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Posts posted by lokisilath

  1. 1) There is 4 spawns of rune ore.


    2) It's a good profit


    3) No-one pks rune miners =/


    4) Mage logs are better - 10-16 spawns?




    1) there are 2 rune rocks in f2p last time i checked...


    2) yes but so is mining coal or mith or addy...


    3) what?! obviously youve never been to the RR before...lots of people PK rune miners...and people PK the rune miner PKers...imagine the green dragons on F2P...cept the miners dont complain as much (or there arent enough of them to complain as loud as green dragon trainers).


    4) sure but then again members is better for making cash anyways...but he is F2P!




    as for whether 85 mining is worth it?




    1)when you get to 85 mining you will have achieved an ambition.


    2)you can always mine addy and mith...no one is making you mine rune.


    3)get some mates together and all go to the RR and they can protect you while you mine...i remember doing this for my mate and it was quite fun.


    4)its one step closer to 99 :D

  2. :shock:


    ok now i didn't know about that sly shortcut however i have been using another one for quite some time now and thats the run shortcut.


    to run without having to go into player options and click the run button simply hold down CTRL and click where you want to go...your character will run there.


    this is actually reeeally useful for the training island as you can use the run shortcut before you get the player options...




    now does anyone know if that is illegal?




    i bloody hope not :anxious:




    No that one is fine I think. I think Jagex even put it on tip of the day once.




    oh yeah #-o


    wow thats a big relief though :D

  3. :shock:


    ok now i didn't know about that sly shortcut however i have been using another one for quite some time now and thats the run shortcut.


    to run without having to go into player options and click the run button simply hold down CTRL and click where you want to go...your character will run there.


    this is actually reeeally useful for the training island as you can use the run shortcut before you get the player options...




    now does anyone know if that is illegal?




    i bloody hope not :anxious:

  4. worst, thread, ever




    Learn to spell man.




    OMG its the comic store guy from the simpsons!!!


    and im pretty sure this guy wasnt really in a calm enough mood to be checking his spelling, punctuation and grammar.


    Also this guy wasn't asking you to rate his thread he was asking for some help from his fellow runescapers (not free help either) and everyone complains theres no community...jeez man give the dude a break.

  5. am i the only person who thinks this is a good thing?


    for ages i was playing like a maniac thinking that one day when im a few hundred exp off 99 str or summat and my hands are shaking and theres a smile on my face that feels like its stuck there (you know that general feeling of anticipation really...) well RuneScape just dies...no more runescape.


    weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell...if they are making that much money off it then i got nothing to worry about so my crazy insane ambitions of getting 125 cb and 99 in all skills and making some ownage pures...arent that crazy or insane.


    wait...what if they get too rich and dont need to keep runescape running? oh god...i gotta get some more lvls and fast!!! :ohnoes:

  6. ive got a few accounts and only one of them has a number in it.




    loki silath (main)




    loki da sly (hybrid pker)




    max2 da sly (Scout pker)




    the reason i called it max2 da sly was not because he is the 2nd max...its because its a phrase me and my friends use in rl which is "sly to the max".




    as for people with numbers in their names i got nothing against it but it would have been cool if they spent a little bit of time getting something original.

  7. from how i read this it sounds like you think trading should be a skill...and that to me sounds ridiculous.


    how would/could exp be measured? besides certain skills are there as money makers anyways as materials are always in demand (iron, coal, mith, addy, rune, logs, willows, yews, lobsters, swordfish, sharks...the list is pretty darn long these are just the main ones i can think of)


    as for missing a sense of community...your posting on a runescape forum...that is a community!!! it even has a server (although not official) which is world 9.


    and it is perfectly possible to start a business without jagex creating a skill for it.


    my advice to you is start a merch clan or your own business and hire people...

  8. beer is part of australias culture they have all sorts of cultures lets start an aussie one with old run down towns and pubs and kangaroos and aussie rules football and cricket and boomerangs and didgeridoos





    ...and Rolf Harris!!!




    but beer is worldwide not just australian...and because its enjoyed worldwide it should be enjoyed on runescape which is played by people all around the world.

  9. F2P doesnt need a new skill. seriously.


    F2P has good non combat skills such as fishing, cooking, mining, smithing, woodcutting and firemaking which are all pretty useful.


    If you are unhappy with that then either quit or make some money and get members.


    as for killing f2p altogether...thats not a good idea. people getting into runescape start on f2p and move on to p2p later...if there was no f2p then we wouldnt have new people coming into runescape (by the way thats not a good thing)

  10. sounds good to me.


    ive only burthorped once (i probably will again) when i was given 161 iron dragons and thought i might as well burthorpe it as i was there anyways visiting the warrior guild.


    i kinda regret doing that (would have given me good combat exp and the drops sounded quite nice) although i was given 16 skellingtons instead lol.


    btw i hope some people with higher slayer lvl answer this as im only lvl 27 slayer (im getting it up dont worry)

  11. its useless becuz the other skills started out pretty bad too but they kept getting improved uponand left firemaking in the dark ages (get it? a pun, cuz fire creates light and i said dark ages- o u dont care) they will have to improve it or people like u will keep complaining




    runescape is set in the dark ages...thats why we have firemaking...rather than electricity...but good pun anyways man (btw im the pun master...i keep a loaded pun on me at all times)




    firemaking is a usefull skill...and i find that willows do burn longer than normal logs (or they seemed to when i was using them to cook).


    all the members stuff like shade burning, lanterns, mining helms etc etc are useful so therefore so is firemaking.


    like someone else said a lvl 99 fmer is better than a lvl 1 fmer as they can do anything fire related...and im sure thats got its perks.


    everyone plays runescape for different things...to a pure combat account firemaking couldnt be more useless...to a fishing/cooking account its a bit more useful (specially somewhere like karambja which has no range) get my point? just because theres something on runescape that you dont do and have no intention of doing doesnt mean that someone somewhere doesnt really really really enjoy it...like Empror1 lol (number 1 in fire making with 200,000,000 exp).




    no one skill is better than the rest...

