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Everything posted by NeXiLe

  1. :( I'm not trying to say I'm happy cause it's worth alot or anything because it's not. I was just happy that not a very nice guy (like half the people on rs) had the same thing happen to them after me. I left out alot of conversation cause he just went on about useless things. you'd probably understand a little more if I wrote out what was said when I came back asking him nicely to sell my things back to me. You don't have to be so negative though:(
  2. Going to tell you a quick story. I was out just doing loads of drags at 22 wild above the graveyard, one of the times I was heading out, a 96 who was pking rcers tried to pk me, I ran back to bank to grab my stuff to attempt to maybe get something from him but he was gone by the time I was back. so I decided I'd go back to the bank and goto the dragons again. While killing the dragons, I read these forums as usual. suddenly I stopped hearing the dragon being hit and went to rs to pick up hides and bones. It was then I realized I had forgotten my shield and died:( No big deal, all I lost was a berzerker helm, glory ammy, ring of life and my zammy cape (which is just a pain even though it's free:p That's happened twice before (must be pretty forgetful!) And I've made it back with the help of a super energy pot each time and I knew nobody else was killing dragons so I'd probably be ok. I was wrong. when I got there, there was a lvl 64 saying "I just got some wicked stuff" I told him it was mine and said "can I please buy it off you?" he tried to get me to buy the helm back for 100k so I just said nevermind and teled and sat in the bank I have about 20 more rings of life and 10 more glories so I didn't really care but I didn't want to stand in the bank saying "buying berserker helm" for the next 10 minutes but I did so anyways. Eventually I got it. Decided I'd go back to the dragons and quickly make the money back I lost and perhaps trash talk the lvl 64 a bit since I couldn't pk him, 30 levels above:( When I got there, I noticed a new pile of items. I could tell they were his, his range gear was in it.. quickly grabbed the decent items (ring of wealth and rune boots) and some arrows and some other things. Sure enough, 20 seconds later he comes running up and I say "karma. if you'd have helped me out, I'd have helped you out" and then he started saying how I was a hypocrit because I wasn't going to give or sell him his stuff back for cheap. Anyways, I really am a nice guy and will usually give most things back if you're killed by a monster unless it's really expensive, then maybe I'll just ask for a bit of money for it (I don't think that's greedy if I ask 100k for an item worth 1m or something) But that guy wasn't nice to me so I wouldn't be nice to him:D made me happy though.. Just thought I'd share, sorry for the long read. More detail = better story. Didn't originally think it would be this long.
  3. Haha that happened to me.. (without the story) I was killing drags in 22 wild and a lvl 100 mage came up and tele blocked and then traded and said "here" and gave me 4 mystic tops and I was like yay? and my friend beside me kept telling me to drop them after I was running away but I didn't know why until after.. I made it out of the wild with 4 new mystic tops:]
  4. Agreed. I used to auto.. picked flax each night, got about 7k flax overnight, everynight for quite a while.. made alot of money doing that, never sold it on ebay.. thought about it but didn't. Anyways, I could have easily paid for multiple memberships over 1 night. Don't freak out at me for autoing, I never did anything with the money and that was about 2 years ago, got perma banned (as I deserved) and started a new (completely legit) account:p Don't hate me:( :P just trying to show proof
  5. Don't worry, I'm not one of those nerds that sits on the computer playing games all day, I would have been doing other things if there was an inside party around because it was raining/hailing like mad all day:p
  6. blah, I can't stand it. I could go for another couple hours but I'm too tired of this, gotten pked 3 times but also pked 3 hehe:] came so close to alot more.. anyways, only 39 but I'll be 44 tomorrow for sure.. I knew I wasn't patient enough:(
  7. Heh, the essence isn't a problem. And yes I'm doing abyss rcing. Currently level 38, should be higher but I had to pk someone who pked my glory ammy while I was rcing;\ got full mystic though! So now I bring a prayer pot with me because the abyss thing skulls you and drains your prayer so people get what you have:O so I bring a pray pot to protect my glory but can still lose my rune axe:( Anyways, the small and medium sized pouches seem to help alot! took me a while to get them though;\ Cya later! Btw, if anyone wants to know my long term goals >> 85 magic.. going to craft all my natures and fletch all my bows (while buying supplies) that way I won't be losing 13m or whatever it would cost heh Bought the logs to get me 70 fletching and then after I'm 70 fletching and 44 runecrafting, I can start the making and high alching of 45676 yew longbows which will also get me 65 rune crafting and 93 fletching. That's going to take a while, go me! I imagine this runecrafting would be pretty hard if I didn't have the 10 glories to tele back to edgeville:p makes things alot nicer:]
  8. Currently lvl 35, only about 3800 more chaos to craft till 44=D
  9. I didn't know buying things because you don't have time to fish 500 shark to last you a few days is considered lazy.
  10. Thanks alot, you made me cry. 29 RC atm, still going;o
  11. Hmm, I don't think it's too expensive at all. Here in Canada, it's $7.30 or something. Minimum wage around here is $8 per hour so if you work 1 horu at minimum wage, you have members for a month, that's how I think about it.
  12. Sorry but: The day I celebrate my birthday, anyone elses birthday or have my best friend be on an internet game will be the day..... nvm, that day will never happen.
  13. I always thought it would be cool to be but I'm most definately not. Later on once you get alot of money, you realize instead of fishing your 1k lobs you could buy 1k, and make the money for 5k lobs back in the time you could have fished them. Maybe that's just me, good luck staying that way!
  14. Heh, well I have nothing to do today so like I said, I can probably just nerd out:p Wish me luck;]
  15. think I can do it?:x I figure if I nerd in the day and then do some abyss once it's later and I'm past 35 rc, I'll be able to do it. Has anyone else done it in 1 day? my only accomplishment is 56 agility in 2 days haha current level: 25;\
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