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Everything posted by Serizzim

  1. 1. There are people with older requests than you, I am doing theirs first. 2. You posted... what, 2 hours ago? Patience pl0x? 3. I am doing these in my own free time this isnt my job. Sorry, but I am sick of people telling me to do their signature. Some people have been waiting over a day, sometimes 2 days. Why don't you try reading? I said I am not in hurry I just want to know if you are going to make. I want to be sure I get the sig, I don't care if it takes a day, week or month.
  2. cadburys, no offense but I would like to know if you are making the sig of mine or I should order somewhere else? Its not that im in hurry I just need to know if I get or not... Don't want to be 50% sure about it.
  3. Hmm ok, I will do it. Type of sig: Abstract... Colours: Around orange, yellow, red... Something exotic just not pink lol. Render: None, just want an image of Phoenix... Maybe 2 Phoenix on each side? Hmm... Border: Just do 1px black... Name: Serizzim Tagline ( :P ): in small text: proud member of Phoenix Riders Font: Something similar to the font in sig no. 4 by Goldwolflord Thank you...
  4. :( Like the last event for me its 3 am. I can't come... (Tip.It crew, try making some other time for the next one, something more... possible? If you always do the same then some people can never join but if you change times at each event maybe everybody can participate somewhere? It would make some people happy even if they could only do one sort of event...)
  5. A request for you... I would need a phoenix sig, size so that it fits Tip.It forum. On the sig I just need 2 things: somewhere in middle let it say Serizzim and under it in small text proud member of Phoenix Riders. Thank you a lot. :D Try getting the text so it fits nice to image. THANK YOU! With regards - Serizzim
  6. As in the title says, I need a logo for my clan and I would realy appreciate any help. The clan name is Phoenix Riders Here is the description: On the logo, there should be 2 phoenix on each side. In middle there should say Phoenix Riders and the background should be something to look good next to other colors, I would appreciate if the colors would be around here: orange, red, yellow, black. If possible, I would appreciate if i could get the logo in 2 sizes: 300 x 45 and 764 x 110 BTW: I would also need one with white background but not neececery. HELP APRECIATED. As you all know, it is illegal to trade real world items for Runescape items so because of it I can't pay. The only thing I can offer for it is any help you may need by any thing. Feel free to PM me in-game if you need anything... :P RS Name: Serizzim
  7. correct me if im wrong but wasnt jesus the one who died? anyway no i dont beleive, i honestly cant beleive something that is so unrealistic and insane. people who are very religious actually make me mad knowing that there are people who beleive in something with all their heart not knowing if it even exists. I think more people "want" to beleive than actually do they want to beleive that people that they knew or loved or whatever, are in a better place and they want to beleive that when they die they will be accepted into that better place also. and i would type more but i really dont want to so... i dont beleive, and i beleive no one else should beleive...did that make sense? There is one God: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. This is all one. Incorrect. God is a sacred form of supernatural being that created the world. I do not belive it was made up by human but it is very much possible so I say another thing. The human made up (if) God because they got no answers for: How? Why? When? Who? Even in the history, there are proofs that human kind workshipped god because they didn't knew how what happened. Lets say in a viliage there will be a storm that will destroy many plants buildings and other alike. They belived this is the anger of God.
  8. Coungratulations for getting that answers. As many people did to, I though he is a PC maniac. Also there was one thing. Now that he told about himself I hope there will be less lies like: "Zezima is my older bro, he is going to kill u in wildy if u dont give me free items." With regards - Serizzim
  9. Well first of all, I would like to tell I belive in God but not fully. There are many different faiths and they all tell us, God/s created the world. Maybe they think of something else? Never though of this? When we take a look back to the ancient Rome we shall see that they named the gods after the planets, they surely didn't done it without a reason. Also, what if the God is mother earth herself? What if the air we breath, the trees we look each days, what if this are the God/s we speak of? In the Holy Bible, they say, god created human by his own shape. The Christians belive in a spirit, a ghost, that is called soul. This is in every human, and this is the shape of us and the shape of god. Many people don't realise in what some people belive. They look but don't see. They watch a human but only see body. They are blind. Look within. There is a soul, an immortal one and this is the true god. Everything is possible, you just need to wish it and belive that you can succed. There are no miracles that some say like first be sick then healed in a minute. This is not done by God. This is the work of human belief. If you want it and if you got the will to live, you shall be healed. Now for the finish, I would like to ask a question to everyone. I don't need the answers, think for yourself. Who are you? Thank you for reading. With regards - Serizzim :wink:
  10. Nice article, read through. Would be nice if some new quests, creatures, spells, prayer weapons, armor and other things would come related to this god. *About the other RuneScape gods: Myself I'm sick of the evil, good and balanced thing, something new need to come.* :P
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