  12. ok to start off name changing has its pros and cons...but overall i dont think it would be too wise or useful.


    i have to say though you didnt put this idea across in a well thought out way at all and heres why:





    i say we have a hut (in f2p) :D that lets you change your name under these requirements




    1. be at least level 50.


    2. be a member of the runescape community for at least a year.


    3. have 15k with you at time of namechange




    with all these requirements it will keep all the lower level players from choosing stupid names and it will keep the poor from changing up their name every day.




    1. what?!?! it shouldnt matter how long youve been playing or what level you are...you can use the make over mage and varrocks clothes shop at lvl 3.


    2. pardon? i dont see how playing runescape for a year has anything to do with your name. there is nothing else in runescape that has this kind of requirement.


    3.this i dont have so much of a problem with. but its your reason for it that made me mad. "it will keep the poor from changing up their name every day" nah mate if anything it would be an incentive to make cash...dont pick on the poor...they have more potential to be rich than anyone lol.




    the only downside to this that i can see is, the complications of forming a new shop for jagex,




    lmao jagex made runescape...all of it...what kind of complications do you think they will have that would stop them making a hut??? anyone with half decent construction can make a hut...




    and everyone having to update their friends list.




    a way around the friends list would be, your original username would stay the same but you could have different names for your in game character. if you ever played rpg world you would know what im talking about, that way you wouldnt have to change your friends list because everyones username would still be the same.




    no sorry i really dont know what you mean...and whats the point in changing your name if you keep the original?




    sorry...but i really dont think your idea would work.

  13. BEER FTW!!!


    mate i completely agree!!! :D


    oh and by the way that beer keg that Lord_K mentioned earlier is part of the fremmenik trials and you can only drink the keg once (the second time its non alchoholic beer...which isnt as fun)

  14. ummm where to start? Ive done a lot of stupid stuff...




    i cant actually count the ammount of times ive been runecrafting and forgotten the ess...


    same with the ammount of times ive forgotten tele runes and had to walk around...


    lost 1.2m in full rune before i realised PKing wasnt a good plan...thats why i made a hybrid :D


    lagged out once and when it said my account was already logged in got really upset and paranoid about being haxed so in a state of panic changed my recovery questions and password aaaaaaand somehow forgot it straightaway (or made a spelling mistake somewhere) :wall: so had to do it all over again lol...


    became a member for a month then went back to F2P for 6 months lol...


    gave away far too much free stuff...




    and now for the crem de la crem of stupidness:




    got camo legs and was so happy decided to go ranging with the green dhide and camo legs (thought that looked the don :D ) was PMing a friend about it when i came up with a really funny joke and decided it was so good i would write it down. finished jotting it down and looked up at the screen to realise i was in lumbridge and my camo legs were long gone...good ol' random events lol.

  15. well done for trying...seems to me that macroers can get round a lot of stuff. it seems to me that runescape is perfect for macroers as its so repetative...another problem is the legal accounts that get caught up in the war against macroers, such as pure skillers who dont like combat and prefer to mine or woodcut to make cash which they then use to merch (merchers are useful in my eyes...if we were all too busy training who would be selling the stuff we need?).


    what would be a good idea is those random code generators that you get when you make an email account or summat. you have a pic of some letters and numbers and you have to manually input the code. this would make a good random event in my opinion...monster npc if you fail 3 times or dont input in a certain ammount of time?




    anyways good luck with your ideas on stopping macroers.




    p.s i think i killed a macroer with my pure the other day and it was lvl 40...im pretty sure they were a pure miner as they auto-attacked me back and didnt run, eat, speak, use a weapon, have any armour or anything.


    if your thinking "ZOMG WHY WERE YOU FIGHTING MINERS IN THE WILD?" well my friend the wildy was created to fight (and kill :twisted:) other players and its my (as well as anyone elses) right (, responsibility and pleasure) to kill anyone who comes in the wildy. therefore i dont care what you think.

  16. i too dream of Runescape...


    its a shame that a lot of people who play this game turn into noobs who have nothing better to do than make people feel lame (whether its because they arent hitting high enough or their lvls arent high enough or they havent done such and such a quest...the list is endless) or scam or insult people...


    sometimes it can get quite upsetting and i end up either adding them to my ignore list or turning my public chat off...but why should i have to do that?


    ive never heard of MINICLIP as i got into runescape through my best friend about 9/10 months ago...so i cant make any comment on it.


    like nacht i wish there were more stereotypical RP names around but like someone else said theres only so many names to go around which is why you end up with 1337 names and silly or insulting names.






    "oh and I, being of moderate perspicasity, am fully aware that such an environment is not plausible in any setting let alone one that allows internet animosity."




    i dont think a heaven world or a no noob server would work...you would still have noobs who think they own it and it was made just for them.


    in other words i completly agree :D

  17. PKing is player killing...or in other words killing players.


    the thing to remember about PKing is its harsh, scary, unfair and rewarding all at the same time :D .


    i would recommend getting your attack and strength to 80 and using ancients (youve already realised they own :twisted: ) just be as harsh as you can and you will be fine.


    if your after a "good fight" then go to the duel arena or something...

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