morph back. They can whack you in egg form, but it goes above you head. 8) Also, the people of runescape can now sit!
  7. Well, I was trying to get around being this direct. It's less of a problem than Self-Injury, Drug Addiction, Anorexia, and the end all of all problems, suicide.
  8. If you type 'leet' in 1337, it wins by a verry large margin.
  9. He beat the game, admit it. By maxing out every level in every skill, he completed (or nearly) every aspect of the game. In Runescape context, that's an achievement. Don't tell me you don't expect respect from someone whose twenty levels below you. Well, I respect him because of the same reason -- he has the dedication and patience to complete such a long game. Just from writting in this forum alone, it meant that you spent a good portion of your life in this game as well. I ask you, what you play for? Probably leisure. To him, completing the game is a goal. This game is a hobby that he's willing to dedicate his time to, much like how others dedicate themselves into anime, or writting, or programming. Whether the hobby's worth the time from other people's perspective is pointless. Respect? Achievment? Sorry to post twice in a row guys, but this post takes the cake. Novylife deserves your sympathy. He has a problem, just as bad as alcoholism. That is the definition of adiction. How many people want to bet that he would fail the addiction test miserably? Here it is, try it yourself: http://counsellingresource.com/quizzes/ ... index.html That is a direct link from wiki. Come on people. This is not something to be emulated. Really, I must disagree. His addiction might be as strong as some acoholics, but there are major differences. For instance, N0valyfe is only mentally addicted. Besides, alcohol messes with your inhibitions and hurts others much more than playing video games frequently. N0valyfe's addiction to RuneScape is much healthier than addiction to drugs and most items people commonly rely on. He's not hurting himself directly, let the man live his life the way he sees fit.
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