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Posts posted by lokisilath

  1. the quiz event!!! your on a game show sitting in the big leather chair that some of you might recognize as the chair off mastermind. the aim of the event is to click the odd one out of 3 items at the bottom of the screen and is fairly simple and easy. rewards are either a mysterious box (not a puzzle box...looks more like a present to me) or 1000 coins. in my mysterious box i got a cut diamond so the rewards arent too bad.


    anyone else get this event if so what did you get?

  2. ok now ive only been playing 7 months but im now lvl 97 cb (long hours of hard work :D ) i would agree to an extent that i get less decent events now that ive reached a (fairly) but i do get them...i find the key to getting them is just do the same thing for a few hours everyday...tell you what though i find that events are things you really want when you havent had one but if you get them a lot they become very annoying...ive had 26 frog events and now i cant stand them.

  3. 1. i have been f2p for 6 months and i was a member for a month so im not sure i completely applie to this (although i am currently f2p) i havent got members because i have parents who object to me paying to play rs (something i think a lot of people can relate to)




    2. oh yes...yes indeed




    3. i should be getting members in june so im using the time to get my attk to 80 my fishing to 80 and my cooking to 80...currently 79 attk 76 fishing and 76 cooking.

  4. ok what you did was nice (well done etc etc) but isnt the whole point of rs to get your own items through hard work and training, merching, skill building etc? if you need to resort to asking (or begging) to get your stuff then why are you playing? thats just my personal opinion on things.

  5. I'm at school browsing the forums on a mac lap top (iccckkkk saveme!)


    So I can't do it. I can't even play runescape because of the lack of a right click button. Stupid macs (btw, if you like macs, feel free to flame me :P Frankly, I don't give a hoot)


    i know what you mean!!! i went round a friends house once and was playing some rs on his mac...gets well annoying. although there is a cure!!! (apart from buying a decent computer hahaha) go into options and set the number of buttons to 1 (this is now the equivalent of right clicking but on one button) its not amazing but its a lot better than not having a right mouse button at all...


    by the way that egg walk is rather cool. i like using my ring of egg in the wildy to pk...you cant beat an egg...unless you use a whisk or something lol.

  6. I thought I remembered seeing a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference somewhere, but I don't remember exactly what it was or who said it.




    Pirate city of Mos le'Harmless




    hahahahahaha thats well good...sums up the planet in a nutshell really.

  7. I thought I remembered seeing a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference somewhere, but I don't remember exactly what it was or who said it.


    my friend on rs has a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy name so maybe you saw him (thx4thefish) or maybe you saw his lvl 3 scout (ta4thefish)


    if it wasnt a player you saw then im gonna have do a fair bit of exploring as im a pretty big hitchikers fan.


    now as a tool fan i find miss schism pretty funny (oposite the bank in draynor) and for all of you who are going what?! schism is a tool song...

  8. woah ive only been playing 7 months (look me up on high scores its nutty :D ) but looking at this i got a lot of catching up to do...


    what about merlin? wasnt he some uber mage back in the day? i dont know personally but my friends who got me into rs have been playing since the good ol rsc days and they told me there was some guy called merlin (dont know the spelling as this was found out by word of mouth) who was apparently the best mage in the game. anyone know who im talking about?

  9. yeah tis cool when that happens...


    i like it when im meleeing and i lag (ok i know that sounds wrong but keep reading and ill explain) and then i get covered in 0s and what i was attking gets covered in hits from 11-24 and dies...its a nice sight to see. ill try and take a screen shot next time.

  10. ok this event is a bit old now but when it first dropped i went straight to the ice caves and slaughtered ice giants...got full zombie and emotes in a few days of training. now to answer all the questions i saw (if these have already been answered then i apologise)


    1. how do i get gravedigger?!


    you bury bones and leo will turn up eventually




    2. what do i get from gravedigger?!


    you get zombie clothes (shirt, boots, trousers, gloves and a mask) and 2 emotes (zombie walk and zombie dance)




    3. when i have all the gravedigger items will i still get gravedigger events?!


    yes...yes you will. but instead of getting more clothes you get 500gp




    4. why cant i use emotes in gravedigger?!


    well its so you cant run around...at least thats my theory


    if you know your rs as well as i do then you will know theres a keyboard shortcut to run so you can run when you cant get into your emotes screen...sly to the max




    5.whats this magical shortcut?!


    ah thats a secret (press and hold ctrl and click where you want to run)




    ok i hope that answered all your questions on the gravedigger event...anymore just send me a pm and ill reply when i can.

  11. this is the 5 things i want to see added to f2p




    1. more bank space!!! im tired of having to alch stuff to make more room...


    2. team capes in the wildy...yes people do pk on f2p but it should be made a lot better.


    3. some new higher lvl monsters. lesser and greater demons are all well and good but they get far too crowded.


    4. more friends space for f2p lol. this goes back to my earlier point about pking you need more space for a clan and friends.


    5. f2p high scores!!! if you dont have any members lvls you should be on the f2p high scores. this means people who put a lot of time and effort in on the ol' f2p get some credit...i wonder who f2ps version of zezima is? ive heard its mendark 9 and ive seen him in fally but is there anyone higher? who knows till we get f2p high scores eh?




    now this is a list of things that i would like to see in f2p but at the same time i know that jagex want people to be members they put in a lot of hard work and effort into rs so people become members so making f2p as amazing as members would be a silly thing for them to do. but i think the 5 things ive listed would encourage more people to join members as they would have a better idea of what there is in members.


    also it means people who cant afford to play members but love rs all the same arent penalized for not having supportive jobs or parents that pay for members lol.


    im getting members in june and i cant wait to get off f2p...although i love rs f2p is a hassle. i dont want to see it get easier but some well thought out improvements would mean that it stays a challenge but people can have a lot more fun.

  12. ok this might be old news to most of you but me and my friend were discussing the gods of runescape and he told me that zaros killed zamorak...now to me this sounds a bit weird...cool but weird.


    is there any truth in this or is my friend making this up?


    also this new god thats turned up who is apparently more evil than zaros (how?!) anyone got any ideas on what this might mean for runescape? (any ideas at all?)


    also while we are on the subject are there any gods that people think there should be...like a god of pking or something.

  13. oh my...something harsher than ancients? this could be interesting...


    as a f2p player (boo hiss!!!) im not really gonna be very affected by this new god...however i will be paying my dues and getting members so this news is both a blessing and a curse as till now my main fear was coming across some ancient only itching to blow my brave fighter to itty bitty peices...however if following this new god might give me the power to lay waste to my enemies then im all for it :D .


    now i can already hear most of you shouting at this post "but its fiction!!! its made up!!! no one can beat my ancienty goodness!!" well yeah im willing to accept that if its the case...but runescape has to constantly change in order for people to keep playing...i mean look at the almost daily updates and new quests etc etc...something is coming to runescape and when it does...who knows?

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